Brother Mike
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- #21
There are 3 verses that say there is more to God, and the events to come, than just what's inside the bible.
"And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen" John 21:25
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." John 5:39
"but the word of God is not bound." 2 Timothy 2:9
If we are to believe in Bible Prophecy, we are going to have to consider history. What's prophesied WILL pass. But those events being prophesied are not in the Bible, only the prophecy. There are no iPhones in scripture, but it sure is a fulfillment of what's in scripture (Dan 12:4).
"Jesus loves me" - Show me the scripture.
Joh 13:34
Joh 15:9
However, the context was that Jesus was speaking to His disciples. Jesus bigger thing was pointing to His Father. The same love the Father loved him, His Father loves us.
Jesus did say though that no greater love a man have is one that would lay down his life.
Can we safely conclude that Jesus Loves us, if it's not directly in scripture?
I think Apple was a step away from progress. Android though is what Danial was speaking about. My question was, do we combine History to validate scripture, or do we just teach the Word only?
For example, looking at the end times, and the generation leading up to it. From mid to late 1800's or even 1900's we see a major flux of new technology. Man goes 1,000's of years without cars, and suddenly we find ourselves with electric powered cars, then Henry Ford introduced to us the gas powered Engine. Combustion mechanics has not change since this day.
Interesting, scientist have come up with a graph showing that no new technology is being discovered today, just improvements on what we were given back in the 1900's. Planes are still planes, cars are still cars and computers are currently capped out on speed, with no way to make them faster unless a new technology is discovered.
Would we use this to talk about end times?
That is my question, because a whole lot of scriptures people have used to prove something, end up years later to prove something else based on what man see's in the natural. Who is to be trusted when someone says this scripture has come to pass?
Now back to my Android.