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Miss Right just an old folk tale


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Who ever said some one for everyone is not very smart.
who ever said Miss Right is out there must be wearing rose color glasses and must be on pot.
because of I'm been single for 51 years and never fooled around in my life time. because what I see it's not out there. nothing but out there ZIP ZERO. It's not in church, it not not in the world , it not in loud Bars, it's not in heaven. it don't exist at all. there is no one out there for me. it's very tiring when some one keeps on saying she out there, B.S there some one for everyone bull.
I just summed it up that God has no one for me, and I was not meant to have a mate. So much for the Adam and Eve thing LOL...
Some times or in realaty Love don't exist at all.
I'm not much for believing in some one for everyone Bull puket.
Simple, it's just not out there.
I'm just not wanted, no woman wants a student cartoonist who's a gardener. besides anyway I get rejected as always. What women only want these is sucessful men and handsome , hot and sexy and Good strong christain men who suits to church and provide a good family, not to mention most of are waiting for God to send them Good christain men.

And frankly I don't fit that bill, I kind of doutful about God after the hell I went though.
and God said to me anyways I 'm not good enough to have a mate.
God can just kill me off anyway , I'm worthy to God or anyone..

With the compition out there I don't have flipping chance, Thanks to God
there is way too much competion for me to handle
there for the stupid saying of some one everyone don't mean squat or anything.
that why I QUIT! being in love and trying have a relationship,
I just asume that thinks I'm not good enough to have g/F and have relationship.
he made it possiable for guys who are far far better than to have it.
I might as well figure I'm not human , because only humans have relationships.
THanks God for thinking very veryb little of me ...

besides being single means No one can't blame you for anything.
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SkyKing, I was single for a very long time...and I happen to agree with you that Miss Right or Mr. Right is an old folk tale. I don't believe that God picks a specific person to be a mate for an individual. It's a mistake to think that God is going to send along the "right" guy or the "right" gal. What is far more important is to become the person God wants one to be and to stick with godly principles in one's relationships. Also, to understand what qualities are important that will cause someone to be a good mate.

I dated this one guy once...he was born and raised in Manhattan and drop-dead-gorgeous! Classy dresser too! Not only did he have a cushy paying job...his family came from "money". And I actually dated, "never beautiful but cute as a button" country girl. I turned him down when he asked me out again. I just couldn't see us going anywhere as a couple. And I sure as heck didn't see little ole me living in some kind of high rise in Manhattan. :rolling

I'm not going to say that looks aren't important to women, but....I think most women would agree with me that there are far more important things than looks. Or even what kind of job a guy has.

To me, and to millions of other women out there, one of the most important things about any guy is his attitude.

Just something to think about.
Who ever said that God was perfect was very wrong.
There is no such thing as a perfect God.
besides I think most women fall for men who think thier god's gift to women
You know what?
it be better to nuke 99% of the men on earth kill off the compition.
Oh, God is perfect least the God that has watched over me for almost 50 years and Whom I've served for the past 37 years is. He has been perfectly loving and faithful to me, even when I haven't been faithful to Him or violated His forgiveness of me by continuing to sin. He has been faithful to me through a broken engagement, years of lonely singleness, my husband's chronic health issues, job losses and financial strains, my dad's death....all of that has been what has convinced me of God's faithfulness, love and perfection.

What I'm about to say might not fly around can certainly report this post and the moderators can edit it if they feel they should or PM me about it.

...But I've been reading your posts and you whine and complain and blaspheme our loving and sovereign God in just about every one of them. Believe me, God isn't your problem. You are. You have a poor attitude about just about everything in life and instead of looking in the mirror and dealing with your self, you want to blame God or other people for all your troubles.

Even back when I was single and lonely, I can assure you, if 99% of the men were nuked, I, as a fairly healthy woman, wouldn't have dated someone with the kind of attitude you have, especially one who blasphemes God as much as you do.

I don't say this to be mean or cruel...but I'm not the kind of person who is going to remain silent about your continued barbs and blasphemes about the One Who I love most in life, even more than my husband and kids.

If you want to reject God and live your life on your own terms, then go ahead and do it...raise yourself up out of this pit you're in....go to a therapist if necessary to deal with your obvious depression.

But, you can't have it both ways...reject God, but expect Him to lift you up and bless you. If you want to live life without God and let eternity fall where it may...go ahead. Or, if you want God to bless you, and lead you through the troubles that all of us face in this life, that would be good to. I can assure you, He can and will....but you have to humble yourself before Him and stop whining about how imperfect God is, and especially stop the bragging about how much better of a god you would be if you were god.

Again, I'm not trying to be deliberately cruel or mean. I do understand that you are obviously hurting and have been beaten down by the tribulations we face in this life. Life sucks, then you die....a sad, but true summation of what we face here on this earth.

But, God has made promises that He will care for us, and for billions and billions of believers throughout the ages, He has done just that and has brought billions of believers to a place where there is no more sorrow and pain.

SkyKing, if you would but humble yourself, stop whining and complaining about God, but come to a correct and truthful attitude about yourself before God, He can and will lift you up.
God never promised me anything and he never will.
I don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
I except anything from god.

But I been rejected over 980 times in my life , and been tied uped and kicked to death and been taking down town and litery thrown into a garbage dumpster left to die by the 1 girl's family. I was seriously rejected.
Why? they thought I was not good enough and not handsome enough.
I guess God wanted me to die.

I give up on looking for a girlfriend, I quit ,
If your not loved than than your on the wrong planet.

There is no such thing as some one for everyone.
it all a lie .
woman only want the very best
rich , famous, firm , christain men
Sorry but I don't add up to that.
If you women only love that , but most men you want like that end up to be drug lord s,pimps,child abusers, etc.

I'm just a lonestar ,I'm not what these these women want.
I'm not lucky like these other guys..
I know God don't like me even him rejects me.

Well I guess I be alone for the rest my life, No one woman don't want a nice relationship with me.
If they want idoit jerks to be in love with that's thier business.
I'm mostly forgooton about.

Here's your good christain men women good luck


RIP Skyking 51 , the most unloved person.
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In 1975 when I was around 31 years old, I came to the realization that the celibate, hermit life I was living had no future. Life was passing me by; and I hadn't been laid yet. But in my quest for Ms. Right; I discovered that it was essential to become Mr. Right first. In other words; if I wanted to find the right girl, then I had to become the right man. That presented a huge hurtle for me and here's why.

After 17½ years of slaps across the face, zero hugs, zero kisses, zero appreciation, zero encouragement, zero sympathy, abundant rage, profanity, relentless ridicule, thoughtless remarks, indifference, name calling, silent treatments, yelling, slave labor, and demeaning comments from my own biological mother, I went on to enter male adulthood totally lacking confidence, and handicapped with a crippling inferiority complex. I felt ugly, expendable, unwanted, dirty, burdensome, moronic, and unnecessary.

<O:tongue</O:tongueRuled by a hateful women during the most sensitive, and formative years of my young life, I was rendered unable to trust females and saw only my mother's persona superimposed on every one of them— predatory, malignant piranhas existing solely for the pleasure of maligning, chafing, humiliating, abusing, exploiting, and injuring males. I saw in none of them a potential source of comfort, support, or companionship; only fatal quick-sands of abuse, neglect, and mental cruelty. I developed a loathing for females that, save for fear of the criminal justice system, would have found its fulfillment in an early career of gender related serial murders; with my biological mother's name being the very first at the top of the target list.

<O:tongue</O:tongueUnless people have experienced what I'm talking about here, and grown up in a home like mine, it is just about near impossible for them to appreciate the feelings of betrayal, loneliness, isolation, rejection, and mental and emotional anguish I endured. Somebody might be wanting to ask me why I didn't just forget my mother and move on. No. That's not how it works. The effects of a mother's treatment on her male offspring in their formative years is just as powerful as avian imprinting.

<O:tongue</O:tongueThe dread fact is that, thanks to my mother's cruelties, I became permanently hateful and suspicious of the opposite sex. I saw them all as mother's allies and accomplices and resolutely refused to give in to feminine charms because if I did, then mother would win; and have yet one more opportunity to mock me. As a result, I became a solitary wretch existing in a virtual cone of isolation; unable to nurture female friendships or relate to the opposite sex in any meaningful way whatsoever. Were it not for fear of the aging process, I would still be celibate to this day at 67.

<O:tongue</O:tongueAs time progressed, I discovered mine wasn't an unusual case. It's actually fairly common for otherwise perfectly healthy, virile men to be rendered frigid, disconnected, and sexually frustrated by the abuse and neglect that they received as boys at the hands of the very women who brought them into the world. My biological mother did nothing to prepare me for life; no, on the contrary, she destroyed my life before I even had a chance to live it.

As if it isn't bad enough already that there's always a shortage of suitable men in the marriage market, girls have to compete with heartless mothers who ruin a bride's chances for happiness before the girls even meet their future husbands. Not all emotionally damaged men choose solitude like I did; but nevertheless, many of them harbor deep-seated subconscious hostility towards women; and are conditioned for divorce and spousal abuse years before they even tie the knot. Thus the hand that rocks the cradle is also quite proficient at instilling gender bias at a very early age in a man's life. A word of caution to the wise : If your beau is bitter about his mom, then chances are it's only a matter of time before he sees the source of that bitterness in you; and reacts accordingly.

So, how did I get past the barrier? Well, I started off by taking some advice from the foreman I worked under at the time in a boatyard on Shelter Island in San Diego. He said to me one day : Cliff; if you want to meet girls, then you have to go where the girls are. So I joined a church and started attending a big singles' group. You can't imagine how hard that was for a man accustomed to a celibate, hermit lifestyle. I also began attending church-sponsored classes, lectures, and seminars on relationships; the meanwhile reading books on the subject too. One of the most important ones I ever read was written by an author name Dr. James Dobson titled : What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women. Thanks to that book, I discovered for the very first time in my life that women are human beings and that not all of them are duplicates of my mother.

Anyway, long story short, by the time I met my wife in 1979, I was Mr. Right instead of the Mr. Wrong I had been for so many years of my youth. We've been together 31 years this past March and neither of us regret it for even one second.

One thing I should point out for men who remain celibate for too long a time. A man's libido peaks from 18-24 and from thence begins to gradually taper off. He'll probably never lose interest in women his whole life, but as time advances; bedroom stuff isn't nearly as electric. When I was around 25, my sister told me : Clifford; you don't know what you're missing. Not only did I not know then, but now I will never know having not been laid till I was 36; which was roughly twelve years too late. I don't know when women peak, but it's probably sooner than men. That's the one biological clock nobody likes to talks about.

†. Gen 18:12 . . Sarah laughed within herself, saying : After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure; my lord being old also?

Sarah and Abraham were something like 89 and 99 respectively and the old patriarch probably could have benefitted from a little Viagra; if you know what I mean. According to Heb 11:11-12, God miraculously rejuvenated their bodies so they could have Isaac; but I would not advise counting on God to do that for everybody.

†. Ecc 3:1 . . To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

I'm just lonestar in the night sky.
But with all compition out there , I find it not worth the trouble.
Love is not worth fighting for ,If no one wants you than say good bye to love. the only thing I say to God is Sorry but the adam and eve thing never pan out and relationships has gone stright into the fire.

I refuse to be another victum of some girl's or some woman's jeaous inraged husband.

I accepted that love has no vaule anymore, it's just not worth getting killed over for.
Amen to all of that Cliff.

Abuse of children is so damaging. Myself, I was sexually abused from the time I was 6 to the time I was 12. Because of it, I developed a deep distrust of men, and sabotaged any relationship that might have developed with someone of the opposite sex. Over my high-school and young adult years, there were a couple of guys that looked past my walls, but even the most stalwart "knight in shining armor" couldn't get past the barriers that I threw up without even understanding why I was doing so.

It took years of healing, spiritual healing and emotional healing, in order for me to become Miss Right for some guy.

For me, it had to start with dealing with the abuser. My initial confrontation about the sexual abuse happened when I was about 22. At that point, he said he couldn't "remember" doing that to me...something he did with regularity for 6 years and he couldn't "remember"....yeah.

I could have turned him in, but decided against doing that because of the impact it would have had on my family. So, I decided to go the forgiveness route instead. That was a bit harder, because of the fact that he wouldn't acknowledge the abuse, but I did forgive him. I wrestled with God about it...but God just started showing me, through the Scriptures as well as through life in general that forgiveness and reconciliation would be better in the long run for me than bitterness and retaliation. So, I did forgive him and started to move on with my life.

The end result was that he too became a Christian and became a new man in Christ. Then full and complete forgiveness, reconciliation and healing took place.

But, the years of abuse did leave their scars and that didn't just "go away" just because I forgave my abuser and we reconciled. I still had a profound and deep seated mistrust of people in general and men in particular, especially when it came to relationships. The one guy I was engaged with, (and believe me, I thank God so often that the engagement broke off) was very mean-spirited to me and would say hurtful and hateful things to me and I would take it...just thinking that was what I had to put up with. And, even though he treated me like dirt...I have to admit, he was the one who broke things off. I wish I could say that I dumped him, but I didn't.

It took going through a time where I was completely dates, no potential dates, nothing....for me to truly work on my relationship with God and with myself to bring about full healing. I was probably about 31 at the start of this period of time and was 37 before I met my now husband. During that six years, I went out with one guy...and I went out with him about 6 months before I met Steve. And, I was the one who turned down the last date. He was a divorced guy with six kids and I found out why he left his wife...she bore him six children in 8 years of marriage and he left her because she was grumpy.

Leaving that relationship was a mark of true health for me...before I would have clung to him like Saran Wrap all the while acting like a crazy woman so that he would reject me.

*sigh* It's complicated to explain that...the clinging and yet acting crazy enough that any sane guy would reject me. But, that's what I did most of the time.

:lol Every now and then though, even when I was still damaged, I could make the right decisions....SkyKing, you might be surprised to find out that the Manhattanite, the one I dated once and then turned down for a second date, looked remarkably like the guy in this picture you shared, except that David wouldn't be caught dead in such sloppy clothing...Hugo Boss for him, and for casual, Dockers with Cole Haan loafers.
Ugh you do you know that God is a spirit an enity.
so your saying your holy relationship with a holy spirit.

or the real name for heaven is the spirit realm
SkyKing, I'm not sure if English is your first language, but I truly can't understand what your last post is getting at...

Yes, I know God is spirit and my relationship is with the Holy Spirit. Which is why I reject that whole notion that gets crammed down a lot of girl's throats about letting "God be your husband". God knows that He isn't a fit mate for us...that is why He created Eve, to be a mate for Adam.

Anyway, rather than possibly misunderstand your thoughts...perhaps you can clairfy?
Love is a game of chance,
I 'm no good looking guy, but I'm willing to work for a living if jobs are out there. 1 person told go to church to find a girl (BUZZZ!)
Wrong you don't go to church meet a man or a woman , church is not social club and bars are out, you can get litery killed there.

church only has 1 use to meet up with god.
I lost my car a long time ago so i can't go out dating
so i go out and go out treasure hunting and enjoying the outdoors.

but i do not go out of my way confronting women
if I did , think I'm some kind of pervert
I don't need that.

handy, hello;

SkyKing, I'm not sure if English is your first language, but I truly can't understand what your last post is getting at
<O:tongue</O:tongueI was on another Christian site about two years ago where the twitter-speak and chat and texting acronyms were so rampant that I finally got fed up trying to decipher peoples' posts and insisted that everybody make an effort to post in legible sentences composed with whole English words spelled correctly, and attention paid to grammar so that visitors could understand what was being said.

One of the moderators was practicing the very thing about which I protested and really proud of his skill at it. I guess my comment must have pinched a nerve because that very day my membership was terminated and every one of my posts summarily deleted with nary a warning nor an explanation.

†. 1Cor 14:7-9 . . Even things without life, whether flute or harp, when they make a sound, unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is piped or played? For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle? So likewise you, unless you utter by the tongue words easy to understand, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air.

BTW : employers of late have been complaining that young people are filling out applications with words that don't make sense; and the experts are saying it's because kids are being dumbed-down by social networking.

God never promised me anything and he never will.

For a Christian, that is SO FAR from the truth. The thing is, if one is looking for promises in this physical, decadent world, they are looking for the promises in the wrong place.

Mat 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
Mat 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

The word "promises" is in the NT 13 times (KJV) look them up. :yes

Our hope and faith is in the Lord. It just cannot be found in this world.
I don't believe a gift horse in the mouth, why would God promise us anything?
here is the hard facts , on this earth Love is poor and cheap that when some one say to you that they love you but they never mean it.
the vaule of love has plument down soooo much it's only worth dirt..
I don't believe a gift horse in the mouth, why would God promise us anything?
1 John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.

and I could go on and on. But the best advice I can give you is, get involved in a good Bible Study, rooted in the New Testament and... PRAY! :pray

God loves His children, unconditionally, but He doesn't always promise us anything in THIS life. His promises are not meant for this world. Here lies the danger of a prosperity based gospel.

If you don't stand on the promises of God, you stand on shifting sand. :yes


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