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NWO New World Order


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I was browsing Youtube for a movie and came across some vids about sercret society's who really pull the strings around the world and how they're setting up shop for a huge new government that will put every in chains, so to speak. I'm aware of behind the scene government but not to this extent. This sercret society has been in affect for a long time and their responsible for faking terrorist attacks on our own soil.(9-11) I believe these vids because they use bible referrences and each one has a different authors or directors who views are parallel. One thing really blew my mind is how they explained how we are owned and don't know it. When we read the definition of 'certificate' it relates wholely to our birth certificates. Right when our parents signed on the line that says 'informant' they have signed us over to ownership. WE are the collateral for this national dept which will NEVER be paid and so much more. It brings more clarity towards the last days or the tribulation. This NWO is very scary and it will be brutal! If anyone is not aware of this then see for yourselfves. Go to YouTube and search 'New World Order.' Some vids are lenghtly but so worth the watch. If you're sensative it may give you bad dreams.
Being able to quote bible references is not an indicator that its true. I've not been keeping up with my Illuminati and NWO lore but whilst the theory is interesting, I don't think the evidence holds.

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
NWO is very real..........

We are headed towards it.....It is the first beast in the book of Rev.,which shall receive the deadly wound....

God does not deal in fiction, however, He does speak in parables. This is done by Him to hide the truth from the eyes and ears of those people He does not want to see, and hear His message with understanding. This is pointed out in Matthew 13:11-14.

Within Revelation chapter thirteen there is a great deal of symbolism used. It reveals the coming into existence of a one world system, and at the completion of its growth, that world wide system is ruled by Satan the Antichrist, in a religious capacity. In fact, most of the Christian world will actually think that Satan is Jesus Christ. God uses this symbolism so that those who really don't care to study Scripture, will be deceived.

This chapter speaks of two beasts, but when we separate the two beasts, we see one is a political beast, while the second and last beast is a religious beast. The political beast is a political system, and today it is alive and ruling under the name of "One-worldism". It's title is called the "United Nations". It is under the banner of the United Nations, and it's governing agencies the the entire world is getting together; to work for their so-called "peace".

Through the control of the Kenite organization called the "United Nations", peace talks are carried on in China, North Korea, Ireland, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Haiti, and on and on. There is peace, peace, talked about everywhere, and it is all brought about to draw all nations of the world into, and under the United Nations control, and that of it's agencies. The peace presented by them and their people is not acceptable in any agreement, unless it meets the United Nations agenda.

Revelation 13:1 "And I [John] stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."
This is John's vision, and the sea that John is standing on and the beast is rising out of represents the masses of peoples of the world. This symbol of the "sea" being people is documented in Revelation 17:15. This "sea", or masses of people are looking to this "beast" [political beast] as their peace system. The "seven heads" are seven dominions of the people, or seven continents of this world body; as even the activities and divisions at the North and South Poles are governed through the United Nations Charter. It covers the entire world land masses.

"Horns" are always symbolic of "power". These "ten horns" are ten agencies, or units of power flowing from this beast, or political system. These horns are the Military force, the world health organization, UNICEF for children, the world bank, the world court, and so on. This is very similar to the system of government given in Genesis 11, under Nimrod.

The "Kenites" pulling strings within the United Nations are trying to bypass God, and create their own salvation. The "Ten crowns" are ten men, or heads of large governments, such as President Clinton, Don Majors of England, and men of Russia, China, Japan, and so on. Each of these men are giving their authority over to the United Nations willfully. This is what the war with Iraq was all about, the yielding of sovereignty to the United Nation, which Saddam refuses to do.

That war was a test of all nations to join in, and give their power over to the UN, for the cause of filling the United Nations agenda. The forces that joined against Iraq, are also causing the trading boundries to disappear world wide, and they make up this political beast. We have the one world political system now in position, and in control. The world is now in the process of being divided into its new horns of power, and the divisions will change present boundaries into new dominions of power.

This system, and governmental order is the same as Satan used in the first earth age, as we saw and read in Revelation 12:3 however there are some major differences Notice that in Revelation 12:3 from the first earth age that the seven heads [individuals] wore the seven crowns. where by in this earth age, under the political beast of the United Nations it is not individual rulers that have the crown but the horns of power, the agencies. They exercise their authority by what the agenda of their agencies are.

Revelation 13:2 "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."
Though the one world political system is in place and functioning as a governing body, after it is considered reliable, something will come about to bring down that government.

In the Song of Moses" in Deuteronomy 32:5, the "leopard's spots" are shown to be different than that of God's children's spots. The elect of God know their Messiah, where as those who are not sealed in their minds can not tell the difference between the two, Jesus and Satan. This system is controlled in all ways by the leaders, Kenites. Their control is through the four hidden dynasties or hidden governments, which are focused on Economics [banking, trade and industry], Education, Politics, and Religion.

This political beast has the "feet of a bear", and we know that has to be Russia [Esau]. The mouth of the beast is the "mouth of a lion", which will tare it's prey with his lies and deceitfulness. "And the Dragon gave him his power," and we know the Dragon from Revelation 12:9 is Satan. The driving force within "one worldism" is Satan, with the Kenites, Satan's kids, doing the work. As our young men fight for the United Nation's Forces, we know now what the fight is all about.

We also know the Dragon is the force in every agency of the United Nation, and this is allowing us a better understanding why they do what they do. This is why we see them picking, and selecting what they hold dear, while allowing millions of other people to be slaughtered. The Kenites with their satanic agenda sets the course.

Remember also that this one world system is compared to the Babylonian kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar's day. And just as that kingdom was set up by God to discipline the house of Judah, so also this Kenite kingdom of the end times is to test and discipline the people of this time.

Revelation 13:3 "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
One of the ten countries in the leadership of the beast "were wounded unto death". How does a office, or government of a country die? Of course in that the political system falls apart. That government then comes back to life. Why? The whole world comes to it's defense to prop it's government up. This can done because the whole world is under the same "one world system".

It was the beast that healed it's own wound. It doesn't take to much thinking to see what nation of immense strength fell, and then was propped up by the world wide system of this political beast. Billions of U.S. and British tax dollars went to Russia, as a gift from the world bank [the world system], and not the American people. Other nations also gave in the name of this Satanic system. All the while the beast received the credit for the donation, for the purposes of the agenda of the political beast.

Revelation 13:4 "And they worshipped the dragon which [because he] gave power [his authority] unto the the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

The Christian world will also worship Satan [the Antichrist] and his "one world system", because they will think that he is Christ. It is obvious when you watch the news, to see God fearing doctors and nurses, as well as many other humanitarians, and even children all giving of themselves to others around the world, all in the name of this political beast. It is the stamp of the U.N. that gets the praise, not the individual or a nation, before the public.

The leaders of the United Nations, and it's agencies that have "the teeth of the lions." This verse is alive today, and the whole world is looking to this beast [U.N.] for its food, protection, guidance, medical aid, and so on; and even to the newly set of international trade and commerce treaty laws.
The political beast has another head, and it is the head of an religious beast. When the authority behind this political beast arrives on earth, at that time the people of the world will call him "saviour". That authority [in verse two] is Satan, the dragon, and he is cast onto the earth by Michael.

The "head wound" is not to an individual then, but to a "political system". When one of the major players drops out of that system, it will be in serious trouble of ending. We see also that if the system is world wide, no one could make war with it, for their all part of it.

Being able to quote bible references is not an indicator that its true. I've not been keeping up with my Illuminati and NWO lore but whilst the theory is interesting, I don't think the evidence holds.

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
And thats just what they want you to think. Hence 'secret society.' And there's way too many witnesses and evidence for it to be theory. Their whole agenda is to keep us dumb until the big takeover and its working well so far. It always gets my interest and attention when people who don't know each other come up with an exact definition. And the symbolisum can't be denied its meanings and connections to our adversary the devil. Since God exposed their plan wouldn't it be sensible for a powerful organization like this to discredit it with any means possible? They control the media too.
NWO is very real..........

We are headed towards it.....It is the first beast in the book of Rev.,which shall receive the deadly wound....

God does not deal in fiction, however, He does speak in parables. This is done by Him to hide the truth from the eyes and ears of those people He does not want to see, and hear His message with understanding. This is pointed out in Matthew 13:11-14.

Within Revelation chapter thirteen there is a great deal of symbolism used. It reveals the coming into existence of a one world system, and at the completion of its growth, that world wide system is ruled by Satan the Antichrist, in a religious capacity. In fact, most of the Christian world will actually think that Satan is Jesus Christ. God uses this symbolism so that those who really don't care to study Scripture, will be deceived.

This chapter speaks of two beasts, but when we separate the two beasts, we see one is a political beast, while the second and last beast is a religious beast. The political beast is a political system, and today it is alive and ruling under the name of "One-worldism". It's title is called the "United Nations". It is under the banner of the United Nations, and it's governing agencies the the entire world is getting together; to work for their so-called "peace".

Through the control of the Kenite organization called the "United Nations", peace talks are carried on in China, North Korea, Ireland, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Haiti, and on and on. There is peace, peace, talked about everywhere, and it is all brought about to draw all nations of the world into, and under the United Nations control, and that of it's agencies. The peace presented by them and their people is not acceptable in any agreement, unless it meets the United Nations agenda.

Revelation 13:1 "And I [John] stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."
This is John's vision, and the sea that John is standing on and the beast is rising out of represents the masses of peoples of the world. This symbol of the "sea" being people is documented in Revelation 17:15. This "sea", or masses of people are looking to this "beast" [political beast] as their peace system. The "seven heads" are seven dominions of the people, or seven continents of this world body; as even the activities and divisions at the North and South Poles are governed through the United Nations Charter. It covers the entire world land masses.

"Horns" are always symbolic of "power". These "ten horns" are ten agencies, or units of power flowing from this beast, or political system. These horns are the Military force, the world health organization, UNICEF for children, the world bank, the world court, and so on. This is very similar to the system of government given in Genesis 11, under Nimrod.

The "Kenites" pulling strings within the United Nations are trying to bypass God, and create their own salvation. The "Ten crowns" are ten men, or heads of large governments, such as President Clinton, Don Majors of England, and men of Russia, China, Japan, and so on. Each of these men are giving their authority over to the United Nations willfully. This is what the war with Iraq was all about, the yielding of sovereignty to the United Nation, which Saddam refuses to do.

That war was a test of all nations to join in, and give their power over to the UN, for the cause of filling the United Nations agenda. The forces that joined against Iraq, are also causing the trading boundries to disappear world wide, and they make up this political beast. We have the one world political system now in position, and in control. The world is now in the process of being divided into its new horns of power, and the divisions will change present boundaries into new dominions of power.

This system, and governmental order is the same as Satan used in the first earth age, as we saw and read in Revelation 12:3 however there are some major differences Notice that in Revelation 12:3 from the first earth age that the seven heads [individuals] wore the seven crowns. where by in this earth age, under the political beast of the United Nations it is not individual rulers that have the crown but the horns of power, the agencies. They exercise their authority by what the agenda of their agencies are.

Revelation 13:2 "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."
Though the one world political system is in place and functioning as a governing body, after it is considered reliable, something will come about to bring down that government.

In the Song of Moses" in Deuteronomy 32:5, the "leopard's spots" are shown to be different than that of God's children's spots. The elect of God know their Messiah, where as those who are not sealed in their minds can not tell the difference between the two, Jesus and Satan. This system is controlled in all ways by the leaders, Kenites. Their control is through the four hidden dynasties or hidden governments, which are focused on Economics [banking, trade and industry], Education, Politics, and Religion.

This political beast has the "feet of a bear", and we know that has to be Russia [Esau]. The mouth of the beast is the "mouth of a lion", which will tare it's prey with his lies and deceitfulness. "And the Dragon gave him his power," and we know the Dragon from Revelation 12:9 is Satan. The driving force within "one worldism" is Satan, with the Kenites, Satan's kids, doing the work. As our young men fight for the United Nation's Forces, we know now what the fight is all about.

We also know the Dragon is the force in every agency of the United Nation, and this is allowing us a better understanding why they do what they do. This is why we see them picking, and selecting what they hold dear, while allowing millions of other people to be slaughtered. The Kenites with their satanic agenda sets the course.

Remember also that this one world system is compared to the Babylonian kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar's day. And just as that kingdom was set up by God to discipline the house of Judah, so also this Kenite kingdom of the end times is to test and discipline the people of this time.

Revelation 13:3 "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
One of the ten countries in the leadership of the beast "were wounded unto death". How does a office, or government of a country die? Of course in that the political system falls apart. That government then comes back to life. Why? The whole world comes to it's defense to prop it's government up. This can done because the whole world is under the same "one world system".

It was the beast that healed it's own wound. It doesn't take to much thinking to see what nation of immense strength fell, and then was propped up by the world wide system of this political beast. Billions of U.S. and British tax dollars went to Russia, as a gift from the world bank [the world system], and not the American people. Other nations also gave in the name of this Satanic system. All the while the beast received the credit for the donation, for the purposes of the agenda of the political beast.

Revelation 13:4 "And they worshipped the dragon which [because he] gave power [his authority] unto the the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

The Christian world will also worship Satan [the Antichrist] and his "one world system", because they will think that he is Christ. It is obvious when you watch the news, to see God fearing doctors and nurses, as well as many other humanitarians, and even children all giving of themselves to others around the world, all in the name of this political beast. It is the stamp of the U.N. that gets the praise, not the individual or a nation, before the public.

The leaders of the United Nations, and it's agencies that have "the teeth of the lions." This verse is alive today, and the whole world is looking to this beast [U.N.] for its food, protection, guidance, medical aid, and so on; and even to the newly set of international trade and commerce treaty laws.
The political beast has another head, and it is the head of an religious beast. When the authority behind this political beast arrives on earth, at that time the people of the world will call him "saviour". That authority [in verse two] is Satan, the dragon, and he is cast onto the earth by Michael.

The "head wound" is not to an individual then, but to a "political system". When one of the major players drops out of that system, it will be in serious trouble of ending. We see also that if the system is world wide, no one could make war with it, for their all part of it.

Outstanding! All of this is mentioned in the vids.
ToS 2.2
Discussions of conspiracy theories often lead to slander and hostile debate. Therefore, discussion of conspiracy theories is prohibited.



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