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I thought since Javier mentioned that he would like to know some here better that I would start a thread for that purpose. I hope everyone can share something about themselves here that may help us get to know those we discuss with on a more personal level. I will start, and hopefully others will be less boring as we go along. :-D

I was raised by my dad, a single father for most of my life, and an atheist. I was born of the Spirit at a very young age, by God's grace, and was protected by God my entire life. I was married to a wonderful Christian man for nearly nine years. We were blessed with five children, two of whom we lost through miscarriage, and three who are here. Two boys, 9 and 7, and a little girl 4. My husband died at age 36, in December of 2003.

We moved from St. Louis city, where I grew up, to a small farm in a town with less than 200 people. We made that move one year before my husband died. I became a homemaker after my first son was born. I was in the biomedical field before that. My husband, and I, thought it best if I were at home, and we decided to home educate at that point too. We bought the farm because my husband was interested in teaching our children to work daily. We eat eggs from our chickens, and milk from our sheep and goats, and we grow our own veggies. Next year I am starting an orchard, but I do have pears now.

I was a single parent for over two years, farming for the first year (sheep, and goats, and such), and then spending the second year in Colorado with friends. I worked there, with my children, doing newspaper routes. The Rocky mountains were very comforting to us, and we spent a lot of time there just being near God, and basking in His kind comfort. I hope to live there again one day, but I came back so that my children could be near our family.

I attended a Southern Baptist church most of my life, but have always had a reformed leaning (since about age 12). We left our church after our first son was born, because the pastor made it clear that Calvinists were no longer welcome. It hurt at the time, but I know now that God was leading us. We visited churches for nearly two years. Presently, I am in a Calvinistic church, and many of the families there were also asked to leave the Southern Baptist church we once attended. I have been there for five years (except while in Colorado). I am not a member because I am not sure that church membership is Biblical, but my family there understands, and does not treat us any differently as those who are covenanted members.

Recently, I remarried a wonderful man of God. He is older by 16 years, and I benefit greatly from the experience, and wisdom, of his years. He is originally from L.A. I met him in Colorado, where he lived for about 4 years, and now he has moved to Missouri to be with us. I am inspired by his humility, and the fruits of the Spirit in his life. He also practices true religion, in that he is charitable to widows, and orphans. :D He is now husband to me, and father to my children, and a great blessing. Our children consider him their father, because they know that this honors their father who has crossed over the river Jordan, and more importantly their Father in Heaven. This restoration of our family is a blessing.

I love God, the Word of God, to write, quilt, garden, bake, sew, educate my children. I love science, and math, and to help my children with their animals. I love to sing, to play guitar, piano, and to write songs. Jazz, Blues, Motown, and bluegrass are some of my favorite styles. I also love opera, and classical music too. I love art, chalk, watercolor, and sketching. I love to design, and build, and am currently renovating (or is it still renovating?) our farm. :wink: The projects are fun, but never ending. I tend to be shy, but can get going when among friends. I love St. Louis, the Cardinals, the Blues, and all the museums, and theaters there. I love the history of this area too.

I am a believer, and given over to God's will in my life. I have reformed leanings in my theology, but I believe mostly in being led by the Spirit in all things. Well, that's all there is about me, and I am sorry about writing the long version. I am looking forward to reading about everyone else. The Lord bless all of you.
Thankyou for this thread Lovely. The Lord is certainly good to His children and He has blessed you - and will continue to do so. I'll have to think about a few words to wrap my life up in but I certainly look forward to reading others stories.
I'll just make mine simple and to the point.. Great post BTW: And a very good topic starter..

I'm an outgoing person who wants the most out of life, to live each day with passion and integrity. I'm a single father, who loves children. I like to be around people who inspire and challenge me. I like to interact with those who can hold a conversation, and people who like to be a little silly.

My hobbies are, guitar (18)yrs, listening to music, reading a good-book, weight-lifting, boxing (9)yrs. I love to be outdoors (fishing, hiking, biking, camping, mountian climbing, cliff propelling, doing anything really).

I'm an Ex-Satanist reborn Believer in Christ since 91'. I went through two years of Bible college paid for by Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque by Pastor Skip Hetzig. I became the Church's youth minister for two years and then I felt it was not my calling and left to refind my roots. I now go to First Baptist Church of West Albuquerque. I'm currently back as a assisting youth minister (go figure).

I once was a Mod on here before, I believe one of the very first MODS on here. When I joined 123Christian, I also believe it only had around 100 people. Logan and I would have long discussions in PM about drawing people here. Later on two awesome people showed up. Judy and Vic, as time went on they became ADMIN. I for reasons I don't want to express openly, did not have the resources or means to stay with 123Christian. I came back here about three weeks ago, and the people have made it feel llike home. However, in this time lapse, I did swing by, jotted a line down and back out the door.

I'm 32yrs old born in the month of February. I was born in Houston Tx. But moved to New Mexico in 81'. I'm a single father of a 5yr old little girl. Let me see what else. hmmmm I'm pretty melow, like to hear things out before I made a commitment to anyone/anything. I love to cook, I'm a great cook actually. I live in New Mexico, so I eat eveything with Green Chillie. Most won't know what that is unless your in the SouthWest.. Anyway enough about me.. Wanna know more? Just Ask

I am a 40 year old woman, married with 3 children and 4 cats. I was raised in an agnostic household. I became a Christian at age 17, after 2 years of searching for what the truth was. I was in the Navy for almost 7 years: 1986-1992- I worked mostly as a IC (interior Communications Electrician). I was married in 1991, and had my first child in 1992. I was baptised in a Southern Baptist Church. My husband is retired Navy, he retired 3 or so years ago (and misses the Navy greatly).
I was born in San Jose, California. I have lived in 4 states (California, Colorado, Florida and Virginia) and spent two years in Naples, Italy (1986-1988). I am extremely shy and social phobic, which is why I post on Forums. I recently returned to college (using my GI bill) and I am studying accounting. I am attending a community college (in California, the prices for attending school are very reasonable, although Governor Swartzeneggar did raise them a couple years ago).
Right now I am living in El Cajon, which is about 30 miles east of San Diego, California. We live here because this was close to my husband's last ship. We are staying here because my oldest child, who is nearly 14 has autism and he is in a special ed school.
I enjoy reading, fitness walking, RPG games, and of course, Bible study.
Great posts, guys! :D

L: no way have I ever found you boring - such a moving OP 8-)

I may well have time later: I always see what's in my email first, to contribute to threads & provide stimulation for folk who need it :wink:

Meanwhile, just click profile, then website for Wed update inc local & NW-UK church-finding links :angel:

& watch out for Weekend Plans thread later, OK? :multi:

Ciao 4 now! :P

Ian :-D
Well where do I start... My father was a believer however my mother I am not to sure about both are deceased. My mother had a few really bad experience with some church's. Her best friends went to a charismatic church and the pastor there told my mothers friend that she was healed of her diabetes and could throw away her medicine... my mothers friend died when she lapsed into a diabetic coma. After that my mother never trusted the church.

I too like lovely have been protected by God my hole live and was born of the Spirit at a young age. My parents didn't attend church but would have a local church come and pick me and my brothers and sister up for Sunday school. Out of the 5 of us, me and my youngest brother are the only one that still attend church.

I am 55 , I have been married for 30+ years. I have 3 adult kids 1 daughter, 2 sons and 2 granddaughters. My oldest granddaughter is in the 10th :o grade man I feel old. I also had twins 36 years ago, but their were pre-mature and died. However I know I will see them again.

I came to this site a couple of months after Atonement and became Admin a year later. And have had to deal with the same problems here for the last 3 years. Like it says in Ecclesiastes 1:9. .. There is nothing new under the sun. A year ago I went on vacation and while I was gone I made Vic Admin and I truly appreciate his help almost to a fault. With all the trouble here I have gotten burned out and when Vic agreed to help me out last year and a new job I haven't spent much time here. That I am truly sorry for.

I have always lived in Southern California and intend to retire in Central California in the next couple of years.
I used to attend a Calvary chapel church in Whittier where I volunteered in their book store for 5 years. Then I changed churches and went back to my roots and that is a Baptist church.

I could go on and on but I will stop here for now...
I was born in 1971 in Georgia, USA. My father as moved to Italy in the Vietnam war and we went here for three years. Came back to Georgia, and I lived there for the most part until I was 30.

My parents are Christian and raised me as one. We went to church most Sundays. We switched around some from Baptist to Presbaterian to Methodist. I enjoyed church and Bible school for the most part. I never had a bad experience other than occasional boredom.

At ten years old, I started to question God's existance. I prayed for guidance or for a sign, but received none. I became atheist at 13 (although I did not know the word at the time). I stayed in the closet about my beliefs and only told my girlfriend when I was 17.

I went to Georgia Tech to major in nuclear engineering. I was always interested in people preaching in front of the student union and would watch them a lot. I finally decided that I would not hide my atheist any more. I had an uncle that stopped talking to me. My mother anted me to convert back, but she never wanted to debate the issue. Her mother sent me book after book trying to convert me back. I read them but found too many problems. But it did open my eyes to history and religion and that bothered me.

I got a couple of masters and a PhD and left Georgia to work at a nuclear weapons lab in California. In the 6 years since, I married my next door neighbor and bought a new house. I have two step kids but none of my own. Their father is Christian; one set of their grandparents are Buddhists and the other seem to be agnostic. Their mother and I are atheists, so they get quite a diverse religious experience.
Good to hear from you all.

mutzrein wrote:
Thankyou for this thread Lovely. The Lord is certainly good to His children and He has blessed you - and will continue to do so. I'll have to think about a few words to wrap my life up in but I certainly look forward to reading others stories.

The Lord is good to His children, and I can't wait to read your story and find out how He has blessed you too.

Mr. V wrote:
L: no way have I ever found you boring - such a moving OP
Mr. V, we may both be boring. :o Just teasing. I am happy that the Lord touched you with my OP

It was so nice to read everyone's post during my break today. I hope everyone else enjoys it too, and that there are more this evening.

atonement, you have my prayers as a single father...I respect single fathers a great deal, and I know that the Lord is blessing you greatly with that little girl.

Christine, I have kept you all in my prayers since I found out your son had autism...and you are going back to You, Judy, and Quath are all out there on the West Coast...I will have to say hey to you all next time I am out there for vacation. 8-) I will stop by atonement's house for a nice southwestern meal...extra chillies for me! :wink:

Judy, 55 is not old, just ask my :-D Just teasing he's actually 58. Anyway, I was blessed to hear how God has protected you growing up too...that is one of my greatest blessings from Him aside from my salvation. I am sorry for the loss of your two little ones. I know that must have been such a grievous trial, but I also know the great comfort God gives.

Quath wrote:

I got a couple of masters and a PhD and left Georgia to work at a nuclear weapons lab in California.
I knew you were a smarty pants, Quath. :-D

The Lord bless all of you, and thanks for sharing with us something about nice.
Great Post Lovely :D
Well where to start. I first got saved at the age of 12. My mother although could not afford it she sent me to Light and Life Christian school in the heart of ELA where I would spend my middle school years. There I was taught the Gospel and was blessed to have great bible teachers of who I owe much to. That little school is also where I met my preciouse wife. Yes, my wife and I have been together since JR high and have never had anyone else. Thank you Jesus. I have 5 kids my oldest just turned 20. She is a real blessing in my life and runs the front office of our family buisness. I also have another girl who is 18 and another girl who is 11. I thought I was done having kids but my wife after buging me for 2 years that she wanted another kid because she did not want a middle child talked me into it and guess what. TWINS.. This is very cool. One boy and one girl who are going to be 7 soon..
I will be 42 years old soon and Gods hand has been on me all my life. I grew up in the Free Methodist Church but now attend a Non Den church that is very much like a baptist church. As I mentioned earlier we have a family buisness where we build race engines and ship them all over this world. My wife runs the offices and does all the accounting so I get to see my wife alot which is very cool.
My hobbies are my pet Oscars. I love raising fish, I enjoy all forms of motorsports, I love movies, and most of all I love studing and teaching the word of God. I love history and read alot... My life is simple.
As I think of more to add I will.
Oh yea. I have a personal website
This web site pretty shows who I am.

Jeff. What and awsome story and testimony. If your ever in L.A. again, please look me up and come on by. Since you like cars you will appreciate the dyno's and such.
Blessings to you my brother.
Hey Javier,
I'd love to play in your shop! That would be a blast!
One day, I'd like to write a book on my life.... I've got a lot of stories...

I'd really like to hear your story and you can still use Steve Martins line ;-)

See, I just dated myself :-D I just turned 40 going on 22 :bday:
I'm Bruce, I was born and raised in good ol Houston, Texas. I moved to Boston in 03 to chase a girl. She's perdy what can I say? She's also from Houston, but moved up here for school (she's a nurse). We started dating while she was in Boston, that lasted about 9 months before I made the move. We got married in January 05 and she's got a bun in the oven. He's due in December, I can't wait.

My job is boring, which is how I like it. We do the compliance paper work between Mutual Fund Companies and states.

I was born into a Christian home and was baptized when I was in 3rd grade. I've been a follower ever since. My church is non denominational and focuses a lot on community and the Holy Spirit. My wife and I will be moving to North Africa in about a year.

My hobby is audio, but my wife doesn't let me spend money on it often. Rightly so...

A random fact about me is I'm an identical twin.

Thats me in a nutshell. You can find out more then you'd ever want to know about me at my site.
E-Harmony have free offer today & Sun, if it helps anyone :wink:

Ian :-D
It's so nice hearing eveyone's testimonies. Jeff, your story is just an amazing tribute to God's grace. Thanks for sharing it. I was blessed by it like Javier.

Javier, It is so great that you have a family business. And it is wonderful that you and your wife have loved each other exclusively for so long. I went through both of your websites, though, and no pictures of wife and children...just engines, and fish! :wink: My late husband had Oscars as well, and seven other fish tanks full too. When we moved to the farm we had to get rid of all of them, no room. My youngest son has the same love of animals that his dad had...several goldfish, guinea pig, 10 rabbits, hamster, a duck, and a few of his own chickens. He also currently has three lizards, four frogs, a turtle, and a caterpillar that he is hoping will change into a Monarch...he lets these things go, and recaptures new ones again later. He has cages, and bug containers, everywhere.

Bruce, I loved your website, but I admit being a girl I didn't make it too far past the wedding photos my first visit. :-D I'll have to make another visit later. Morgan is absolutely beautiful, and my favorite photo was the two of you praying after communion. Just lovely...the whole thing. What a blessing.

The Lord bless all of you.
This is amazing to me. I am surprised that more people and inparticular the regular posters of this forum have not posted about themselves here.
Come on people, if you have nothing to hide, let us know something about you.
Its not that hard to do. :
I was baptized as an infant and confirmed in a Lutheran Church. I quit going to church soon after confirmation. I was a good student and an athlete in high school, and started out in Junior College, but ran out of money, so I joined the army. My parents had taken my 2 brothers and 2 sisters and myself to sunday school and church off and on when we were younger, but they were primarily interested in making enough money to support us. My dad made about $8000 per year. Mom worked as a grocery store clerk.

I ETSed from the Army in 1976 with an honorable discharge, and I then began a working as a convenient store manager. I married, lost a baby girl at birth, got angry when my wife ran off with another man, and began a two year party where one would argue whether I was better at drinking or better at fighting. I was not an alcholic, but I drank a bunch of them under the table.

I met my current wife and moved from Colorado to Arkansas. We had one son that was born in Colorado when we moved to Arkansas, and after being there for one year, we attended a small Southern Baptist Church revival. Both my wife and I were saved the same evening. We were both baptized the next Sunday, and we dedicated our son to the Lord. From that time, I hired back on the job that I had resigned from approximately two years earlier. After our second son was born, we moved to Kansas, where we had two more sons. After being promoted to the postion of manager, we moved to Schaumburg, Illinois. Our fifth and final son was born in the Chicago area, afterwhich, I worked up to the position of Director, and moved to Texas. No we did not have any sons born in Texas.

We have been in Texas for 10 years, and in the time that we have lived in the various states, we have been foster parents. We have seen over 30 children come and go through our home, and some of those children accepted the Lord Jesus Christ while at our home. All five of our sons are born again, and we continue to witness to multiple folks that come our way.

I was in a terrible motorcycle accident two years ago, and I am currently medically disabled from working because of the damage to my frontal lobe. I haven't worked since August 2005. After the motorcycle accident, I went back to work for 8 months but came to the conclusion that I was unable to perform the responsibilities of my position. I was also working on my BSBA degree and had six classes remaining before I was to graduate with a 3.88 gpa. Perhaps I will be able to pick up where I left off at a later date.

The bottom line is that I was lost and did not know Jesus was God until I was born again in October of 1983, even though I was confirmed in the Trinity Lutheran Church. I attended a Seventh-Day Adventist 30 day crusade shortly after being saved, and was visited by SDA Evangelist Joe Crews, but the Holy Spirit gave me scripture one right after the other that convinced Joe and the pastor of the local SDA church that I was settled in my newfound faith. I have been through multiple church splits because of false teachings and false doctrines, one of which was brought about by the R.B. Thieme teachings. I have been a member of Southern Baptist, Missionary Baptist, Independent Baptist, Church of Christ Christian, Willowcreek non-denominational, and back to Southern Baptist church. I have attended multiple others with friends and family, and have found that the Southern Baptist Church is the closest to the scriptures that I have found. I do not agree with some of the non-critical thought of the SBC such as the pretrib rapture, but I believe the salvation message through justification, sanctification, and glorification is truth. My gift of the spirit is prophesy, and with that I see things black and white as I proclaim the Word of God. It angers quite a few folks, but I do not see things in the gray area. I only see black and white when I preach the truth.

I have a great sense of humor, but it seldom appears when I am discussing scripture. :wink:

God bless all,
Hi everyone :D I'm new to 123 christian forums so this seems like a great place to start.

I am eighteen years old and a true blue Aussie :D My father is a pom thought my mother is Australian. I live in Far North Queensland in Australia, in a small country town known for its sugar cane plantations in the Cyclone Larry affected region so its been a pretty big year for me! From what I've read most of you guys are American so I feel a bit out of place, LOL. :wink: Are there any other Aussies on this forum?

I was saved at the age of 12 at my grandparents house. They are very Godly people and have always been a real spiritual support for me. I'm so thankful for my grandparents!

I haven''t had a very eventful life and after some of the incredible testimonies shared in this thread I really have nothing to share in comparison. I've grown up in a christian home so I have led a very sheltered life compared to many. This is my first year out of highschool and I have deferred my Uni course for a year. I was intending to study nursing but am tossing up switching to medicine however God has told me to wait for the moment so I'm unsure of what He has planned for me. Its scary not knowing what the future holds but I am sure of one thing - God is preparing me for the work He has for me to do. As far back as I remember since I became a christian I have had a passionate desire to serve the Lord as a missionary or at least serve the Lord on a full-time basis and I know He is guiding me in this direction but I don't know the exact pathway He wants me to take. Its a confusing stage of my life to be at. I want to rush off to uni and perhaps become a doctor or nurse so I may have some kind of practical skill with which to help people on the mission field and yet God is telling me to wait and sometimes waiting is the hardest thing for a christian to do! I am working at being a light in my small corner at the moment. Serving God in my present circumstances and continuing to grow in his grace. I know He is building my character and faith so that I am ready for whatever lies ahead. Just like Moses spending 40 years in the desert before God used him in a mighty way.

I think thats about it guys :D Hope I haven't bored you! Take care.