Correction, I said "I" never call "the scriptures", the word of God. I did not say anybody else must do what "I" do.
O.K. but thousands, millions even do claim (without thinking?) that the bible is the word of God or inspired by God etc. That belief is after all the basis of most current Christianity. It was not of course the basis of Christianity for the first 300 years or so before the bible was written. That change was deliberately brought about by Constantine to stop the various Christian factions fighting.
This to me is the absolutely crucial point. The bible was composed by men amid much bitterness and wrangling between the many different versions of Christianity. Vast amounts of text were declared gnostic and/or burned and opposing strains of Christianity were ruthlessly stamped out - slaughtered in some cases even hundreds of years later. This particular thread is simply about one of those gnostic versions, in video format, being given the light of day.
So, what of the bible (composed around 300AD)? Did those arguing men have the assistance of God in selecting what to put in it? Was the influence of Constantine important? Rather than us now claiming that they did have the help of God - because they said they did, how about looking for a little bit of evidence? I can't help thinking that God would have done a far better job of it than those arguing men 1700 years ago. He could, for example, have got them to leave out the whole of the OT - as some of them wanted to do. He could have left out support for slavery, beatings, wife abuse etc.
In reality, those bible editors could of course be every bit as accurate as you and I could be piecing together the true history of Shakespeare's life and his genuine bibliography. There are many records to draw upon of course but how many of them could we rely upon when there is so much conflicting evidence? No matter how violently someone argued that they know the truth about Shakespeare, we really could never be sure. The written records for Shakespeare are thousands of times greater than scripture but we do not know the true words of Shakespeare let alone the true words of God - no mater how violently someone wishes to argue that we do.
It is of course the same with the bible or even this so called 'oldest bible' video. We can choose to call anything the word of God but that is simply our
choice, it does not make it fact. One could readily argue that the rejected gospels of Peter, Thomas and Magdalene etc were truly inspired by God. So, to argue over subtle variations on those words is more than a little pointless. The only worthwhile question is, 'why
should we regard the bible or scripture as the word of God?' Once we have that answer we can unite the world. If we keep arguing over trivia, we just help to fragment the world.