its a right but one has to have license? okay. its a right to own a gun. a license is required to own one? do I need a license to own a gun ? NO unless its carry and conceal. open carry has no license. thus its not regulated. just a few simple common laws. if its a right to drive then its unconstitutional to force me to by insurance. see obamacare act for that.
im sure if the government wants to issue licenses for free speech you would have a problem and said that its a "right" but we are ensure you use that "right" properly. that is what you are saying.besides the right to operate is a privilidge not the right to travel, m dad can get into my car and I take him where he wants to go. no law against that.
Insurance is not mention in the Bill of Rights. They are administering this med. insurance almost like a tax by connecting it to the IRS.
Is it a Federal law that one must have a driver license or liability car insurance, no.
Each state makes their own rules and regulations and honor the driver's licenses from another states. It is the same way with liability insurance, different states have different requirements. All insurance companies do is provide a service between two drivers. As their client you pay them through your premiums.
I can tell you right now that the wealthy do not have to pay car insurance if they do not choose too. As long as they have the money in an account that is at least the same minimum liability amount set by the state that they live in.
In 1935, only 39 states required a driver's license to drive a vehicle.
People don't put up a stink about driver's licenses because they know that it is a good thing to make sure the person driving actually knows how. Besides that the revenue to the state is good. They could do the same thing that gun owner's are doing by fighting for their constitutional right to bear arms. Anti-gun people are using the same defense for gun control that was used to bring about driving rules and regulations. They can't get the Supreme Court to rule in their favor so they have to do it state by state just like it was done for driver's licenses.
I personally know a family of 4 adults and many kids that never had state issued driver's licenses but what they did have was legal. They didn't carry insurance through a company either. The father was (he just passed away recently) quite wealthy, he had an account like I mentioned.
When Carleen, one of the women, got stopped for speeding and she gave the state trooper her proof of right to travel he was taken aback. He'd never seen this before. He called it in just like any other license and guess what; she got a ticket for speeding but not for driving without a license.
When one of the teenage boys hit my neighbor at the intersection near my house. My neighbor called her insurance company and her insurance company dealt directly with Bob. Bob had an account. He paid Karen directly for her vehicle, her medical, and $50,000 for missed work (about a week) and punitive damages, which was basically her inconvenience and fright it had caused her. Karen was shocked because she wouldn't have received that from an insurance company, they scratch each others backs. The boy got a ticket for speeding through a stop sign and reckless driving but not for lack of insurance.
That family never paid one dime into FICA either. There used to be a form that you could fill out and send in to the government that said you were turning down their insurance and benefit program. I don't think you can do that anymore because they fixed the wording so that it is considered a tax not a retirement program. I used to have one of those forms and was considering doing that about 20 yrs. ago.
Bob is the same man who years ago put me in touch with the constitutional lawyer to help a family member who was being falsely charged and they had taken his rifle as well. I talked with that lawyer, he told me the law and how to approach the DA. I did that, all the false charges disappeared and we got the rifle back. I have to give the DA credit, he listened, obeyed the law, and was very nice about it.