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[__ Prayer __] My husband


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Thank you again for remembering us Jojo. I`ve been thinking that I need to respond but I wanted to wait until I had some definite answer. 2 weeks has come and gone (almost 3 weeks), and we have heard nothing. My husband contacted the recruiter who told us he would check on it and we haven`t heard back from him either so that doesn`t look good. And there have been no other interviews for other companies during this time either. I really feel caught between a rock in a hard spot in this situation. I`m a homemaker in a foreign land so even if I get a job there is no way I could make enough money to even pay our house payments so if I got a job I would want to get one that provided housing since we would without doubt lose our home. But these jobs would require us to relocate to the countryside so at this time I really can`t just go and get a job without knowing our future situation. It is really a frustrating situation to be in. I have also considered returning to America but for my children`s sake I really don`t want to do that. Plus, the economic situation isn`t any better over there so I can`t say we would be better off with moving. To top things off, my sister who is single just lost her job so I really can`t see returning to America to worry or burden my parents. I have told them nothing of my husband`s situation and now I especially can`t do that. Anyway, all we can do is pray, do our best, and trust in God that He will not let us fall to complete economic diaster. And I sincerely thank God for all my brothers and sisters in Christ who do have secure jobs. May God take care of His children.
I'm so sorry to hear that it is taking so long! The fact that your situation is common doesn't make it any easier, I'm sure. I will continue praying for your family!

Psalm 37:25 "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread."
You are right that it is unfortunately a common problem these days. I don`t see it going on around me because we don`t have the housing crisis that America has with foreclosure signs in yards but I know many other people in this world are facing job loss too. It has awakened in me the need for prayer for the unemployed. Never facing this situation before, my heart has never been burdened to pray for the unemployed like it is now. I pray for all our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world to have favor with God and their interviewers to secure a job for the sake of their families and as a witness for Christ.
Your continued prayers are much appreciated and I love the scripture you quoted. It is a scripture I`ve loved since I was in college. A dear retired missionary woman shared this scripture and her testimony of how many times she felt she was about to go over a cliff but God always held on to her and she said it was because of this scripture. God never forsakes us. I do believe this. I understand my family might lose our home but we will never lose God!

I will let you know if/when my husband gets a job.
Just as an update, we found out today that my husband did not get the job. Of course, after almost 3 weeks that was not a surprise but it was still a blow to my husband to hear it. My husband has been very upbeat and hopeful since Feb. but this was the first time I saw him really concerned and down. I got him to go for a walk in the park with me, our daughter, and dogs to sort of lift his spirits and get some fresh air. I think it helped but I also think the reality of our unemployment benefits and savings having their limit really hit him. I think he really thought he would have another job by now so he has not been worried, but with this news he took it as a major blow. Please continue remembering my husband in your prayers. Thank you.
Your post, talking about walking in the park, reminds me of a particularly bad time in my life when my kids and I were basically homeless (I had left my abusive ex and took my kids with me). We stayed with my sister for a while and friends for a while, but we had no home of our own. To help ease the burden of having my kids in someone else's house all day, I would take them to the park quite often.

These trips to the park would have both positive and negative effects on my emotions. Sometimes I would look at other families and be envious that they had a home to go to...and grow depressed. Other times I would enjoy the fresh air and the neutrality of the gentle and unjudging aspects of nature. But during this time, I would always find encouragement in God's promises to care for His children. In particular, Isaiah 40:11, "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." And He did.

Hang in there, paisley! I believe we all go through seasons of blessings and seasons of barrenness. It is in these down times of barrenness that we must fully rely on God, often for our daily sustenance. And in relying solely on Him, we learn humility and patience with an increase in faith in God the Father who promises to sustain His children.
Thank you Jojo for your encouraging words. I`m really sorry to hear about your experience. I can`t imagine going through what you went through. I`m so glad you had God and a good support network to help pull you through. May God continue watching over you and your dear children.
Well, it has been over a year since my husband`s company closed & I said I would post when husband got a job. I praise God to be able to say, tonight, my husband got a job offer! This year has been a year of many emotions as well as a time of growth in my family for God. Just a week ago I was reading Deu. 8 and realized when God`s people were wandering in the wilderness hungry, God never let them starve nor did He intend on letting them starve. He let them hunger a little to be able to teach them a valuable lesson about Him for their benefit. Likewise, when Peter was walking on the water and started to sink, Jesus let him sink just a little bit but never intended on letting him drown. He let him sink just enough to learn a valuable, life long lesson to be passed down to generation after generation to come. As I thought of these things I realized I was safe and protected by God even though my husband was unemployed. A peace came over me. I think God let my family sink just a little bit to teach us a valuable lesson. I praise God He didn`t let us drown or starve or reach utter poverty. God has been very good to us this whole time. I can not thank Him enough. God is so good, and He is the one that provided us with this job. I LOVE YOUR LORD!!!!! Thank you all who prayed for my family. May God bless each of you for your kind prayers for a fellow Christian family in a time of need. Thank you again.


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