Are you really interested in my beliefs and leanings, or is your question rhetorical and meant to mock me?
No, I don't want to mock you. Just the liberal religion of intolerance and bigotry, in general.
I don't love abortion. I don't believe in outlawing it but I do think there should be limits. I actually lean more towards pro-life than pro-abortion. I don't believe in sex education for all ages necessarily, but I do believe in reasonable sex-ed, and the ability for parents to opt their kids out if they choose.
See, here we have refusal of the liberal to take responsibility for the junk they are forcing on society. Teach little kids how to put condoms on cucumbers....WHY???
Teach pre teens about sexual intercourse, and then open the abortion clinics....not caring one whit about the spiritual devastation, or the emotional trauma inflicted upon thousands of ignorant kids, believing what the educational institution tells them about sex outside of marriage, and then reaping the horrible consequence of abortion.
I definitely think Bush is not only stupid, but has been very destructive to this country and should be removed from office. But, I'm no fan of Hilary either, if that's what you're assuming.
Nope, not assuming that.
I have no problem with guns,
well, that's good. You're going to need one, when we get overrun with Muslims.
Why would you assume, when I don't believe that books should be banned, that I would believe in regulating the food industry?
How does book banning connect with food industry regulation?