You left out how at the time of this recycled pig tooth nonsense that most of the peers of the scientists had refuted the anthropologist's claim and their was no consensus in the scientific community that agreed with him. The Scientists eventually retracted his own claims and apologized after not being able to find anymore evidence and it was discovered that he did find a pig's tooth.
And how long did they swallow this 'evidence' for? Any idea? No? Go look.
Remember Piltdown man? How long before they cottoned on to the fact that it was a fake?
Remember Lucy? Leakey said that the skull was imagination built from plaster of paris.
Actually in this case the scientists thought they just found more neanderthal remains and DNA testing revealed that these specimens were from an entirely different species.
Well, well, well. Did you read the newspaper report in the given link?
The only similarity between the 2 accounts is a tooth. Otherwise everything is completely opposite. We actually convict murderers and rapists on less evidence.
Heh heh heh! Wowee! What a massive amount of evidence to draw conclusions from! A tooth! 80,000 years old.
Are they sure it wasn't from a wild pig or something?
I don't think so, considering that out of the small percentage of fakes, there has actually been an overwhelming amount of actual discoveries and study.
You're too easily 'overwhelmed'. You really should go look at the darwin papers on the subject. You might learn something!
Do you trust this same science that we use to convict murderers and rapists?
That is an interesting question.
Can you not see that it is sheer imbecility to use genetic identification of a single species, namely humans, get correct results, and then use the same kind of evidence to establish that paternity-wise, you had an ancestor who was a crab-louse in the Cambrian?
Doesn't that sound a bit excessive? And stupid?
Ever heard of unwarranted extrapolation from restricted data?
They're finding out that all this 'junk DNA' doctrine,based on molecular biological 'evidence' is complete tripe. Go to my blog where you'll find more detail on this:
Even the BBC said so last night. So your foundations are a bit shaky, pal. Remember, the organ of thought is the brain, not the oesophagus.
Now here is, as you say, a single tooth.
I was astounded to read the conclusions in the newspaper. How they dare derive such from a tooth is nothing short of miraculous or sheer nonsense.
You can believe what you like, but in my opinion, it is sheer stupidity and complete absence of any vestige of a critical faculty that permits them to produce such garbage. So confidently too!
And you can't really demonstrate how we are not related to Cambrian organisms, just scoff at it. So I'll side with Barbarian and the scientists.
Side with whoever you like. That doesn't make it right, does it? Maybe you
are descended from this famous Cambrian crab-louse. You're welcome to your ancestry. But I promise you that I'm not so related!
You are showing your ignorance and your complete dishonesty since multiple people have explained to you the science. I'm starting to wonder if you actually get paid to do this.
Science? What science?
I don't get paid, but I do have an aversion to swallowing evolutionary crap. I exercise common-sense and an intelligent, severely critical faculty when it comes to evolutionary fantasies.
Probably because I'm not related to the Cambrian crab-louse.
Try it some time.