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marrying an unbaptized person




I was born in a hindu faith and for the past few weeks i have been going to assemblies of god church and i have been attending service, bible study classes and i have been schooled in the gospels and bible. I'm a believer now and i have accepted jesus christ as my saviour. I haven't baptized yet.

My family follows hindu faith and i'm in a relationship with a christian woman. I don't mind baptizing myself in holy spirit but my folks are freaked out and they are asking me not to convert but have no problem in me praying to Jesus Christ. My girlfriend is a devout christian and she loves me a lot but is confused about church wedding.

See i'm a believer and the only issue is that i'm not baptized yet. What are the consequences of marrying a woman in church when am not baptized ? In assemblies of god what will the pastor say and what does the bible say about this ?

Thanks for your time
-sethu deepak
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

The conditional action required on the part of a person to prevent his or her soul from perishing, is that his or her soul must "believeth in Him". The one that you believe in is Jesus Christ. All those that believe in Jesus Christ shall not be turned to ashes at judgment day, but shall have everlasting life. The word "everlasting" is better translated from the Greek text, "eternal", because eternal means "from the very beginning of creation of that soul, into the eons of infinity of time, there is no break".

What this is saying then, is that the person's soul would not die, but will live from the time that their soul was created in that first earth age, in the distant past, through this earth age, and right into eternity. There would never be any spots of void in the life of that soul. This eliminates the pagan worship of "soul sleep", such as those that teach that when you die, your soul stays in the ground until a so-called rapture. Their very tradition will lead them to the Antichrist in a short time ahead.

When you take the word "everlasting" as used in John 3:16, and go to Strong's Greek dictionary, # 166, we find, "Aion", "Perpetual, of past time, present and future, eternal, from beginning without end." If you believe on Christ, then you will never see nor taste of death, even when your soul sheds this decaying flesh body. There will be no soul sleep.

The serpent that Moses placed on the pole was an example to the Israelites to obey God, and they would be given life by their believing and obeying, and there were no side trips to perform. Jesus is telling us that this is exactly as it is with eternal life. The pole that we look to is the cross that Jesus Christ shed His blood on, and when we look to Him and accept that shed blood for our forgiveness, through repentance, then we have eternal life. When Nicodemus was talking with Jesus here, the crucifixion had not taken place, but Nicodemus would be one of the men that would prepare Christ's body for burial.

It is nice to be baptized because Christ was, but that is not what gives the eternal life. There is membership in the church, with all the other dos and don'ts it sets forth, but they have nothing to do with your eternal salvation. What is important is that you look to the cross that God's only begotten Son died upon, and believe on His only begotten Son, and friend, that is where eternal life comes from; believing in Jesus Christ the only begotten Son.

Don't let people rob you of the simplicity of God's Word, it is simply those that believe in Him and repented in Jesus name that shall not perish, but have eternal life.
What are the consequences of marrying a woman in church when am not baptized ?

Some churches will not perform a marriage if either of the couple is not baptized. This has more to do with the rules of the church or denomination than it has to do with what the Bible says. There can be consequences within a church or family that can bring alienation and hurt feelings. However, our eternal fate does not depend on baptism. Consider the thief on the cross. He was not baptized and Jesus told him that he would be in paradise.

The consequences of not being baptized beyond the effects on a specific marriage and circumstance, have more to do with the reason for not being baptized. If a person is rebellious and defiant, he will experience consequences for those characteristics in his life. Not being baptized would only be a symptom of a greater problem and consequences would not come from not being baptized per se, but from the underlying attitude.

If a person is new to Christianity and is reluctant to get baptized solely because everyone is telling him he should, it is understandable that he would need more time to study the scriptures to see if he becomes convinced they this is something the Lord is leading him to do.

The fact the the subject of baptism can be confusing is borne out by the many differing ideas represented by different denominations.

I would have more respect for a person who was baptized because he felt that the Bible exhorted him to make public his declaration of faith in Jesus than for someone who went along with a church requirement.
As one or two have said....some churches will be leary, if not, not be open to the idea of marrying a couple that has one or both parties unbaptised. Though in my mind.....baptism is more the physical symbol or public representation of your displaying your faith and commitment to Christ, to others it is a big thing. For I do feel that living for Jesus and believing in Him does not mean one has to be baptised. Though I will not deny, I am so myself and want to hope to have my children so as well.

Hope you are able to get things settled with your significant other and your family.

May God Bless You

sethudeepak9 said:

I was born in a hindu faith and for the past few weeks i have been going to assemblies of god church and i have been attending service, bible study classes and i have been schooled in the gospels and bible. I'm a believer now and i have accepted jesus christ as my saviour. I haven't baptized yet.

My family follows hindu faith and i'm in a relationship with a christian woman. I don't mind baptizing myself in holy spirit but my folks are freaked out and they are asking me not to convert but have no problem in me praying to Jesus Christ. My girlfriend is a devout christian and she loves me a lot but is confused about church wedding.

See i'm a believer and the only issue is that i'm not baptized yet. What are the consequences of marrying a woman in church when am not baptized ? In assemblies of God what will the pastor say and what does the bible say about this ?

Thanks for your time
-sethu deepak

I don't think there's any punishment. Just my opinion. I haven't read anything in the bible that says otherwise. However, I'm a little illiterate (sp?) when it comes to the bible. I've not read it all. but someday before i die i'd like to :)

I was baptized at age 11 I believe. Awesome experience.

I know this is off topic a bit, but could you all pray for my dog, my nephew and niece, mother, father and brother? My brother hasn't been baptized and he wanted to be baptized in a river.

Sorry if my words don't seem to fit together right... it's my darned psychosis and the meds aren't working.
It's pretty foolish for any Christian to marry someone who won't' get baptized.
Praise God, you have trusted the Lord Jesus to be your Savior!!! I am so excited. Wow, I don't think you need to worry so much about all that right now. How long have you been saved?

The problem is when you ask for advise about something as doctrinal as baptism, on a forum you will get many differing opinions and it may be confusing. Keep seeking God, reading the Bible and God will tell you what to do.

Sometimes when you hear people say God told them to do something, it may be confusing. But He will guide you! The way God guides me (and everyone's relationship with Jesus is different) I will be praying about something, and God will bring a scripture to my mind that I had read earlier, or when I am reading the Bible, a verse I have read a bunch of times will pop out at me, and I will understand what God wants me to do.

I understand you want to respect your family, God may want you to move a little slower for them. Or it may be a bigger witness to get baptized against their wishes. Nobody here can really tell you definitively about this. However you are smart to seek advise from other Christians, and somthing they say in ther post my pop out at you. God uses, the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and His people to speak to His children. Be patient don't do anything until you get a clear answer from God.

Love Kelli
Praise be to God for your being a Christian.

I know it is a few months since the last post on this topic but I find it an interesting situation you find yourself in.

Maybe the question should be: "why would you get baptised in the first place?"

I attend a church where adult baptism is non-existant. Therefore does that mean that every member of our church is not a Christian? I don't think so. You yourself have said you are a Christian in the true sense of the word. So why get baptised? Who would you be doing it for?

For yourself? Your spouse/fiancee? The church?

If the answer is God well, do you really think he minds? The foundation of our faith relies on our acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice/atonement for our sins. Nothing more. To say that your aren't a Christian unless you are baptised is adding a form of works to someone's salvation.

My brother-in-law is a Batptist and was baptised as an adult. He doesnt call our salvation into question because my wife & I aren't baptised any more than we call his into question because he was. I view baptism as more a sign of a public declaration of faith (like confirmation in our church) and therefore a part of any one church's method of worship.

Given your religous and probably ethnic background the whole batptism thing is obviously something of a hot-topic for you and something you are wrestling with. I would suggest that you will know when the right time to get batptised is. Pray about it and Im sure God will make that time clear. It may be next week, next year, next decade.

Best wishes for your life together. :thumb
my answer to you is to search out baptism in the bible. so many people believe different things a dunk sprinkled not baptised, YOu have to do what you feel in your heart God will show you. do not get dragged in to all the do's and don'ts it is written upon your heart. what to do just seek and you will find
that is God's promise