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[__ Prayer __] No hope... Faith is slipping.....

Is there any hope?

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    Votes: 36 94.7%
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    Votes: 2 5.3%

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Thanks for the help
Bad news is that I still do not have a response from my proposal....
I guess that I will just have to admit that I am a failure for life....
End of story
Teaching is not for me. I used to read to mentally challenged kids back in school saying this is not for me. I do not have the patience. I am a more of a work behinds the scenes person. Maybe I have to become an entrepreneur but I know I would fail at it. I turned in apps to places and no call backs. Not even from McDonalds lol. I am in a valley in my life as I watch my peers flourish. I was a good kid in school and people would say that I would go far in life. Man they were wrong. I remember the the bad kids that I grew up with in school and thought they would end up in jail or something like that. It ends up a lot of them got married have houses and cars etc. I have seen it all on facebook. I scratch my head like what am I doing wrong. Is it my fault that no one wants to hire me? Is this a test from God? I have a friend who went to jail and came out getting jobs left and right. I do not have a criminal record but can't get an interview.....

I stopped praying on this matter. I guess god stopped listening to me I dunno. I read that verse in Jeremiah about god having plans for you life but I do not see it. But I did tell god that I am a failure if he heard me. Why is life so frustrating?.....
I went through the same thing,it finally got so bad I had nothing left to lose so I just gave up and begin to trust God, and time went on and on and then I looked around one day and I had a house,land,money,car,truck,ta duh! Just keep on keeping on and read the bible and pray and don't try to make anything happen just try to do what is right in the sight of God and let the rest of it go.
Thanks for the help
Bad news is that I still do not have a response from my proposal....
I guess that I will just have to admit that I am a failure for life....
End of story

It is only the end of the story if you make it the end of the story. I have repeated all through this thread that a job does not define if one is a success in life or not. And I back that up with the Bible. As Christians we are preparing and striving for a different kind of life and success. Yes, we want and need a job. No one denies that. It is good to work. But as Christians we do not and cannot allow our success and failures in life be defined by worldly measures. You must dig deep Dark and you must make your eyes look up. Don`t let your circumstances overcome you. Fight and rise up. Look in the mirror and remind yourself you are a child of God, a solider here to fight a good fight for Him. Then get out and try again.
Maybe I should send it again before the weekend comes. Hopefully I can get a response next week. Another woman told me maybe God wants to put me on another path for another passion but I told her that I only have one. Maybe I should pray tonight. I have not prayed in like 1 week or so. I have become uninspired to read the bible and only look up scriptures online now and days...
Maybe I should send it again before the weekend comes. Hopefully I can get a response next week. Another woman told me maybe God wants to put me on another path for another passion but I told her that I only have one. Maybe I should pray tonight. I have not prayed in like 1 week or so. I have become uninspired to read the bible and only look up scriptures online now and days...

Dark, now you`re talking! Yes, do send it in again. And if you don`t get a response. Call them. Just keep on and never give up. And yes, do pray tonight and read your Bible! Keep on this path and you will start moving forward.
I still have no response so I sent the same proposal to another company today... I prayed again last night on this but I keep feeling like nothing will come of my efforts.......
I just got rejected again......................

I give up on my dreams....
I need to stop praying. It just does not work for a guy like me.
I just got rejected again......................

I give up on my dreams....
I need to stop praying. It just does not work for a guy like me.

Maybe you need to look at the big picture and realize God has a plan for you that may not be within yours or any human`s understanding. No one can definitively tell you why God allowed satan to persecute Job as he did. No one can tell you why an orphan that prays and prays for someone to love them and come and adopt them never gets adopted and never gets loved. No one can tell you why the Christians who hid Jews from the nazis and prayed for safety sometimes got caught. There are so many things we just don`t know because there is so much going on in the spiritual realm that we can`t hear or see. But one thing we do know is despite all the seeming chaos around us, God is in control. God is taking notes, and God sees and cares. I know some days can feel hopeless and dark, but we just can`t lose hope in God. And we have to keep praying and turning to Him no matter what.

I`m sorry you have faced another disappointment but don`t give up!
Maybe you need to look at the big picture and realize God has a plan for you that may not be within yours or any human`s understanding. No one can definitively tell you why God allowed satan to persecute Job as he did. No one can tell you why an orphan that prays and prays for someone to love them and come and adopt them never gets adopted and never gets loved. No one can tell you why the Christians who hid Jews from the nazis and prayed for safety sometimes got caught. There are so many things we just don`t know because there is so much going on in the spiritual realm that we can`t hear or see. But one thing we do know is despite all the seeming chaos around us, God is in control. God is taking notes, and God sees and cares. I know some days can feel hopeless and dark, but we just can`t lose hope in God. And we have to keep praying and turning to Him no matter what.

I`m sorry you have faced another disappointment but don`t give up!

Maybe it is time for me to do something else with my life and be miserable at a crap job if I can get hired..... Probably will not happen either. I am tired of trying
Maybe it is time for me to do something else with my life and be miserable at a crap job if I can get hired..... Probably will not happen either. I am tired of trying

Well sometimes "dream" jobs don`t turn out to be so dreamy once a person is in them for a number of reasons and sometimes the dreaded job can turn out to be a blessing. But I think in any case a job is better than no job. But please realize a lot of people who have lost jobs are not getting their dream jobs anymore. They are getting jobs with 1/2 the pay or a much lower position. So you are not in this boat alone. You are in the same boat with a LOT of other Americans and people throughout the world. Nevertheless, that does not mean the "dreaded" job has to be miserable. You might actually make good friends and have a good time working. So don`t discount any opportunity to work.
Well sometimes "dream" jobs don`t turn out to be so dreamy once a person is in them for a number of reasons and sometimes the dreaded job can turn out to be a blessing. But I think in any case a job is better than no job. But please realize a lot of people who have lost jobs are not getting their dream jobs anymore. They are getting jobs with 1/2 the pay or a much lower position. So you are not in this boat alone. You are in the same boat with a LOT of other Americans and people throughout the world. Nevertheless, that does not mean the "dreaded" job has to be miserable. You might actually make good friends and have a good time working. So don`t discount any opportunity to work.

At my old job I made so such "friends" They were all crazy. I had to quit. Then after that, no one was willing to hire me. Story of my life..... nothing to show of it. I am stuck being a loser nobody. Everything I just about try, I fail at be successful in it. Wether if is trying to get hired or make a team, relationship (end up getting cheated on or played), people act like I do nothing with my life when I help out other all of the time. I go to bed sore. God has no plan for me. Prayer never made my life any better or worse than what is already is. years from now I see myself being old and living under a tree until I die
At my old job I made so such "friends" They were all crazy. I had to quit. Then after that, no one was willing to hire me. Story of my life..... nothing to show of it. I am stuck being a loser nobody. Everything I just about try, I fail at be successful in it. Wether if is trying to get hired or make a team, relationship (end up getting cheated on or played), people act like I do nothing with my life when I help out other all of the time. I go to bed sore. God has no plan for me. Prayer never made my life any better or worse than what is already is. years from now I see myself being old and living under a tree until I die

When you first posted this thread, you mentioned a woman who cheated on you, maybe the reason why your not moving forward is because you haven't forgiven her.
When you first posted this thread, you mentioned a woman who cheated on you, maybe the reason why your not moving forward is because you haven't forgiven her.

I forgave her but I never told her that. I don't contact her or see her anywhere anymore so that is a good thing. I wished that I would have focused more on something else instead of on someone. Wasted years lol that is all it was.:clap
I think you might be perpetuating this, listen I am recovering from the effects of alcoholism so I tend to look at the negative aspects of everything and my view is also well mainly about me with trouble seeing things from other people's perspective. I have been down this path for a long time and one day I finally woke up and said I can no longer continue to walk in darkness I have been given the greatest gift in the world and that is salvation through Christ, my circumstances my struggles are bigger than me I follow a God that is working for my good not a God that is constantly looking to punish me for past sins so he can look at me and laugh at my calamity he is working all things together for my good and building something in me.

When you continually walk in darkness that is pojected on the people you come in contact with, it preceeds you even if you are not meeting with them face to face. You have to get to a point where you decide this is it, God has given me this moment right here, What am I going to do with it? Am I going to waste it feeling sorry for myself or am I going to reach down deep pick myself up and strive for greatness.

I know it is not easy, I know from experience alcohol has taken everything from me, but I woke up one day and said, you know what that's it devil I'm taking my peace back and I'm coming for my joy too that's mine given to me by the maker king, and I am not stopping there I will claim everything else you stole from me as well.

As for the girl, there is a better one trust me. One that will not betray your trust one that will encourage you and love you and respect you one that will be a good mother to your children and that will honor you and support you. Take this time you have of singleness and allow God to finish a work in you use it to grow and allow yourself a chance for God to get you into a church into fellowship and into Him. You need to allow God to establish his dominance in your life and show you how to be a man a husband and a father, and he is so good he can do that stuff before you have a wife or kids.

Keep your head up and when you fall get back up seek God and he will take care of the rest.
Proverbs 24:16- The righteous fall seven times and rise again.

It seems like sometimes we can feel like trouble is on every side of us. It may seem like there is no way out of a situation and everything will collapse around you.

What we as followers of Christ fail to realize most times, is that God is bigger, stronger, wiser, smarter, loving, gracious, merciful, powerful and He never let's us out of His sight. I'm not saying that we fail to realize it because we don't care. I'm simply stating an obvious fact... that we are humans, can easily get overcome by stresses of life.

Take Paul for instance, he was not the most popular guy. Granted he was famous, but mostly hated. You would think after being locked in prison. After being beat up. Stoned. Locked away in a dungeon, that he would have given up eh? Nah. Men of God don't go down that easy. Instead he and Silas began singing worship songs out loud so not only the Father could hear, but also the enemy.

See life is rough. And Satan knows that. So how much more of an advantage could he get? Seems like the battlefield is set in his favor, right? Wrong! Satan always underestimates what God can do in ANY situation. Who in their right mind would start praising God in the midst of a trial or uncertanty?! A true, Man of God! When we let go, like Paul and Silas did, we step into a degree of faith that is untapped by most people. When we worship through our tragedy or tribulation, God sees and hears that. And BAM! You've past your test He was giving you!

I believe God says stuff like this, " Ah! Well done! Now that you've learned to trust me FULLY, watch me work everything for your good! Watch and see that I control EVERYTHING! Watch me be God instead of you trying to be "in charge". Watch me keep my promises! I stay the same! Let me show you how I've treated the great men in the Bible. By providing for them and keeping them safe! Watch me turn this whole scenario around for your benefit, because I love you!"

If we could see things through this perspective, could you imagine your level of faith? How it would sky rocket?! It would be amazing! Hoever this is tough. And it requires diligence. Which can be achieved with the Holy Spirit.

Keep you head up my man, God's watching you everyday.
I don't know what his will is until he tells me.... Until then I will keep on failing with my proposals....

I can tell you that god will not allow us to fail in any aspect of his job with us. but instead he will hold off a lil of what we want until his will is done and the rewards he has planned for us is ten times better then what we were asking him for. believe me when i was 19 i was jobless but i cleaned out my account and gave it to this church for the fact that god gave me a urge to do it and then later that year i joined the army and now as i look back god has always been there for me and blessed me with not worrying about money but blessing me twice as much with being rewarded greatly with earnings and also to have a understanding of there is more to life then what i really thought controled me.
Ultimately, give everything you have to God. Give him, EVERYTHING. Trust him with your life. Don't worry about tomorrow, just worry about today. Have faith that he will fix everything, ask him for answers, and ask him for signs. The biggest thing is you MUST believe that he will help you. If you don't believe nothing will change, ask for guidance on which way to go. He loves you, he will never leave you, nor forsake you. Believe that, and you'll be just fine!! Best wishes.