Good purchase for $2,000, John.
VaultZero4Me said:
The move from my barely broken in sport packaged turbo Audi, to a basic older reliable beater has taught me a good lesson.
Buying new over priced cars to display a "I made it." sign while behind the wheel, just isn't worth the debt and payments.
I would still like an A6 at some point but one that's a few years old--3.2 or 4.2. The main reason I hesitate, apart from not owing anything on my current ride, is that I don't want people to think I got it as a status symbol. Well, that and I don't have the money anyway, lol. All I want is a quiet, comfortable car with AWD. There is currently a used '05 4.2 in my city for $22,000 CDN, which is cheaper than a same year G35x and an '06 Accord. Used Audi's seem to be a good bang-for-the-buck.
Having said all that, I'm not going to cry if I never own one. It's just a car. They get stolen, get in accidents, get rusted (maybe not Audi's so much), get old and die, etc.
VaultZero4Me said:
From now on, I will not go into debt for something that main purpose is to get me from point A to B and I am constantly freaking out over at every bump in the road or tailgater.
I had a Porsche tailgating me the other day. That was one time I didn't mind and actually thought how nice it would be if a dog ran out into the road.
VaultZero4Me said:
With my next car I'll be able to go "lolwhatpothole?" and keep my money.
lol! I know what you mean. I'm a bit of a car guy and have slightly modded my '03 Altima SE. I'm at the point where I'm wondering if it's really worth it. I haven't put a whole lot into it but I'm only half-way in what I was planning on doing. I'm hoping to get out today and put some sound deadening in. It won't be A6 quiet but I need to tone down the in-cabin exhaust volume.
Glad to see that you have a job coming up. It's been so rough the last while and it's good to see that people can still find work.