- Dec 29, 2017
- 18,527
- 7,286
Happy Mother's Day to all of the mother's out there on the forum and before we get started with the luncheon,.. as I do every year ever since I signed up to this forum, I am going to write a special Mother's Day message to my mother and I would love for others to post messages or memories for their or of their mother as well. 
So,.. I was thinking about what kind of message to leave my mom this year when I came a crossed another topic and it sort of gave me some ideas. As I wasn't sure what else to say about her that hasn't already been said in the previous years, but my mom is an extraordinary and wonderful person. She is my best friend and we always share each other's sadness, hurt, and pain,.. as well as joy, happiness, and just plain silliness LOL!!
I might have not come from her belly, but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that I was born out of her heart.
She's one of the reasons that I believe that God exists because He knew from the beginning that my birth mother would not be able to care for me, so He sent me somebody who could. She taught me wrong from right, (which is still a daily WIP) was and is always there for me to give me advice whenever I need it, as well as a hug when I need it but she also knows to back off when I don't want it. :yes (I'm not usually much of a hugger)
I can't remember a time in my life when she hasn't shown me she cares or is always thinking about me and being concerned for me, even through the times where I believed that I knew better than her. (In which of course I didn't.) Which I believe very strongly in the saying that actions speak louder than words. So we tend to show our love rather then say it all the time in my family, but on certain occasions like Mother's Day, I think that it's very important to tell your mother how much you love her.
So Mom, I just want to say thank you for always being there for me in both sickness and in health. Thank you for putting up with me, (and you're very welcome that I put up with you in return btw lol
) thank you for giving me everything I ever needed which (although we both know there are still things in this life that I will still want) is much more important than just giving me the things I want, and most importantly thank you for being a friend. And besides Jesus, you're the greatest friend that I could ever want and could ever need and I love you more than you'll ever know,.. but I also like you for the wonderful person that you are. 
I do believe that it's strong women like you that prove how much women can make a difference in this life. I consider you a heroine and just one of God's angels here on earth. (And yes I'm going to read this to her later today. :yes) So with all of that being said, I hope you and mother's everywhere have a very happy Mother's Day and the virtual kitchen is now open for business so virtual coffee, tea, sandwiches, and cookies are now going to be served for the next few hours!! :biggrin (I apologize in the delay for posting this btw, but I received a phone call.)

So,.. I was thinking about what kind of message to leave my mom this year when I came a crossed another topic and it sort of gave me some ideas. As I wasn't sure what else to say about her that hasn't already been said in the previous years, but my mom is an extraordinary and wonderful person. She is my best friend and we always share each other's sadness, hurt, and pain,.. as well as joy, happiness, and just plain silliness LOL!!

I might have not come from her belly, but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that I was born out of her heart.

I can't remember a time in my life when she hasn't shown me she cares or is always thinking about me and being concerned for me, even through the times where I believed that I knew better than her. (In which of course I didn't.) Which I believe very strongly in the saying that actions speak louder than words. So we tend to show our love rather then say it all the time in my family, but on certain occasions like Mother's Day, I think that it's very important to tell your mother how much you love her.

So Mom, I just want to say thank you for always being there for me in both sickness and in health. Thank you for putting up with me, (and you're very welcome that I put up with you in return btw lol

I do believe that it's strong women like you that prove how much women can make a difference in this life. I consider you a heroine and just one of God's angels here on earth. (And yes I'm going to read this to her later today. :yes) So with all of that being said, I hope you and mother's everywhere have a very happy Mother's Day and the virtual kitchen is now open for business so virtual coffee, tea, sandwiches, and cookies are now going to be served for the next few hours!! :biggrin (I apologize in the delay for posting this btw, but I received a phone call.)

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