New rules for the Parenting forum.

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Vic C.

Mar 16, 2003
Reaction score
The Staff decided we should moderate this particular section based on one's age, parenting and marital status. I will be posting our guidelines here in the next day or so, so that you may familiarize yourselves with said rules.

Certain restrictions will apply and be monitored...
I hope you're considering a restriction to parents and married (or have been married) members. Sometimes I'm asking questions of other parents, or I'm in a thread that is, and a teenager chimes in. I mean no offense to them, but one's perspective on parenting issues changes dramatically when you become a parent. This is true with marriage as well.

I haven't had any difficulties with this per se personally, but I really don't believe a teenager is qualified to provide feedback on parenting. I certainly would have offered different advice on the matter when I was 17.

Also, as with any advice forum, I hate to see someone's request for feedback turn into a theological debate. Sometimes someone's take on scripture applies to the person's question, but sometimes the thread gets hijacked by people who turn the whole direction of it. I would hate to have an honest question turn into a battle between a few other people that takes my question off the table.

No offense to my teenage friends/members. Just sayin'

I will say that if said teen is 18 or above and fits one of the two titles in the name of the Forum, they will be given permission to post. ;)
Ok, so this is what we decided:

The prerequisites are:

1- You must be married and/or have offspring and...

2- You must be 18.

Simple enough. :salute The honor system will be in effect and if needed, we could make it a "by permission only" forum, like the Science Forum.
I would like to add that engaged persons may also post in here for future advice.
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