Super crazy if you ask me. Do they really believe that somebody suggested to the people of that time... "Hey everybody, I have an idea. Let's take this city we've built and bury it under millions of tons of sand." Seriously?
Also, are those ruins 10,000 years old (7:25), 12,000 years old (2:00) or 14,000 years old (12,000 BC, 4:10)? And if there are carvings there that required "advanced tools" (1:00), why didn't they show any of them? There's nothing in that video that couldn't be done by a talented sculptor using a hammer and an iron chisel. At about 1:30 in the video, a lady says that they have uncovered only 5% of a "gigantic civilization". How do they know how big it was? But I think that the most ridiculous suggestion that all of this was done without tools. They've uncovered 5% of the city (however they know that) and haven't found any tools. That must mean that there weren't any. There couldn't possibly be any tools yet to be found in the other 95% of the city. This must have been done using laser technology or something similar, perhaps by space aliens. It was done without anything we would consider tools (4:40). They also created food without any agricultural implements. Since they haven't found any yet, that means that they didn't have any and must have been an "advanced civilization".
I agree that it's interesting. I enjoy looking at ruins and hearing about ancient peoples, but I think their conclusions are... shall we say... a bit off.
I agree that it's interesting. I enjoy looking at ruins and hearing about ancient peoples, but I think their conclusions are... shall we say... a bit off.
I think it's pretty likely that there is a lot of our early human history that's still hidden to us, maybe lost forever. With God, all things are possible.
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