I am in the process of studing the "The Glory of God"...what is it? How is it manifested today?
We cannot separate God from His Glory..when He shows up so does His glory.
My word search for glory led me to over 350 times it is used in the Bible...that would tell me it is pretty important! I see His eternal glory..and a manifestation oh His glory..
A word picture that was discribed to me...
Think of the sun and the sun's light. The eternal glory is like the sun..to bright and powerful for us to encounter directly or even look upon. But the sun's light manifests itself to us in different ways..it illuminates darkness, reveals objects around us..gives us sunsets and sunrises..it warms us..tans our skin. Everywhere the sun goes , the sun's light goes..but the sun light is not the sun itself! So the light we experience from the sun is a manifestation of the sun.
God manifest his glory in creation..but his eternal glory was before the creation.( John 17:5)
God's eternal glory is the light that God is..(1 John 1:5)
Strongs dictionary describes glory as.."abundance, honor, glory, riches, wealth, splendor"
The New Testament "doxa" ...God's glory..His brightness, praise, majesty and honor.
The Old Testament "Kabod" related to the word "Kabed"..means " to be heavy".
To sum it up..God's glory has weight, importance, value and worth~
Jesus shares the same eternal glory and honor as God the Father..(1 Peter 4:11)
So what are some ways that we see his manifestation of His Glory?
We cannot separate God from His Glory..when He shows up so does His glory.
My word search for glory led me to over 350 times it is used in the Bible...that would tell me it is pretty important! I see His eternal glory..and a manifestation oh His glory..
A word picture that was discribed to me...
Think of the sun and the sun's light. The eternal glory is like the sun..to bright and powerful for us to encounter directly or even look upon. But the sun's light manifests itself to us in different ways..it illuminates darkness, reveals objects around us..gives us sunsets and sunrises..it warms us..tans our skin. Everywhere the sun goes , the sun's light goes..but the sun light is not the sun itself! So the light we experience from the sun is a manifestation of the sun.
God manifest his glory in creation..but his eternal glory was before the creation.( John 17:5)
God's eternal glory is the light that God is..(1 John 1:5)
Strongs dictionary describes glory as.."abundance, honor, glory, riches, wealth, splendor"
The New Testament "doxa" ...God's glory..His brightness, praise, majesty and honor.
The Old Testament "Kabod" related to the word "Kabed"..means " to be heavy".
To sum it up..God's glory has weight, importance, value and worth~
Jesus shares the same eternal glory and honor as God the Father..(1 Peter 4:11)
So what are some ways that we see his manifestation of His Glory?