thanks. she seems awesome. i couldn't believe she was 86. she said her neighbors smoke reefer, and because the vents are interconnected, her place reeks. awesome. :-( seems that i can quit holding my breath, waiting for my oven to be dealt with, and for the water damage in the 2nd bedroom to be worked on. she said back in the day this place was locally owned and managed. now (I think this is true all over the country...), its owned by some rich people out in California and managed by a big corporation out of Alabama. And yet...
I rather like it here, personally. I mean, so far, so good. It helps that I Have the space all to -myself- and I'm not living in crazy, unrepentant sin. Always a good thing. The other deal is...
people are people, right? Right. Its...interesting, I that the "severe mental illness" is adequately treated, I"m on my own, etc., the past long last, and by God's grace...losing its grip on me, I think. It helps -tremendously- to have my own space and to be out of my hometown, and away from people in that neighborhood who would openly taunt me and such, and...yeah. "nothing personal," "welcome to the real world, " etc.
my parents are -such- good people! im kinda rambling, totally off topic I guess, but...yesterday, they had internet put in my place. the dude was OK, it was kind awkward because there are some dead electrical outlets in the apt., blah blah blah, but...
my parents have gone above and beyond, for -me-, and I"m just now beginning to realize....its --America--. Even parents who can afford to do what mine have done and are doing....often don't....because of economic and social factors. Especially for me...a former wretch, former weakling, former (all kindsa stuff)....God has shown some extreme mercy and love, compassion and pity, kindness and grace...and a lot of it has been thru my (loving, ,kind, long suffering) parents.
OK. I'll wrap this baby