Thank you all for your kidness. I didn't sleep at all yesterday I finally rested a little around 1:00 p.m. I could get the image of him finally taking his last breath out of my head it was so painful to watch and I know he tried his best to stay with his mama. I took him out into the sunlight one last time so he can enjoy the air, he looked around. I kep blowing in his face and kissing his nose. Then like that he left. I covered him with a clean towel and waited until I got helped to bury him. I didn't want to take him to the vet to uthanize him or just throw him in a dumpster like other sick people do. I wanted him to have a peaceful death right in the arms of the woman who took care of him for 10 years. But I feel guilty because I know I should have did more I feel so guilty people just don't know.
I'm hurt and crying because I have been through heck and back. My baby was always there by my side because I have no friends or many people who love me, but I loved him and he loved me. My baby is gone now but I'm trying not to hold on too much because if there comes a time I get another animal I want him to be a new and fresh start and not treat him like a rebound.
I'd post his picture but that'll just make me take 2 steps backwards in my grieving process.