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[__ Prayer __] Much prayer needed


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Hello people of this community. I'm new here (i'm Sam) and I believe I'm here because I'm very much in need of God's help and touch.

To be honest, my girlfriend and I just broke up 5 days ago. I'm hurting very much. I believe the reason why we broke up was because my fault. I let my jealousy and emotions took over and hurt her. And the reason for that is I had drifted away from God and was trying to love and trust my now ex-girlfriend in my own strength rather that His. Both of us were drifting away and I as the head model did not take action and recommit the relationship back to Him. I understand it's not God's doing (the break up), but He is calling me back to Him.

My girlfriend says she no longer feel anything towards me and it hurts because I waited for my entire life before meeting her. I'm 23 then and she was my first. We've share a very close bond for 11months in our relationship. I am still committed to her and all I can do is to give both of us some space as she wanted for herself, and trust in God the Father.

My heart's desire is to be together with her again. Although I know timing belongs to God but I really need a miracle. If everything goes well, I will be leaving for my studies in January. Initially both of us planned to go to the same christian Uni but now I'm dont know if she wants to go. I would love to have her come with me to the Uni and hopefully by God grace we could start a new and make it right from the start. To put God in the center of everything, our individual lives and our relationship.

I pray and hope that God would grant my heart's desire. Because I believe that she is the one for me. We might have rush into things during our courtship, but when we first met, it all just came to place. I believe that's divine arrangement. I now know that I am wrong, to let disappointments and resentment to eat both of us up and I didn't deal with that for the both of us. I'm coming back to God and trust and believe that He will grant my heart's desire. I am committed to her and I want to be the one for her.

Please pray for me and Ellys whom I believe and trust with all my heart is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Pray that God will open doors soon and also free Ellys from any hurt, disappointment and resentment she might feel towards me and the people of God, and to come back to God.(because of previous bad experience with church leaders that she's shunning herself away from them)
I would be a hypocrite if I do not wish for Ellys and I to be back together, that is my heart's desire, and to do it right, from the start.
Dear Father, You have heard Sam's desire, and You know how he hurts. I would ask that You restore their relationship, but I also know You have many purposes in our lives we don't know of at this moment and I for one trust Your decision. I look at my life in hindsight and just have to praise You in the way You brought me. Please give Sam peace as You encourage him in his studies, make opportunity for his future, and sustain him in the path You design for him. Have Your way now and forever in his life as he follows You, and I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Hello people of this community. I'm new here (i'm Sam) and I believe I'm here because I'm very much in need of God's help and touch.

To be honest, my girlfriend and I just broke up 5 days ago. I'm hurting very much. I believe the reason why we broke up was because my fault. I let my jealousy and emotions took over and hurt her. And the reason for that is I had drifted away from God and was trying to love and trust my now ex-girlfriend in my own strength rather that His. Both of us were drifting away and I as the head model did not take action and recommit the relationship back to Him. I understand it's not God's doing (the break up), but He is calling me back to Him.

My girlfriend says she no longer feel anything towards me and it hurts because I waited for my entire life before meeting her. I'm 23 then and she was my first. We've share a very close bond for 11months in our relationship. I am still committed to her and all I can do is to give both of us some space as she wanted for herself, and trust in God the Father.

My heart's desire is to be together with her again. Although I know timing belongs to God but I really need a miracle. If everything goes well, I will be leaving for my studies in January. Initially both of us planned to go to the same christian Uni but now I'm dont know if she wants to go. I would love to have her come with me to the Uni and hopefully by God grace we could start a new and make it right from the start. To put God in the center of everything, our individual lives and our relationship.

I pray and hope that God would grant my heart's desire. Because I believe that she is the one for me. We might have rush into things during our courtship, but when we first met, it all just came to place. I believe that's divine arrangement. I now know that I am wrong, to let disappointments and resentment to eat both of us up and I didn't deal with that for the both of us. I'm coming back to God and trust and believe that He will grant my heart's desire. I am committed to her and I want to be the one for her.

Please pray for me and Ellys whom I believe and trust with all my heart is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Pray that God will open doors soon and also free Ellys from any hurt, disappointment and resentment she might feel towards me and the people of God, and to come back to God.(because of previous bad experience with church leaders that she's shunning herself away from them)
I would be a hypocrite if I do not wish for Ellys and I to be back together, that is my heart's desire, and to do it right, from the start.

Prayers for your heart's desire, surrender it to God.
I've read an fb stat this morning " A woman's heart must be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her"...:wave
Prayers for peace of mind and comfort of heart are headed your way, Sam. Experiencing a break up with the person you believe is THE one for you is heart-wrenching.

Please remember: our Lord does everything according to His time....... and it is possible that He wishes for both of your to complete your studies before you get to the marriage. It's also possible that Ellys might not be the girl of your dreams. Just trust in our Lord's amazing grace and bountiful blessings, and use this time to focus on Him.

God bless you, Sam!


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