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Bible Study Numbers 20:24



I am not sure that I understand why only Aaron is made to die if both him and Moses were the ones who rebelled against the LORD regarding the water from the rock earlier in the chapter. Anyone know?
I can tell you are studying the OT, specifically the Pentatuech, from your recent posts, and I'm impressed and glad you are studying and asking questions (you are a true Berean - Acts 17:10-11). Merely from looking at the order of your topics, you first posted a subject on Leviticus 27:10, 33 and now Numbers 20:24, so you seem to be progressing sequentially. If you just continue to do so, and read ahead to the end of Deuteronomy you will find your answer:

"Then the LORD spoke to Moses that very same day, saying: 49 “Go up this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, across from Jericho; view the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel as a possession; 50 and die on the mountain which you ascend, and be gathered to your people, just as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people; 51 because you trespassed against Me among the children of Israel at the waters of Meribah Kadesh, in the Wilderness of Zin, because you did not hallow Me in the midst of the children of Israel. 52 Yet you shall see the land before you, though you shall not go there, into the land which I am giving to the children of Israel.â€Â

(Deuteronomy 32:48-52)

Moses was extended some more time, as grace to fulfill his position of leadership, in order to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land, and to follow his calling & blessing by God to do so, but he too answered for the sin done at Meribah, and could not enter the Promised Land with the Israelies on account of it.

Hope that answers your question. :)

God Bless,

God called to account both Moses and Aaron for their failure to sanctify God's name at the "waters of Meribah". He further said to Moses: "Go up into this mountain of Ab´a·rim and see the land that I shall certainly give the sons of Israel. When you have seen it, then you must be gathered to your people, yes, you, just as Aaron your brother was gathered, inasmuch as you men rebelled against my order in the wilderness of Zin at the quarreling of the assembly, in relation to sanctifying me by the waters before their eyes. These are the waters of Mer´i·bah at Ka´desh in the wilderness of Zin.â€Â(Num 27:12-14)

These lost the priviledge of entering the land of Canaan or "promised land" in 1473 B.C.E. Both Moses and Aaron, when subjected to the pressure of the quarreling Israelites, lost self-control and rebelliously failed to give glory to God for a miraculous provision of water, for God said to them: "Because you did not show faith in me to sanctify me before the eyes of the sons of Israel, therefore you will not bring this congregation into the land that I shall certainly give them.â€Â(Num 20:12)

On the first day of the month Ab (the 5th lunar month of the Jewish sacred calendar, corresponding to part of July and part of August), in the 40th year following the Exodus, the nation of Israel lay encamped on the frontier of Edom before Mount Hor. At God’s instruction, and with all the camp watching, Aaron, his son Eleazar, and Moses went climbing to the top of Mount Hor.(Num 33:38) There Aaron let his brother remove his priestly garments from him and put them on his son and successor to the high priesthood, Eleazar. Then Aaron died. He was probably buried there by his brother and his son, and for 30 days Israel mourned his death.(Nu 20:24-29)

Does this not show that when a wrong in God's eyes is committed that one should not stand idly by while this is done, such as the approximately 12,000 priests of the Catholic church that has been found guilty of pedophilia since 1950 ? Only more recently has any action been taken and only when brought out the "darkness" into the "light". Aaron could have of corrected his brother, but did not. Jesus, on the other hand, set the "tone" for not allowing any unrighteousness, for Psalms 45:7 said prophetically of Jesus: "You have loved righteousness and you hate wickedness. That is why God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of exultation more than your partners." (Heb 1:9) Jesus took a firm stand for righteousness, but consistently opposed any whose thoughts were contrary to his Father's.(Matt 12:1-8; John 9:40,41) He was God's spokeman or the "Word", settling issues on all sorts of matters regarding what is pleasing to his Father.(John 1:1)