StoveBolts said:
What did you mean by, "Read the end of the book?" Now you've got my curiosity :D
End Time Prophecies
Basically certain events need to happen before Jesus returns.
Zechariah 12
2 "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem.
3 On that day,
when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.
As of now America is one of the only countries that support and defend Israel. It's not a stretch for me to see that relationship change drastically with a Democrat in office. If America abandons Israel the others will follow fairly quickly. In my previous post I mentioned Hillary specifically but any liberal candidate will due as they specifically want Christianity removed from our country.
For all those reading this understand this is just my opinion and how I interpret what I have read. I don't know for sure how or when God will work things out to his glory as only he can know that. I can however hope and pray that it is soon.