- May 7, 2019
- 38
- 37
Here are some thoughts you might consider, regarding "Losing your Faith"...... and if your bible is near by..........
Here is the reality... > Your Faith does not save you.
God SAVED you through your Faith.
Big difference.
Vital Distinction.
So, falling away from it after you are SAVED, basically does nothing but allow God and others to esteem you as a backslider.
This person is a sheep who is off the main path but they are not a "LOST" sheep, as they were previously found by Jesus's Blood and redeemed.
There are a lot of Christian sheep who are no where near the path of Light, yet they are all Children of the Light.
There is no verse in the NT that says....>"ok, you fell out of Christ".
And that is because you can't.
You are "bone of Jesus Christ's bones, and flesh of Jesus Christ's flesh".
"ONE"...>"In Christ".
"As Jesus is so are the born again in this world".... right now.
"seated in heavenly placed, IN CHRIST....right now".
And a backslidden (Christian) says,"" but, i downloaded porn yesterday, and today i stole money from my mother's bank account, and tomorrow im going to fornicate with my stepson again after he's back from Church."""
And this person, who is saved, yet doing all this..... is going to suffer down here.
Not today, as sentence against sin, "reaping and sowing", is coming...but it does not happen the day you sin.....but its COMING.... So this person is going to HURT for what they are doing........its coming.........."Sowing and Reaping".
This is explained by Ecclesiastes 8:11
Its explained by the "long-suffering (Patience) of God.
However.....Paul details it the same.. = that if they dont turn from their "works OF the flesh", repent..... and get back into the righteous walk, then they will "reap what they have sown", be "chastened of God" over and over, and if that won't make them stop, they will , over time, lose everything, except for their Salvation.
Family, job, money, friends, lifestyle .GONE.....and then they will get sick, and then they will die. Romans 8:13
As THAT is the final result of SIN, (sinning), as a believer, and continuing to LIVE IN IT.
Seems fair...
But, what is also a fact, is that this born again person, wont suffer in eternity for those sins, because Jesus has already died for all of them, on a Cross, on Earth.
We as BIBLE believers are to understand that in Eternity, in Heaven, the only Sin that God evaluates, to evaluate you, is the one that rejected the Cross.
This is the unpardonable sin., as if you do this one, then you prevent the Cross from taking your sin,.....and you die "un-pardoned".....= the un-pardonable....sin. = Christ Rejection.
This is actually choosing to go to Hell.
Bad choice.
See.....Its only a Christ Rejector......it only THIS sin, that is alone dealt with In Heaven, in Revelation 20:11. Great White Throne.
Believers die and meet Christ because we Trusted Him on EARTH, but if you didn't, then you dont meet Christ as your Savior, you only meet the JUDGE who Sent Jesus here, and you Rejected Him. And now God will reject YOU.......= Hell .... = THE LAKE OF FIRE !
So, if you are not saved, and you are reading this... please do not reject Christ and meet God as you Judge.
Please don't do that.
Received Jesus, Trust in Jesus..... kneel at the Cross and receive the LOVE of God.... End up happy in Heaven, and eternally so.
Down here, on earth, a believer's bad behavior is dealt with by THE LAW OF... "reaping and sowing".
And God will also correct a born again believer, .. Hebrews 12:6...and will anyway.
Most Christians have not been taught all this basic NT understanding, but, i just told you, Saints...so, if this is not what you have known before........now you do.
The born again meet God as their Father.
The unsaved, meet God as their Judge.
On earth, all meet "reaping and sowing" for sin or "works of the flesh"..., so, be sure your deeds are not the type that are going to harvest a season of pain in your life.
It will come for you, if you do.
Your sin will find you out, and it will HURT YOU when it finds you.
See, we as humans, we want to judge how WE see it.
(self righteousness)
But God's ways are higher then ours, as in as high as Heaven is from the earth, is how differently God's thinks and behaves, as compared to how we would try to do the same.
WE, as humans, can't even grasp how a holy God would come to earth and die for the UNGODLY.
So, that is why, many believers can't stand the fact that God's Grace continues to be the same, for people who are born again,, but who don't live a holy life.
What we want to think about them, is that they deserve hell.
Thats how we feel....
That's our flesh. That is how it reacts, against the Grace of God, at times.
The more of a legalist you are, the more you will have these types of feelings and beliefs.
The more you are like Jesus, the less of them, will you have.
But God does not see it OUR way. He only sees HIS OWN as "through the Blood".
Our flesh rebels at this........but that is not How God responds to THEM.
They are His Blood bought Children, and He does not love them less because they are horrible people.
He saved them knowing they would turn out to be rotten stinking Christians.
But Christians they are, and to HIM they belong, as "new BIRTH", as the Blood Atonement.....decided this for them.
To God, ALL sin is pardoned on the CROSS and offered as SALVATION.
In fact, that He does not charge you for yours, as Christ has already died for them ALL,
is explained in this NT verse. Romans 4:8.
If you reader, have not studied this verse deeply, then you are lacking even a shallow understanding of Grace.
And you need to study this one also..... Hebrews 13:9.
AS if you don't follow that one, early in your born again "babe in Christ" experience, then you'll end up as a devout Legalist on a forum like this one at some point teaching Galatians 1:8.
So, sgain....about "losing Faith"....
A weak analogy would be : a marriage contract.
Say you are married, and your wife or husband hates you.
Hates you......Despises you.....and wished you would die....they wish you were dead.
Well, do their feelings and attitude and "heart condition" and "words" .... end the marriage?
NO < because there is a contract that overrides their hate and words.
So, its the same with the Blood of Jesus...It overrides all we do wrong, after we are saved, including what we SAY or DO.
""where SIN Abounds (in the LIFE OF A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN), .. GRACE more abounds".
"God who began your salvation in you, will HIMSELF be FAITHFUL to COMPLETE it".
Philippians 1:6
"Jesus is the author and FINISHER of your FAITH"
Hebrews 12:2
In other words, you can't out-sin Grace.
Many try it, but it can't be done.
You can only "fall away" from it, and become what Paul is describing in Galatians.
""are you so FOOLISH< (that you use to Trust Christ to keep you saved) , but now you are gone BACK into the (flesh) worrying about the 10 commandments, and the law, and lifestyle, as the WAY you keep yourself saved"?
You are FALLEN.......(gotten away from),........"Fallen from GRACE."
This is the Legalist.
So, understand that "holding onto your faith", is not principally different then keeping the 10 commandments, regarding its inability to save you or keep you saved.
A person says......"but my faith is what saved me".
And the NT says...."no, God saved you, through your faith".
And Jesus said while ON the Cross, "it if finished".
A believer says.... "ummm, well, ok, faith does not save me, it's God through the Blood of Jesus who SAVED me.....I see, BUT....what if i fall out of faith". ?????
What if you do?
What if you don't.
This does not stipulate or control or condemn the redemption that has happened to you.
"New Birth".
"New Creation IN CHRIST".
Faith does not do this, it only allows GOD TO DO IT TO YOU, FOR YOU, through your Faith.
ITS DONE. .... if you are born again.
Ok, well, there are Legalists that hate this understanding.
They will hate my entire Post.
They hate it, because it does not allow them to feel they are saving themselves, and that of course, is their problem.
Their legalism has replaced real FAITH In Christ ALONE... and so, Now they have resorted to faith in their faith, or its faith in their works.,, or both.
This is Legalism.
Legalism is literally a person climbing up on the Cross in their self effort to keep themselves SAVED.
The legalist, has replace Jesus with > SELF Faith< (what i have to DO)... to TRY to KEEP themselves saved.
Thats their issue.
This is the issue of Legalism.
Paul wrote all about this, in Galatians.
Find a lot more about it there.......
So, It really does come down to one realization.
Its not what you trusted to SAVE YOU< but its what you are trusting to KEEP YOU SAVED.....is the issue.
AS right here is where a legalist "falls from Grace", and into "self saving."
This is why the legalist can't talk about the Cross, can't talk about Grace, can't talk about the Blood of Jesus with joy or deep understanding...... and how could they?... They can only talk about THEIR savior...which is themselves, trying not to "lose it"....and here comes their list of "do's and don't does to keep themselves saved.
...........10 commandments, overcoming, enduring to the end, the Law, lifestyle, holding unto their faith... and their "saving myself" list just keeps going and going, ...........
And what is not on their list, is the Cross or Jesus or the Blood.
So, that is the Legalist.
They are "fallen from Grace".
Grace no longer has a part in their redemption, in THEIR Mind, but in God's perspective these are just people who lost the light and pride kept it turned off .
If they were born again, then this is unchanged.......and thank God for that.
Plz see Pt II,..... If interested.
Here is the reality... > Your Faith does not save you.
God SAVED you through your Faith.
Big difference.
Vital Distinction.
So, falling away from it after you are SAVED, basically does nothing but allow God and others to esteem you as a backslider.
This person is a sheep who is off the main path but they are not a "LOST" sheep, as they were previously found by Jesus's Blood and redeemed.
There are a lot of Christian sheep who are no where near the path of Light, yet they are all Children of the Light.
There is no verse in the NT that says....>"ok, you fell out of Christ".
And that is because you can't.
You are "bone of Jesus Christ's bones, and flesh of Jesus Christ's flesh".
"ONE"...>"In Christ".
"As Jesus is so are the born again in this world".... right now.
"seated in heavenly placed, IN CHRIST....right now".
And a backslidden (Christian) says,"" but, i downloaded porn yesterday, and today i stole money from my mother's bank account, and tomorrow im going to fornicate with my stepson again after he's back from Church."""
And this person, who is saved, yet doing all this..... is going to suffer down here.
Not today, as sentence against sin, "reaping and sowing", is coming...but it does not happen the day you sin.....but its COMING.... So this person is going to HURT for what they are doing........its coming.........."Sowing and Reaping".
This is explained by Ecclesiastes 8:11
Its explained by the "long-suffering (Patience) of God.
However.....Paul details it the same.. = that if they dont turn from their "works OF the flesh", repent..... and get back into the righteous walk, then they will "reap what they have sown", be "chastened of God" over and over, and if that won't make them stop, they will , over time, lose everything, except for their Salvation.
Family, job, money, friends, lifestyle .GONE.....and then they will get sick, and then they will die. Romans 8:13
As THAT is the final result of SIN, (sinning), as a believer, and continuing to LIVE IN IT.
Seems fair...
But, what is also a fact, is that this born again person, wont suffer in eternity for those sins, because Jesus has already died for all of them, on a Cross, on Earth.
We as BIBLE believers are to understand that in Eternity, in Heaven, the only Sin that God evaluates, to evaluate you, is the one that rejected the Cross.
This is the unpardonable sin., as if you do this one, then you prevent the Cross from taking your sin,.....and you die "un-pardoned".....= the un-pardonable....sin. = Christ Rejection.
This is actually choosing to go to Hell.
Bad choice.
See.....Its only a Christ Rejector......it only THIS sin, that is alone dealt with In Heaven, in Revelation 20:11. Great White Throne.
Believers die and meet Christ because we Trusted Him on EARTH, but if you didn't, then you dont meet Christ as your Savior, you only meet the JUDGE who Sent Jesus here, and you Rejected Him. And now God will reject YOU.......= Hell .... = THE LAKE OF FIRE !
So, if you are not saved, and you are reading this... please do not reject Christ and meet God as you Judge.
Please don't do that.
Received Jesus, Trust in Jesus..... kneel at the Cross and receive the LOVE of God.... End up happy in Heaven, and eternally so.
Down here, on earth, a believer's bad behavior is dealt with by THE LAW OF... "reaping and sowing".
And God will also correct a born again believer, .. Hebrews 12:6...and will anyway.
Most Christians have not been taught all this basic NT understanding, but, i just told you, Saints...so, if this is not what you have known before........now you do.
The born again meet God as their Father.
The unsaved, meet God as their Judge.
On earth, all meet "reaping and sowing" for sin or "works of the flesh"..., so, be sure your deeds are not the type that are going to harvest a season of pain in your life.
It will come for you, if you do.
Your sin will find you out, and it will HURT YOU when it finds you.
See, we as humans, we want to judge how WE see it.
(self righteousness)
But God's ways are higher then ours, as in as high as Heaven is from the earth, is how differently God's thinks and behaves, as compared to how we would try to do the same.
WE, as humans, can't even grasp how a holy God would come to earth and die for the UNGODLY.
So, that is why, many believers can't stand the fact that God's Grace continues to be the same, for people who are born again,, but who don't live a holy life.
What we want to think about them, is that they deserve hell.
Thats how we feel....
That's our flesh. That is how it reacts, against the Grace of God, at times.
The more of a legalist you are, the more you will have these types of feelings and beliefs.
The more you are like Jesus, the less of them, will you have.
But God does not see it OUR way. He only sees HIS OWN as "through the Blood".
Our flesh rebels at this........but that is not How God responds to THEM.
They are His Blood bought Children, and He does not love them less because they are horrible people.
He saved them knowing they would turn out to be rotten stinking Christians.
But Christians they are, and to HIM they belong, as "new BIRTH", as the Blood Atonement.....decided this for them.
To God, ALL sin is pardoned on the CROSS and offered as SALVATION.
In fact, that He does not charge you for yours, as Christ has already died for them ALL,
is explained in this NT verse. Romans 4:8.
If you reader, have not studied this verse deeply, then you are lacking even a shallow understanding of Grace.
And you need to study this one also..... Hebrews 13:9.
AS if you don't follow that one, early in your born again "babe in Christ" experience, then you'll end up as a devout Legalist on a forum like this one at some point teaching Galatians 1:8.
So, sgain....about "losing Faith"....
A weak analogy would be : a marriage contract.
Say you are married, and your wife or husband hates you.
Hates you......Despises you.....and wished you would die....they wish you were dead.
Well, do their feelings and attitude and "heart condition" and "words" .... end the marriage?
NO < because there is a contract that overrides their hate and words.
So, its the same with the Blood of Jesus...It overrides all we do wrong, after we are saved, including what we SAY or DO.
""where SIN Abounds (in the LIFE OF A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN), .. GRACE more abounds".
"God who began your salvation in you, will HIMSELF be FAITHFUL to COMPLETE it".
Philippians 1:6
"Jesus is the author and FINISHER of your FAITH"
Hebrews 12:2
In other words, you can't out-sin Grace.
Many try it, but it can't be done.
You can only "fall away" from it, and become what Paul is describing in Galatians.
""are you so FOOLISH< (that you use to Trust Christ to keep you saved) , but now you are gone BACK into the (flesh) worrying about the 10 commandments, and the law, and lifestyle, as the WAY you keep yourself saved"?
You are FALLEN.......(gotten away from),........"Fallen from GRACE."
This is the Legalist.
So, understand that "holding onto your faith", is not principally different then keeping the 10 commandments, regarding its inability to save you or keep you saved.
A person says......"but my faith is what saved me".
And the NT says...."no, God saved you, through your faith".
And Jesus said while ON the Cross, "it if finished".
A believer says.... "ummm, well, ok, faith does not save me, it's God through the Blood of Jesus who SAVED me.....I see, BUT....what if i fall out of faith". ?????
What if you do?
What if you don't.
This does not stipulate or control or condemn the redemption that has happened to you.
"New Birth".
"New Creation IN CHRIST".
Faith does not do this, it only allows GOD TO DO IT TO YOU, FOR YOU, through your Faith.
ITS DONE. .... if you are born again.
Ok, well, there are Legalists that hate this understanding.
They will hate my entire Post.
They hate it, because it does not allow them to feel they are saving themselves, and that of course, is their problem.
Their legalism has replaced real FAITH In Christ ALONE... and so, Now they have resorted to faith in their faith, or its faith in their works.,, or both.
This is Legalism.
Legalism is literally a person climbing up on the Cross in their self effort to keep themselves SAVED.
The legalist, has replace Jesus with > SELF Faith< (what i have to DO)... to TRY to KEEP themselves saved.
Thats their issue.
This is the issue of Legalism.
Paul wrote all about this, in Galatians.
Find a lot more about it there.......
So, It really does come down to one realization.
Its not what you trusted to SAVE YOU< but its what you are trusting to KEEP YOU SAVED.....is the issue.
AS right here is where a legalist "falls from Grace", and into "self saving."
This is why the legalist can't talk about the Cross, can't talk about Grace, can't talk about the Blood of Jesus with joy or deep understanding...... and how could they?... They can only talk about THEIR savior...which is themselves, trying not to "lose it"....and here comes their list of "do's and don't does to keep themselves saved.
...........10 commandments, overcoming, enduring to the end, the Law, lifestyle, holding unto their faith... and their "saving myself" list just keeps going and going, ...........
And what is not on their list, is the Cross or Jesus or the Blood.
So, that is the Legalist.
They are "fallen from Grace".
Grace no longer has a part in their redemption, in THEIR Mind, but in God's perspective these are just people who lost the light and pride kept it turned off .
If they were born again, then this is unchanged.......and thank God for that.
Plz see Pt II,..... If interested.
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