Vic C.
- Mar 16, 2003
- 18,230
- 4
Please, PLEASE tell this to the other members of my Praise team!Interesting article, Lewis.
I agree with so much of it. Especially the part about music during worship not being about exulting talents and the fact that music in many churches is creating an atmosphere of "spectators" and "performers". As one who has been a part of a church choir that not only sang during worship each Sunday, but had also put on special performances, I know first hand that there is a difference between lifting up voices in worship in song...and putting on a performance for an audience.
It's a real pet peeve of mine as well.
Somewhere...and it seems to have happened during the 80's and 90's....worship services have somehow morphed into concerts where the emphasis is on the music and yes, the musicians...not the One whom the music is supposedly exulting.
Now, I do believe my musical talents are a gift from and what I do with it is my gift back to Him. I should do my best to play my best, just as should dress in a way that is pleasing to Him, meaning, I should not wear my cutoff to service, etc.
But, I should not be making a spectacle of myself on the stage either. We should be leading the congregation in praise and worship and not adopt a "watch and listen" environment. I can play at my best and still not be a show-off.
I've had this conversation with Stove when he first got here. I'm glad he isn't as dogmatic about it now as he was them. :DIt is error to conclude that instruments should not be used in church just because the NT remains silent on the matter as it pertains to the church. Revelation seems to show that at least angels have instruments in worshiping God, and given that they were used by the Jews in the OT, there really is no reason to think that the Jews would have stopped using them in the church.
There is far too much of this argument from silence that goes on in Christian circles and it is wrong.
The word psalm, as used in this verse:
Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
is psalmós, in the Greek.
Psalm | Define Psalm at Dictionary.comsong sung to the harp, orig., a plucking, as of strings, akin to psállein to pluck, pull, play (the harp)
Now, I do not play a harp, but I do play guitar. My point is, the NT isn't totally silent on the matter.
The Bible doesn't mention recording the Sermons and putting them on our website for others to listen to later on. Should we not be doing that either? Should we even have heat or a/c or even lights or electricity?