

Only Jesus Christ: the way, the truth, the life!
Catholicism Overseer
Dec 2, 2022
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Martyrs, they died for love of Christ who died for love of them!

Matt 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Matthew 22:32
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

Jn 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

Precious in the sight of the Lord: Is the death of his Saints! Psalm 116:15

Saint Stephen was the first martyr for Christ and the Christian

Saint Antipas was made priest and consecrated bishop by the apostle John! Rev 2:13

Saint Sebastian was shot thru with arrows!

Saint Valentine was a martyr for marrige!

Saint Christopher the Christ bearer!

The first 31 pipes were martyred.

The Virgin-martyrs (most were less than 15 yrs old)

Saint Philomena queen of the virgin-martyrs and patron of the children of Mary! Was a Grecian princess martyred under Diocletian.

Saint Agnes the lamb only 12 years old.

Saint Cecelia patron saint of music.

Saint Lucia

Saint Agatha

Saint Prisca

Saint Ursula and her companions.
And many more: see the Roman martyrology.
Why do Protestant teachers or evangelists never speak of the hero’s of God the saints and martyrs of the new covenant communion of saints, and only speak of Old Testament hero’s like David, Abraham, Moses, Josuha, Daniel, etc. cos all the saints and martyrs of Christ in the new covenant are Catholic!

All you heavenly angels and saints, pray for us!

Queen of the angels and saints, pray for us!

Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation!

Our Lady of mt. Carmel save us or we perish!
There is a good book on this subject as well, called called fauxs (or maybe it's foxes? Some spelling of that word) book of martyrs, have you read it?
Actually now that I think about it, Foxe's is a protestant testament of martyrs, if that is overly divisive I ask that a moderator delete my comments.