I really don't want to go through that entire webpage debating each and every one of those.
For me feeding the multitudes (creation) twice, raising the dead, healing the the blind, the lame and the dumb, calming the seas, walking on water (By faith Peter also took a few steps where no other man has tread), being delivered from the grave... just to mention only a few of the miracles wrought by Christ is more than enough for me to believe who Christ was, believe who He said He was and believe His saving work done on the cross.
Even though the prophets themselves worked wonders and signs none have wrought the miracles of mercy and grace as our Lord and Saviour had done for through His Son, Jesus Christ, was God's power, grace, mercy and salvation brought to those who believe.
He died, was buried and rose again so we who are not worthy to be in the presence of the Father can and will one day share in His Knigdom. God came to us through Christ because we are not worthy to go to the Father. Through His Son Jesus are we made blameless, to stand before Him in judgment washed of our sins through the blood of the Lamb of God.
And that is the greatest miracle of all.