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Nazis occultism


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There has been argued about occultism of the Nazis since crimes and atrocities of the Nazis were exposed to the world. Some say that Nazis were occultists and some say that they weren't. In this article, I bring up the matter that Nazis practised occultism and holocaust of the Jews was Nazis' burnt offering to their idol. It is very clear that Nazis cruel and brutal action of the holocaust (crime against mankind) was done under the influence of the evil force occultism.
I had no idea that folks doubted the Nazis were into occultism. It seems fairly well documented.
I'm well aware of the occultism. Many of the medals and their symbol in general is based off of Norse runes.

One of the highest ranks recieve the rune for Tyr and the symbol of Oden was common as well. Germany wanted to return to its roots. So the pagan religions where used often.
PetriFB said:
There has been argued about occultism of the Nazis since crimes and atrocities of the Nazis were exposed to the world. Some say that Nazis were occultists and some say that they weren't. In this article, I bring up the matter that Nazis practised occultism and holocaust of the Jews was Nazis' burnt offering to their idol. It is very clear that Nazis cruel and brutal action of the holocaust (crime against mankind) was done under the influence of the evil force occultism.

That was the inspiration behind "Raiders of the Lost Ark" based on this idea.
Hitler was not a Christian. He identified himself as "Christian" because it was politically expedient for him to do so. Much like many politicians today.

The bible is quite clear on this: "By their fruit ye shall know them."

and there is also...

"Many shall come to me saying 'Lord, Lord'...I will say to them 'Depart from Me, I never knew you.'"

One only need look at the "fruit" of Hitler to see that the Spirit of God was not in him.
Brokendoll said:
Many nazis, including Hitler, were also Christian.
I don't know if this is relevant though.
If I was a betting man, I would bet everything I own that you would argue that Emperor Constantine was a pagan, being Christian in name only, and only supported Christianity for his political purposes. Am I correct?
handy said:
Hitler was not a Christian. He identified himself as "Christian" because it was politically expedient for him to do so. Much like many politicians today.

Well, he was raised a Roman Catholic, and in his book, "Mein Kampf", the following statistics can be gathered;

The number of instances of key words mentioned in "Mein Kampf" are as follows:
"Almighty" : 6
"God" : 37
"Creator" : 8

Also, the nazis had "Got Mit Uns" (God With Us) stamped onto their belt buckles.

Of course, it is debatable which god he was reffering to. Perhaps Hitler at some point became a Muslim? ;)
Free said:
Brokendoll said:
Many nazis, including Hitler, were also Christian.
I don't know if this is relevant though.
If I was a betting man, I would bet everything I own that you would argue that Emperor Constantine was a pagan, being Christian in name only, and only supported Christianity for his political purposes. Am I correct?

You'd loose. ;)
Good thing you are not a betting man, huh?

I know of no credible sources that make the claim that Emperor Constantine was a pagan. In fact, everything I've read about him (which, granted, isn't all that much) indicates that he was quite genuine in his faith.
Brokendoll said:
Free said:
Brokendoll said:
Many nazis, including Hitler, were also Christian.
I don't know if this is relevant though.
If I was a betting man, I would bet everything I own that you would argue that Emperor Constantine was a pagan, being Christian in name only, and only supported Christianity for his political purposes. Am I correct?

You'd loose. ;)
Good thing you are not a betting man, huh?

I know of no credible sources that make the claim that Emperor Constantine was a pagan. In fact, everything I've read about him (which, granted, isn't all that much) indicates that he was quite genuine in his faith.
Good thing is right. lol Most everyone who is non-Christian or very liberal in their Christian theology make such a claim. Usually it comes out in regards to the development of the Trinity.
Indeed. There are plenty of profession "Christians" in the world today that don't have the first clue about what it means to be a Christian. There was a poll done that says 1 in 3 Christians believe that Jesus sinned while He was on the earth. If that's really true, then what that really means is that 1 in 3 Christians, aren't really Christians.

If you have faith in a man that sinned, the you don't have faith in the same Jesus the Bible tells us we are to have faith in.

Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
New American Standard Bible (©1995)

Galatians 1:9
As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!
New American Standard Bible (©1995)

Brokendoll said:
Of course, it is debatable which god he was reffering to. Perhaps Hitler at some point became a Muslim? ;)

I've seen it where he conspired with them agains the Jews. Peculiar bedfellows for one who calls himself a "Christian." Perhaps Hitler missed this scripture? God, speaking to Abraham, gave Abraham this in regards to his decendents (Jews)...

Genesis 12:3
And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
New American Standard Bible (©1995)

I don't think Hitler was much of a blessing to the Jews.
TonyB said:
I've seen it where he conspired with them agains the Jews. Peculiar bedfellows for one who calls himself a "Christian." Perhaps Hitler missed this scripture?

I don't think Hitler was much of a blessing to the Jews.

Most of the predominantly Christian Europe wasn't much of a blessing to the Jews prior to WW2, and antisemitism was, if not obvious on the surface, very much brewing beneath it.

Also, one should note that at the beginning of his campain the Catholic Church supported Hitler, and later adopted a policy of non-involvement. Not many redeeming factors there.

The nazi connection to various muslim states was probably more an alliance of convenience than anything else, but it is true that a certain allegiance was in place between Germany and the Ottoman Empire (later Turkey) during WW1 and that these connections were upheld to some degree later. For Hitler the muslims provided him with a distraction drawing British troops away from the front, as can be seen in the actions undertaken by German diplomats in Afghanistan.

So, in short, Hitler may or may not have had a firm grasp of the bible, but then again, many who call themselves Christians do not. The most credible source we have on his position on god is his own piece of propaganda, Mein Kampf, in which God, the Almighty and the Creator feature regularily.
Brokendoll said:
Also, one should note that at the beginning of his campain the Catholic Church supported Hitler, and later adopted a policy of non-involvement. Not many redeeming factors there.

Not many in the Roman Catholic Church either. Many people try to lump the RCC in with Christianity. Catholic doctrine preaches another Jesus, one that cannot save so much as a peanut from destruction. As such, I lump the RCC in with the likes of the Emergent Christianity movement into false christianity.

Brokendoll said:
So, in short, Hitler may or may not have had a firm grasp of the bible, but then again, many who call themselves Christians do not.

I agree wholeheartedly. The body of Christ has collectively dropped the ball. Something I am working to correct, by the grace of God...starting with my own life.

Brokendoll said:
The most credible source we have on his position on god is his own piece of propaganda, Mein Kampf, in which God, the Almighty and the Creator feature regularily.

And if his roots were in the Roman Catholic Church, then if he had faith in Jesus, he had faith in a false christ; which, I believe, is evident by his actions.
Brokendoll said:
handy said:
Hitler was not a Christian. He identified himself as "Christian" because it was politically expedient for him to do so. Much like many politicians today.

Well, he was raised a Roman Catholic, and in his book, "Mein Kampf", the following statistics can be gathered;

The number of instances of key words mentioned in "Mein Kampf" are as follows:
"Almighty" : 6
"God" : 37
"Creator" : 8

Also, the nazis had "Got Mit Uns" (God With Us) stamped onto their belt buckles.

Of course, it is debatable which god he was reffering to. Perhaps Hitler at some point became a Muslim? ;)

As I stated in the part of my post you didn't quote:
"Many shall come to me saying 'Lord, Lord'...I will say to them 'Depart from Me, I never knew you.'" :nod

Here is an interesting quote from Hitler regarding Jesus Christ:

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. ...Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. ...
- Adolf Hitler, speech on April 12, 1922

Here it is clear that Adolf Hitler viewed Jesus through the lenses of his own prejudices. Hitler referenced Jesus and Christianity many times. But, as was stated before "Many shall come to Me saying Lord, Lord....
Brokendoll said:
The most credible source we have on his position on god is his own piece of propaganda, Mein Kampf, in which God, the Almighty and the Creator feature regularily.

Now you're beginning to get it! :yes Religion, the religion of Christianity, was politically expedient to Hitler. Had the political make-up in Germany been quite different, had there been a different history in Europe, and it had been politically expedient for Hitler to be a Jew, he would have been a Pharisee!

I'm not saying that the embrace of Hitler by the good German Christians wasn't shameful. It was and the Church in Germany at that time has much to answer for. But, I know that those who want to point fingers at Christianity love to try to say that Hitler was a Christian. But, (despite what any baptismal records or lip-service might say) one is only a Christian if one is born of the Spirit. If one is born of the Spirit, one's fruit will bear testimony to that. If one is born of evil, one's fruit will bear testimony to that as well. It's crystal clear which fruit Hitler bore.


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