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Which one are you?

  • Dispensational Premillennialist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Postmillennialist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Amillenialist

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well, I saw this topic mentioned in one of the other threads and thought it might be interesting to poll and talk about.

A brief review of the varying interpretations....

Dispensational Premillennialism

Christ’s ascension...Church age.......Secret Return of Christ and Resurrection of the Just/Rapture...7-year tribulation…Visible Return of Christ ie Sheep/Goats Judgment........1000 yrs.......Satan’s Little Season...Resurrection of the Unjust/White Throne Judgment...New Heavens and New Earth

Historic Premillenialism

Christ’s ascension...Church Age.............Second Advent and Resurrection of the Just...1000 yrs................Satan’s Little Season...Resurrection of the Unjust/â€ÂWhite Throne Judgmentâ€Â...New Heavens and New Earth


Christ’s ascension...Church age...........1000 yrs.............Satan’s Little Season…Second Advent and Universal Resurrection/Rapture/Universal Judgment…New Heavens and New Earth


Christ’s ascension…Church age (represented by the 1000 yrs.) and Satan’s Little Season...Universal Resurrection/Rapture/Universal Judgment…New Heavens and New Earth
I voted that way too, but...
Secret Return of Christ and Resurrection of the Just/Rapture...7-year tribulation
I don't go for it. Don't believe in a 'secret' rapture and I don't find evidence that the entire seven years is the tribulation.
Vic said:
I voted that way too, but...
Secret Return of Christ and Resurrection of the Just/Rapture...7-year tribulation
I don't go for it. Don't believe in a 'secret' rapture and I don't find evidence that the entire seven years is the tribulation.

I'm with Vic :wink:
Vic said:
I voted that way too, but...
Secret Return of Christ and Resurrection of the Just/Rapture...7-year tribulation
I don't go for it. Don't believe in a 'secret' rapture and I don't find evidence that the entire seven years is the tribulation.

I think people will know when we are raptured.

This is my opinion and I could be wrong.

But I believe people may not understand what took place at the Rapture.

2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

I believe this is when the Holy Spirit's will take away the restraint off the earth. The church not because we are righteous but because we have a special indwelling of the Holy Spirit will leave the earth with the saints at the rapture which is the end of the church age.

The wicked one will be revealed aftere we are gone. (antichrist)

2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: (second coming) on earth not in clouds)

I believe that everyone who has really heard understood and rejected the gospel will be sent "strong delusion" to believe the lie.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

2 Thessalonians 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

How do you guys see it?
How do you guys see it?
Well, I'm post-trib/pre-wrath. I think we will be here when antichrist is revealed but gone by the time God's wrath begins. But this is not the topic at hand. We can discuss this (and have) in one of the many threads in this Forum. That includes who the Restrainer might be. :lol: :wink:
Vic said:
How do you guys see it?
Well, I'm post-trib/pre-wrath. I think we will be here when antichrist is revealed but gone by the time God's wrath begins. But this is not the topic at hand. We can discuss this (and have) in one of the many threads in this Forum. That includes who the Restrainer might be. :lol: :wink:

Ouch, pre wrath. I will check out the threads later. I need to sharpen up my eschatology. :D
Vic said:
Well, I'm post-trib/pre-wrath.

Huh? :o Well I was with Vic until he said that. Post-trib and pre-wrath are two different positions.

I am just Premil/Pre-Wrath.
if Prophesy is for Chrisitians and tongues for the unbeliver and the two Prophets will prophesy who are they gone prophesy to if the' aint no Christians...

and what do we need a temple for if the inside is for us and the outer court for the Gentiles if we arent here and i tell you this they aint gone build it or measure it i think we need to be here for that
Judy said:
Vic said:
Well, I'm post-trib/pre-wrath.

Huh? :o Well I was with Vic until he said that. Post-trib and pre-wrath are two different positions.

I am just Premil/Pre-Wrath.
Would it have helped if I said, "post-persecution/pre-God's wrath"? We both agree that the antichrist's persecution and God's wrath are two seperate events and that the persecution is cut short by the start of God's wrath. So, in that light, I will rename my position, Post-Persecution/Pre-Wrath. :lol:
bibleberean said:
Ouch, pre wrath. I will check out the threads later. I need to sharpen up my eschatology. :D
No need to brush up on eschatology...just read your Bible. :wink:

Lets put it this way...if you are correct, we will be with the Lord that much sooner. If not, have no fear, you can 'hang' with me. I have been known in the past to be able to live 'under the radar', so to speak. LOL! :lol:

Hey, we can sing, "Won't get fooled again" together. 8-)

"Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again"
i dont concider my self to be any of those.

You forgot the preterist and the futurist view personnaly id like to wait and see what happens.

Every body says their view point is the correct one
willow the wip said:
i dont concider my self to be any of those.

Ooh, you're gonna get in trouble for saying that! LOL :P

You forgot the preterist and the futurist view personnaly id like to wait and see what happens.

I don't think anybody forgot at all. They who believe that hven't spoken up yet. And yes, we all will have to wait and see what happens.

Every body says their view point is the correct one

I never said that. If I even implied that, it is because it's how I 'see' it in the Bible.
I believe what the Bible teaches....

Vic said:
I voted that way too, but...
Secret Return of Christ and Resurrection of the Just/Rapture...7-year tribulation
I don't go for it. Don't believe in a 'secret' rapture and I don't find evidence that the entire seven years is the tribulation.

Hi there!


I don't follow the "secret" return of Christ when the church is raptured, and no...the entire seven years is not "tribulations"... for 3 and one-half years are "Great tribulations"


A friend well not so much a friend yelled at me once

you think all your opinions are right

Thats why we have opinions cuz we think they're right

but maybe the higher road would be to change the meaning of think
to process rather than a set belief
share Beliefs and discuss opinions
that would require humility :scatter:
I always find this topic a bit interesting, I really don't gave much thought about future prophecies and so I don't actually know alot about the different views myself other than the basics. However, I do tend to shy away from millenialism because I think its bad to get hung up on apocalyptic predictions.

I've heard that many some of the views are based on what Jesus said at Mount Olives (Mat 24)? I've always thought much of that was fufilled when the Romans overtook Jerusalem.

Lutherans believe more like the A millianists
Group you mentioned .Than the other groups you mentioned.

The place we want to go is with Jesus to his heavenly Kingdom.
As my name says, I am a Postmillennialist. I believe that the Millennium is the time from Christ's first advent to His second. I believe that since Pentacost, the gift of the Holy Spirit will enable believers to plunder Satan's kingdom, and establish an era of peace and morality, and that God's Law will reign supreme. That is why the Savior said to Peter, "On this rock I will build my church; the gates of hell will not prevail against it". Defetist eschatological views such as Premillennialism and Amillennialism have only kept the church in hiding. Let's abandon pessimistic end-times views and do what we were called to do, advance the Kingdom of God.

A good statement about Dispensational Premillennialism made by fellow Reconstructionist, and author of many books, Gary DeMar is "If the rapture and tribulation are immenant, why seek reform? After all, the more the world gets worse, the sooner Christ will come". If Pre-Mill theology is true, why not go hide in the woods and wait for the rapture? Christ could come very soon.

Also, I don't see how you can call yourself a Calvinist and be premillennial (not that anyone has). Calvin said, regarding premillennialism (a.k.a. chialism), "it is so childish, it is not even worth refutation".