I gave reference to Daniel, and Joseph in interpreting the dreams of rulers. I also add the dream of Samuel the soon-to -be prophet, and the dream of Joseph when he told his brothers his dream about the 10 sheaves of wheat bowing down to him.
In each of them, the details were remembered clearly. Therefore it seems to me from the examples in Scripture that the prophetic dreams are remembered in great detail. If you believe otherwise, then please present prophetic dreams in Scripture that were not remembered clearly.
That is not a challenge to what you believe, if you believe differently; but because I was able to come up with those examples, I believe that may be a pattern to discern prophetic dreams today. Feel free to challenge me; I am not infallible--Only Jesus is infallible, and as long as we seek to glorify Him alone, and can discuss differences of opinions in a civil manner. It is not a matter that comes close to being the unpardonable sin.