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I'n finding "the unveiling of Jesus" is in believing His teachings in action.
I think He keeps the key to His house there all the time. Like my neighbor, "It's on the hook in the shed." That's kinda funny! All anyone has to do to get that key from Him is ask.
No thief could ever take that key from His Masters' Hand.
I now believe The Book Of Revelation (along with all scripture) soeaks to all mankind in a way where everything being said pertains to mankind as mankind believes in his heart about his Creator. Example:

Our Lord invited us to The Marriage Feast, but some of the guests got into a fight with the Groom. The Groom kept insisting fightinh that way wasn't His Will, but they wouldn't hear Him. He never fought back and died. He even forgave them.He knew something was going to happen. Just a shirt while before, His murderers were kabitzen with the gentiles and shortly after they lopped aHis best mans's head off.
I never saw such mercy. Thank God those criminals didn't live in the old days. Undrr the law, Calvary would have looked like the party Baal got invited to only when the guests showed up they got into a fight with Elijah. I know two reliable witnesses who saw the whole thing and Elijah won the fight. Well , actually Elijah prayed to win the fight.
I'n finding "the unveiling of Jesus" is in believing His teachings in action.
I think He keeps the key to His house there all the time. Like my neighbor, "It's on the hook in the shed." That's kinda funny! All anyone has to do to get that key from Him is ask.
No thief could ever take that key from His Masters' Hand.
I now believe The Book Of Revelation (along with all scripture) soeaks to all mankind in a way where everything being said pertains to mankind as mankind believes in his heart about his Creator. Example:

Our Lord invited us to The Marriage Feast, but some of the guests got into a fight with the Groom. The Groom kept insisting fightinh that way wasn't His Will, but they wouldn't hear Him. He never fought back and died. He even forgave them.He knew something was going to happen. Just a shirt while before, His murderers were kabitzen with the gentiles and shortly after they lopped aHis best mans's head off.
I never saw such mercy. Thank God those criminals didn't live in the old days. Undrr the law, Calvary would have looked like the party Baal got invited to only when the guests showed up they got into a fight with Elijah. I know two reliable witnesses who saw the whole thing and Elijah won the fight. Well , actually Elijah prayed to win the fight.
It would truly help if you would give scriptures for what you say so we can go read them for a better discussion.

Before we begin our study in Revelation there is one thing we have to remember that is very important. Revelation was given to John in visions as prophecies that had their beginnings in the Old Testament, being fulfilled in the New Testament and yet much to be fulfilled in future events before the great and terrible day of the Lords return.

Revelations is given to all nations and tongues that live throughout the whole world as in Jew and Gentile. Israel is mainly mentioned, but not all of Israel is Gods chosen people. Those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb are joined as a branch with Israel as God is the root of that branch and those who are sealed by His Holy Spirit are His own who find favor in Him, Romans 11:11-31. This is why our attention needs to be on those things that are happening in Israel especially Jerusalem as being Gods Holy City.

Within Gods final chastisement on man He continues to call them to repentance and one has to take into consideration during the time of the seven trumpets sounding what God pours out that destroys man will be a third part of every nation simultaneously being destroyed unless they repent and turn back to God. This also includes those who call themselves a Christian, but by name only as they have not Gods Holy Spirit dwelling in them and will also be destroyed, Matthew 7:21.

Revelations (the unveiling) was given by Jesus who sent an angel to John on the isle of Patmos while he was a prisoner there for preaching the word of God in Asia. This angel revealed these end time events to John in order to write them down as letters and secretly were sent out to the seven churches in Asia. These individual letters were written in chronological order of events that were carried to the seven Churches in the Roman province of Asia and now revealed to the whole world.

From the very beginning of time starting with Adam man has allowed themselves to lose that Spiritual fellowship with God as Adam did when he fell to temptation through Satan’s deceit. Through the sin of Adams disobedience we have all allowed ourselves to be deceived causing us to fall short of Gods glory and became children of disobedience as we continue to allow Satan to deceive us unaware of his devices. God will chastise his children as a Father that disciplines his children. He only wants the best for them, but many have a rebellious heart that will not heed His warnings and have turned a deaf ear towards Him as they love their own lives unto death and will perish never knowing Gods mercy and grace.

Wars and rumor of wars, nation against nation and kingdoms against kingdoms, famines, pestilences and earthquakes are all results of mans sin as they continue to fall from Gods grace as they become lovers of self, 2 Timothy 3:2-4. The fulfillment of prophecy is in that of Jesus life, death and resurrection that we can reconcile ourselves back to God through His grace before the return of Jesus. Our covenant promise from God is that we will have eternal life with Him, John 10:27, 28, through grace that we can reconcile ourselves back to the Father and live our lives according to His will.
What you are about to read and have revealed to you in these revelations are those things that are yet future compared with that of the past. It has always been kingdom against kingdom and nation against nation. There are only two kingdoms as one is Gods kingdom that is taught in all truths through Gods Holy Spirit and the other a ruling kingdom of Satan who uses a Jezebel spirit that speaks a deceptive word to deceive the nations, Revelation 2:20.

Revelations is full of symbolism that is literal where it needs to be and Spiritual where it needs to define that of the literal. These revelations are given as a warning to those who have yet to accept Jesus as Messiah. Gods chastisements are to draw those back to him in repentance before that door of salvation is closed forever when Jesus returns and Gods true Church is gathered up to be with the Father forever.

The focus in Revelations would seem to center around Israel only and the nations that come against her for this is how John would recognize it to be since all other nations were not yet developed in his time. Revelations is about all of us, Jew and Gentile, past, present and future that by faith keep Gods commandments. We are Gods witnesses that testify of His mercy and grace as we take His word out into the world to those who have ears to hear.
It would truly help if you would give scriptures for what you say so we can go read them for a better discussion.
In the OP, I was giving an example of how the OT under Moses and the NT of Christ could be combined into one volumn (Rev) , which then could show how Gods' word is applies to all sinners but is perceived dofferntly on how people view our Lord.
like He hurt me vs He correctec me.
Before we begin our study in Revelation there is one thing we have to remember that is very important. Revelation was given to John in visions as prophecies that had their beginnings in the Old Testament, being fulfilled in the New Testament and yet much to be fulfilled in future events before the great and terrible day of the Lords return.
We're almost on the same page. I'm just beginning to see it in light of the "end times" being the future of "end times" of how believers and unbelievers see the end of their own lives coming. the days of individuals lives approaching as they lived throughout history. Like, "as ye see the day approaching." Heb.10:25KJV
Revelations is given to all nations tongues that live throughout the whole world as in Jew and Gentile. Israel is mainly mentioned, but not all of Israel is Gods chosen people. Those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb are joined as a branch with Israel as God is the root of that branch and those who are sealed by His Holy Spirit are His own who find favor in Him, Romans 11:11-31. This is why our attention needs to be on those things that are happening in Israel especially Jerusalem as being Gods Holy City.

Within Gods final chastisement on man He continues to call them to repentance and one has to take into consideration during the time of the seven trumpets sounding what God pours out that destroys man will be a third part of every nation simultaneously being destroyed unless they repent and turn back to God. This also includes those who call themselves a Christian, but by name only as they have not Gods Holy Spirit dwelling in them and will also be destroyed, Matthew 7:21.

Revelations (the unveiling) was given by Jesus who sent an angel to John on the isle of Patmos while he was a prisoner there for preaching the word of God in Asia. This angel revealed these end time events to John in order to write them down as letters and secretly were sent out to the seven churches in Asia. These individual letters were written in chronological order of events that were carried to the seven Churches in the Roman province of Asia and now revealed to the whole world.

From the very beginning of time starting with Adam man has allowed themselves to lose that Spiritual fellowship with God as Adam did when he fell to temptation through Satan’s deceit. Through the sin of Adams disobedience we have all allowed ourselves to be deceived causing us to fall short of Gods glory and became children of disobedience as we continue to allow Satan to deceive us unaware of his devices. God will chastise his children as a Father that disciplines his children. He only wants the best for them, but many have a rebellious heart that will not heed His warnings and have turned a deaf ear towards Him as they love their own lives unto death and will perish never knowing Gods mercy and grace.

Wars and rumor of wars, nation against nation and kingdoms against kingdoms, famines, pestilences and earthquakes are all results of mans sin as they continue to fall from Gods grace as they become lovers of self, 2 Timothy 3:2-4. The fulfillment of prophecy is in that of Jesus life, death and resurrection that we can reconcile ourselves back to God through His grace before the return of Jesus. Our covenant promise from God is that we will have eternal life with Him, John 10:27, 28, through grace that we can reconcile ourselves back to the Father and live our lives according to His will.
What you are about to read and have revealed to you in these revelations are those things that are yet future compared with that of the past. It has always been kingdom against kingdom and nation against nation. There are only two kingdoms as one is Gods kingdom that is taught in all truths through Gods Holy Spirit and the other a ruling kingdom of Satan who uses a Jezebel spirit that speaks a deceptive word to deceive the nations, Revelation 2:20.

Revelations is full of symbolism that is literal where it needs to be and Spiritual where it needs to define that of the literal. These revelations are given as a warning to those who have yet to accept Jesus as Messiah. Gods chastisements are to draw those back to him in repentance before that door of salvation is closed forever when Jesus returns and Gods true Church is gathered up to be with the Father forever.

The focus in Revelations would seem to center around Israel only and the nations that come against her for this is how John would recognize it to be since all other nations were not yet developed in his time. Revelations is about all of us, Jew and Gentile, past, present and future that by faith keep Gods commandments. We are Gods witnesses that testify of His mercy and grace as we take His word out into the world to those who have ears to hear.
I don't mean to sound short but threads that are really long liaded with passages to go back ank forth on are out for me.
There will be plenty of scripture to comdider, but this doind a sprint from Gen. - Rev. isnout for me from niw on. Nitjing ever gets settled in a format like that and all we have to do is look at the discention around us.
I'm nit having My[.b] book says....Oh yeah? Well [b\MY book says...,
I'm done with my way or the highway.
I'm looking for agreement with His way.
I hope what I'm saying doesn't come out rude. If you could hear me speaking voice it would be a calm low voice.
Brother I'm tired of spending years tyiping and getting little accomplished. I've participated in many theology discussions
all over the internet and they're really no different. We're no different from this workd that way. And again it's not just us here at CF. It's everywhere.
I would just like to try takking with ither serious students, becasue almost immediately agter any theology starts someone goes. "Oh Yeah..." and ni one here us more guilty if than than me. ai'm tired brother. I' m done with the sword that way. He really made me see I better reforge thuis spear into a pruner. Kinda lije Sinatra only i did it His way.
No more posts a mile long or wmWhat abiut my brother inidajo who said...
If stuff like that comes into thus thread I'm handling with an immediate ignore.

I really believe we should examine vs after vs because the people here really do possess an exrensuve knowledge of the Bible.
But this gack ither believrrs apat has to stop.
Revelation Chapter 1

Rev 1:1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
I see Gods' purpose here as the faithful testimony of Two, the father and Son.
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen.Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Rev.22:20 KJV

Our Lord said He would come quickly.” I believe He meant in the Holy Spirit as soon as faith in Him is stated, not 2000 + years from then.
The Father gave to the Son who “signified” or showed it to John.
Jesus signified this book during His ministry on earth and John recorded it in his Gospel. John claimed he was faithful
his testimony is true. Jn.21:24
This world only sees ink a man used a long time ago. Was his testimony true? I believe so.
Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ and of all things that he saw.
No explanation needed.
Rev 1:3 - Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.KJVv
Jesus is saying the faithful will see Him shortly. He meant by the Holy Spirit,
ye see me no more; Jn.16:10
Just to let you know I am a sister and not a brother, but no big deal. I'm sorry I rubbed you the wrong way as Revelations has always been my passion studying it very deeply for well over 40 years now. If you do not want to discuss Revelations with me then I will bow out. If you want to believe the Holy Spirit is Jesus speaking to John, even though it says Jesus sent the angel to him then you have every right to do so. I have no ill will against you, but when I see others adding to or taking away from that which has already been written I would hope to have a healthy discussion with them. I will leave you with this.

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Rev 1:2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.

God bless and have a good day :)
Just to let you know I am a sister and not a brother, but no big deal. I'm sorry I rubbed you the wrong way as Revelations has always been my passion studying it very deeply for well over 40 years now. If you do not want to discuss Revelations with me then I will bow out.
Please stay as I really want us to confirm that we see the truth of all scripture.
Sorry for the mixup on your identity. Sometimes I can’t tell if someone is make or female even by sight and I think that’s sad.
You didn’t rub me wrong. If I sound upset, it’s only because two opposing views means someone is changing the meaning of Gods’s word. So what? So someone who thinks he’s a believer is going to damnation. That isn’t even debatable because God said, not me. It’s that simple.
If you want to believe the Holy Spirit is Jesus speaking to John, even though it says Jesus sent the angel to him then you have every right to do so.
lol…here we go again. I said John got from Jesus who got from God.
I have no ill will against you, but when I see others adding to or taking away from that which has already been written I would hope to have a healthy discussion with them. I will leave you with this.
I posted in a in another by clear teaching from Paul which shows out right Hersey that is leading him to damnation. Not even a response. My ignore button is my “shake the dust off button” now. I’m clam, just not wasting time anymore.
Another member showed me in the Ot there a prophet who was told by God to obey without turning. Another prophet falsely said who God spoke to him made the other turn and that prophet died.
John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring al to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Rev 1:2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
The God bless and have a good day :)
I know what you’re saying. I studied for 4p years also and I was blind.
I love you for_his_glory, but II’m not going to play this game anymore with other members . Here’s the problem,

Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: andthat no man can say that Jesus is the Lord,but by the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor.12:3

“Wherefore” because of vs.1 (spiritual gifts)

I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 1Cor.1:1-3 KJV

Paul just said if you say, ”Jesus was cursed”, you have no gifts from Him. You’re being deluded. It says that because the law could not curse Jesus.

That member doesn’t care that if he doesn’t repent of that disgusting doctrine he’s damned. I don’t want to be right. I want us to be right. I’m not mad. I’m trying to correct error that if not repented of will have confident theologians hearing “I never knew you.”
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A As for the Holy Spirit, He was already in John. See? That’s the point. The Spirit confirms the former sinners testimony.
Let the doers and non doers hear what the Spirit is saying in GODS’ church, not me me me.
Hey sis, I’m not sorry for showing others how to avoid someone saying, Thus says the Lord when thus the Lord didn’t say. We should “test those spirits” carrying heresy to the church. How? Confirm His word by each other and………The Holy Spirit in us.

“Well, I beg to differ because my Holy Spirit in me said? I don’t care how good my intentions are
I thought I was done,
Hey we all know works don’t save us so works don’t matter where salvation is concerned. That’s what Paul said isn’t it?

God - Welcome home son.
Adopted son- I wasn’t perfect.
God - You don’t have to tell Me. You are perfect in My eyes because you did what I said, humble yourself and seek Me. I increased you.

It’s a terrible thng to say God this says this, when He didn’t. Check my warped spirit with what the Holy Spirit is saying in me and with Christs’ testimony. They are the only Two Faithful Witnesses on earth. They will decide who the truth tellers are…later. Now back to the study… maybe… right Lord?
The problem is that many disagree with each other of what scripture says. It's hard to discuss with someone who is not opened for correction as I thank God for the many times He has worked through others to correct me. It has nothing to do with me, me, me, but what is actually written in the scriptures and letting the Holy Spirit teach us all truths.

I would hope and pray that in future discussions that even if we do not always agree that each of us would take and consider what the other is saying and study the scriptures that are given. Not everyone agreed with Jesus even though He walked among them showing them many signs and wonders. Let us have Spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear what the Spirit of God wants us to learn. If what is said comes against the full context of scripture let's be mature enough to discuss that which we disagree with and let each other make up their own mind as we remain teachable.
The problem is that many disagree with each other of what scripture says. It's hard to discuss with someone who is not opened for correction as I thank God for the many times He has worked through others to correct me. It has nothing to do with me, me, me, but what is actually written in the scriptures and letting the Holy Spirit teach us all truths.

I would hope and pray that in future discussions that even if we do not always agree that each of us would take and consider what the other is saying and study the scriptures that are given. Not everyone agreed with Jesus even though He walked among them showing them many signs and wonders. Let us have Spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear what the Spirit of God wants us to learn. If what is said comes against the full context of scripture let's be mature enough to discuss that which we disagree with and let each other make up their own mind as we remain teachable.
I just gave an example where Jesus was called cursed…evil….damned.
[Now concerning spiritual gifts,[ brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed:

To avoid heresy we don’t move from this spot until we find out who is calling Jesus accursed.

I did for 40 years because I was taught false beliefs. I was wrong. The problem is when Paul said,

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: Gal.3:13

He was citing,

His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy landbe not defiled, which the LORD thy Godgiveth thee for an inheritance. Deu.21:23

Paul never meant the cross cursed Jesus.

He meant “cursed for committing sin,

And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:

He was misunderstood,

And account that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 1 2Pet.3:15

Paul never taught against keeping the law.
He taught against circumcision of skin without corcumcision of heart,

Col 2:21 - (Touch not; taste not; handle not
Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, andhumility, and neglecting of the body; not inany honour to the satisfying of the flesh.

Would you please read what I just wrote and agree or disagree with what I said?
If you disagree why?

I’m not angry with you. I want you to tell me I’m wrong so I don’t burn. Help me or receive help.
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I often have good intentions and have an Idea how to get it done, but find my direction off and need to be redirected.
“A man's heart devisethhis way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” Pro.16:9 KJV
I‘d really like to begin this study now vs by vs without going all over the place.
Not trying to cause trouble in the house here sis, but I know you’ll understand what I’m saying when I tell you I understand why the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. They had a bunch of rebellious people in their congregation like ME