Hang on a minute let's look at the facts because after what iv seen with the George Pell case i look at such allegations very closely with a degree of skepticism.
Most important fact is that these are allegations that have been made since he died last year. Allegations of sexual abuse from 1970 to 2005. There is only the testimony of the alleged victims, without any evidence. It's not enough to find him guilty
Why have they only come out now after he died?
Now that the man cannot defend himself? Up to 50 years after the allegations?
Whenever such a long time elapses before allegations are made that is a red flag. You have the best chance of winning a case if it is filed ASAP. There is no logical reason for not reporting it back then. There is no logical reason for waiting this long until he died to make these claims.
Another interesting fact is that the investigation was not done by police or any other agency, instead it was conducted by his own charity organisation. Not only is this very strange but they aren't qualified to run such an investigation and their findings are worthless in a court of law.
At this point u may be asking then why have these women made such allegations. And that's a fair question.
Western society today has a large secular population, many of which are in high power positions and well funded lobby groups. But some of them are secular extremists with the objective of destroying Christianity. Hence that huge wave of sexual abuses in churches.
Im not saying they're all false allegations, surely some of them were true. But I took a closer look at high profile cases against about 6 priests and what I found was disturbing. Unfair trials of old allegations, little to no evidence, convictions based on uncorroborated testimony alone.
This is not how criminal cases are conducted but it seems to be the norm now in sexual assault cases, the accuser only needs to give a testimony and nothing more.
So what is the motivation for this. I don't think it's personal. I think it's an attack on our churches. There are many secular lobby groups and they have big money. The money is used to run campaigns like gay marriage, abortion and the rest. They only have to find people that are willing to take a payment to make these accusations against Christianity.
Some of u may think this is all rubbish. Ok but at the end of the day these are only allegations , they will never be anything more than allegations. You cannot convict a man after he is dead