First of of, in the foreknowledge of God, the devil was never "white'.
This is why your BIBLE tells you that Satan was a "murder from the >beginning<" and the "father of the lie".
Jesus even says that there was no "truth in him".
I dont want to stretch your cranium too much, but you might consider him the father of a "type".
John 8:44.
This "type" is an unbeliever, a lost person.
Just as "God is love"....the devil is the opposite.
He is real, and he is the essence of unrighteousness, just as God is the Essence of righteousness.
Where God is "love", and from this love you have semantical ideas and concepts regarding the fruit of what God is......truth, peace, hope, compassion, honesty, pity, grace, tenderness, forgiveness......all these words are parts of the semantical understanding of what the very essence of the Love of God is all Love is the divine essence of God, you then find the opposite essence in the Devil, who as the god of this word is the God of hateful lust, and within this essence you find the descriptive semantics ..... murder, dishonesty- deception, manipulation, lack of conscience, habitual wrong doing, pride.
You find these works of the flesh in your Adamic nature, and that is why you do things you have to confess.
Your Adamic nature was not changed by your Salvation, it was only made more sensitive in your conscience, and the reason you are able to deal with it, most of the time, is because "greater is he that is in you then HE that is in the world"..
So, who do you think that "he" is?....thats in the world?
Be glad your salvation is dependent on what Christ did for you on the cross and never dependent on your behavior after you are saved.
This is the "gift of Righteousness".
And had you not this gift, you would be doomed.