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Bible Study MILLENNIUM: Outline from Bible Fragrances


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1. The millennium is the personal reign of Yahweh the Messiah over the physical earth for 1000 years.

A. For 1000 gears: Rev. 20:4-6
B. Personal presence of Jehovah reigning in the person of Jesus the Messiah.

1. Spiritual reign: Ezek. 37:27-28; Zech. 2:10-11; Rev. 21:3
2. Political reign of Messiah: Is. 9:6-7; 24:23; Jer. 23:5; Zech. 14:9

a. World-wide: Dan. 7.13-14;
b. Jerusalem's status: Is. 2:2; Micah 4:1

II. It provides a total fulfillment of the unconditional Covenants to the physical nation of Israel as first promised to Abraham at Gen. 12:1-3

A. The land promise: Gen. 15:18; 17:8

1. Fulfills the Palestinian covenant of Deut. 30:1-10
2. Israel re-gathered: Is. 43:5-6; 49:8-13; Jer. 16:14-15 Ezek. 11:17; 20:39-44; 37:21-22
3. Land restored: 19:61.4; Jer. 31:38-40 Ez. 36:33-35
4. economic prosperity: Isaiah 65:21-23; 60:16-17a; Ezk. 34:26-21; 36:29-30; Joel 2:21-26; 3:18; Micah 4.4
5. Believers alive at the end of the tribulation will go into the kingdom in natural bodies, including all Gentile believers. Zech. 14:16; Mat. 25:31-34

6. So there will be rulers in natural bodies as in Jerusalem. Ezek. 44:3; 45:7; 46:1-18

B. The seed promise: Messiah's reign as covered under point I, fulfills the Davidic covenant. Ps. 89:1-4, 33-31; 2 Sam. 7:4-17

C. The blessing promise: National forgiveness and salvation, and the extension of salvation to all peoples.

1. Fulfills the New covenant of Jer. 31:31-34; 33:6-9 Micah 7:18-20; Isaiah 59:21
2. Holy Spirit poured out on Israel: Ez. 39:29; Joel 2:28; Is. 32:I5a; 44:3b; 59:21
3. Extension of spiritual blessing to all peoples. Covered under point III.

III. Israel will be the center of truth for the whole world.

A. Israel will be saturated with God's knowledge and truth.

1. Jerusalem: Zech. 8:3; Is. 2:3; 60:14
2. The land: Isaiah 11:9
3. Many shepherds teaching truth: Jeremiah 3:15-16 (But no ark, because Christ will be present.)
4. Levitical priesthood will be functional. Jer. 33:18-22; Ezek. 44:15-31
5. False prophets will be punished. Zech. 13:3-6
6. The people will enjoy maximum spiritual blessing. Jer. 31:14; 33:6; Ezek. 36:27; 11:19-20; Joel 2:28; Zech. 10:12
7. A new temple will be functional. Ezek. 40-48

B. Israel will be responsible for teaching others.

1. The commission and testimony: Isaiah 12:1-6
2. Isaiah 61:6-11
3. Jeremiah 33:9

C. Satanic influence will be absent since Satan and demons will be bound for the 1000 year period.

1. Satan is bound: Rev. 20:1-3; Isaiah 27:1
2. Demons and idols removed: Ezek. 11:18; 37:23; Hos. 2:17; Zech. 13:2

D. All the nations will resort to Israel for spiritual truth and guidance.

1. Isaiah 11:10; 56:6-8; 60:3; Micah 4:1-2; Zech. 2:11; 8:20-23; 14:16-19
2. In association with this worship, the nations will bring material possessions into Jerusalem as recognition of the spiritual value that is there. Isaiah 60:4-14

IV. Maximum joy and peace throughout the land.

A. Peace

1. National: Isaiah 2:4; 60:18; Ezek. 28:26; 34:28-29; Hosea 2:18; Micah 4:3; Zech. 9:10 (disarmament)
2. Personal: Isaiah 32:17; 55:12
3. Israel at rest: Isaiah 32:18; 33:20
4. International: Isaiah 14:7

B. Happiness:

1. National Israel: Isaiah 9:3; 65:18-19; Zech. 8:19
2. World: Isaiah 14:7
3. Personal: Isaiah 61:7

V. The kingdom is characterized by righteousness and justice.

A. Isaiah 9:7; 16:5; 33:5; 32:16-17
B. Jer. 33:15- The Righteous Branch, ie, Messiah

1. Jer. 23:5-6
2. Isaiah 4:2; 11:1
3. Zech. 3:8; 6:12-13
4. Ezek. 17:22-24

C. Jerusalem's new name is Yahweh our righteousness. Jer. 33:16

VI. Physical characteristics:

A. The curse on the earth is removed: Rev. 22:3

1. Nature tamed: Is. 11:6-8; 65:25; Ezek. 34:25; Hos. 2:18
2. Health and longevity: Is. 33:24a; 35:5-6a; 65:20-24
3. All the passages that deal with this issue seem to indicate that this applies to Israel with only restricted experience by the other nations.
4. There is no passage that directly relates any of these things world-wide except possibly Rv. 22:3.

B. Perfect weather conditions: Is. 4:4-6; 35:1-7; Ezek. 36:34-35

VII. The living waters from the temple in Jerusalem. Zech. 14:8

A. Joel 3:18
B. Ezek.47:1-12
C. Rev. 22:1-2
D. Is. 33:21; 35:6b-7; 43:19-21; land renovated - Is. 51:3
E. The new trees: Ez. 47;12; Rev. 22:2

VIII. Prosperity of specific nations mentioned.

A. Egypt and Assyria: Isaiah 19:23-25
B. Moab: Jer. 48.47
C. Ammon: Isaiah 49:6
D. Elam - Isaiah 49:39

IX. The ministry of resurrected believers during the kingdom.

A. The Bride of Christ will be serving beside Christ from the New Jerusalem elevated above the earth.
Rv. 19:6-10; 21:9-27; 22:1-5

B. The bride is comprised of all believers from both the Old Testament period as well as the church age (See Article: The Saints in Heaven).
They all receive resurrection body at the Day of the Lord return of Jesus when the rapture takes place.

C. Day of the Lord martyrs (Those who are killed by the beast) are raised after Armageddon and are given rulership function in the kingdom. Rv. 20:4-6

D. David will be given special administration duties in Jerusalem. Jer. 30:9; Ez. 37:24; 34:23-24

X. The Duration of the Kingdom:

A. Initially, 1000 years: Rev. 20:4, 6

B. But ultimately, everlasting:

1. Dan. 2:44; 7:14
2. Rev. 22:5
3. Isaiah 9:7

Hi JM. You did an excellent job of outlining the highlights of the Messianic Kingdom of Christ Jesus. Did it all come from that link?

However, there are some points I disagree with. I will list them and then we might discuss them.

In I.B.1., you list Rev. 21:3 as a verse telling of the spiritual reign in the Millennium. That can't be, because Rev.21 is describing the New Heavens and New Earth, for the former heaven and earth have passed away! The millennium is the "age to come" (Mark 10:30; Luke 18:30, NRSV), while the "new heavens and new earth" is the age beyond that.

II.A.5: I agree that believing nations will go into the millennial kingdom, but Israel will be ruling over the nations, as co-rulers with Christ Jesus. Israelites will be kings and priests.

II.C: True, but if Christ will reign with a "rod of iron" then there must not be a world wide acceptance. I believe the total message of the "sermon on the mount" will be the rules for righteousness. Gehenna, the site outside the walls of the restored Jerusalem, where the city offal and garbage is dumped and kept burning, will again be there. Just as Jesus warned in Matt. 5-7 and other places, those judged worthy of death would be killed and their bodies cast into the fires of Gehenna.

III.C: Where does it say demons will be bound 1000 years?

More later, God bless. Bick
Re: Millennium--Outline...

Bick, it was a quote. I disagree with some of it as well, but it's a good outline none the less.


Millennium--Outline from...

Hi JM. Continuing with my questions and comments:

III.C.1: I take Isa. 27:1 as metaphorical language, because it says the Lord will kill the serpent, the dragon, and we know from Rev. that isn't true.
No where does the Bible say that Satan is killed. Also, nothing in this scripture alludes to the serpent-dragon being bound.

VI.A.: I'm sure the curse on the earth is removed but Rev. 22:3 is not telling about it. The passage in Rev. has to do with the new earth. It's true, some of the given scriptures indicate the curse is removed:
Ezek. 34:26, 27, 29 are some good ones:

"I will make them and the region around my hill a blessing; and I will send down the showers in their season; they shall be showers of blessing. The trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase. I will provide for them a splendid vegetation, so that they will no more be consumed with hunger in the land.." NRSV.

VII.C: Again, Rev.22:1-2 is NOT during the millennium. It describes the river of water of life issuing from the throne of God and the Lamb, in the New Jerusalem, on the new earth!

VII.E: Not only new trees, but Jerusalem and Israel will be like the paradise of Eden. Ezek. 36:34-35, "The land that was desolate shall be tilled, instead of being the desolation that it was in the sight of all who passed by. And they will say, 'This land that was desolate has become like the paradise of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined towns are now inhabited and fortified.'" NOTE: "paradise" in Greek is "garden", so translated in the Septuagent.

Again: Rev.22:2 is in the new earth, the age to come after the millennium.

IX. When you say "believers" I assume you mean Israelites, for they are kings and priests, the royal priesthood, as Peter writes in 1 Pet. 2:5,9. They are the ones through whom the nations will go to come to know the Lord.

IX.A.: The term, "Bride of Christ", is not in the Scriptures. In the Gospels, Jesus is referred to as the "bridegroom"; and in the Rev. verses you list, the phrase, "Bride of the Lamb" is used.

IX.B.: I disagree. Just as Jehovah God called Israel "his wife", the bride of the Lamb will be Jewish believers in Jesus as Messiah, from His earthly ministry, through the Acts period, when the kingdom was reoffered, and in the days of Daniel's 70th week, and on into the millennium. The marriage feast is alluded to in some of Jesus' parables, and must be at the early part of the millennium.

If you read Ephesians 1-3 carefully, you will note that the church/body of Christ, will be enjoying every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies. As joint-heirs with Christ, we will be privileged to witness to the principalities and powers (spirit beings) in the celestials, the manifold wisdom of God. Because of His great love, He will show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus, in the ages to come. Of course, this will occur after the church/body is caught out to meet the Lord in the air. See 1 Cor. 15:51ff and 1 Thes 4:13-18.

My friend, the future blessings of the church/body of Christ in the heavenlies, will far surpass any thng that will occur on earth during the millennum.

X.B.: It is true, "forever", "everlasting" are words used to describe the duration of the millennial reign of Messiah Jesus, but if that were true, then, chapts. 21 and 22 of Rev. could be thrown out, or considered all figurative and not literal.

Well, JM, I interpret those chapters just as literal as, let's say, the first three chapters.

The key to understanding is to know that "ever", as in, "for ever", is "olam"--Heb in the OT, and "aion"--Greek, in the NT, and their meanings are, "age, age-lasting", as given in Young's Concordance. Both Young's Literal Translation and Rotherham's Emphasized Bible give literal renderings of these passages in question. I'll quote from Rotherham.

Dan. 2:44 "And in the days of those kings shall the God of the heavens set up a kingdom, which to the ages shall not be destroyed, and the kingdom to another people shall not be left,---it shall break in pieces and make an end to all these kingdoms, but itself shall stand to the ages."

Dan. 7:14 " like a son of man was coming...and unto him were given dominion and dignity and kingship, that all peoples, races and tongues, unto him should do service---his dominion was an age-abiding dominion, which should not pass away, and his kingdom that which should not be destroyed.

Rev. 22:5 "And night shall be no more; and they have no need of the light or a lamp or the light of a sun, because the Lord will give them light,---and they shall reign unto the ages of the ages."

Isaiah 9:7 "There shall be no end---Upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, By establishing it, and by sustaining it, With justice and with righteousness,---From henceforth, even unto times age-abiding,"

Christ's reign will be during next age, the millennium, and into the final age, the new heavens and new earth.

Paul, who was given insight even beyond the ages, tells how, after all Christ's enemies have been made "his footstool", the last enemy being destroyed is death. Then, when all things are in subjection to the Son (except, of course God the Father), he will turn over the reign to God the Father, that God may be all in all. Read 1 Cor. 15:20-28.

God bless, Bick

Hi JM. I'm not trying to sound like a know it all. I realize it is quote, but you put in on this thread for review. It could influence someone wrongly, or rightly.

What is your understanding of the questional points I brought up?

My understanding is that eschatology is a massive topic that only makes sense once you've built a solid foundation in the word, up rooted your presuppositions and are willing to change.

I think that is a wonderful outline. I agree with most if not all what I read there.

The only place I differ, and it's not severe, is that my definition of Israel goes beyond just the Jewish people. Ever notice how some OT prophecies to Israel sound "Christian" while others have a punishing tone to them to Israel? That's because many of the tribes were lost in the exile, and in fact became the Christian nations of today. These people are the spiritual seed of Abraham, but unbeknownst to themselves they are also the physical seed of Abraham, so some of the prophecies are happening now and/or will have a present fulfillment and a future one. This is how Israel could become "many nations" (Genesis 35:11) which never, ever happened with the Jew and obviously Ezekiel 37 when the sticks are rejoined does not make many nations if they are one nation again in the land.

Other great promises to the patriarchs including David are:

being militarily mighty, populating the 4 corners of the earth, many seed both spiritual and physical, many nations, one great nation, and a lineage of kings to sit on the throne over Israel for all generations. This is an earthly throne that Christ will one day occupy. etc etc.