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Bible Study One God


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I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, {of the Lord: or, in the Lord} With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4:1-6 KJV)

One Lord, one God, one faith. Many denominations?? Why is this, perhaps an original lack of love, longsuffering and forbearance? If I am not mistaken, just out of the Azusa St. revival there were 8 denominations started. 8 denominations to worship one God, in one faith, forbearing one another in love. It would seem that unity is simply an afterthought. There is an excellent article about Rev. Seymour and the Azusa St. revival on this website. The way I read it, there was not a separate outpouring of the Spirit for rich or poor, black or white, Latino or Asian. One outpouring, one faith, one God. What is it in the air that prevents us from getting along together? I have written on racism in church before, but that is only the tip of the iceberg when a divided congregation is concerned. We are divided because of doctrine, social status, ethnicity, nationality and other reasons. Do you honestly think that when we get into Heaven that we will be segregated? I can assure you we will not be, nor will we be concerned with why or why not, who or who not… we will only be concerned with worship, praises, joy and the like. Since I have written on racism before, I will not get into nationality and ethnicity. If you would like to read more about that, click here.

Social status often dictates where we go, our friends, our worship, our entire lives. We are the haves and the have nots to a VERY large extent. This is even the case once we pass on from this life into Heaven or hell. Some will have joy untold, some will not, those will have misery that is unthinkable. Some will have and unquenchable thirst, some will not, those will instead have a never-ending river of life, clear as crystal. Some will have, some will have not. But this will not be measured in the terms of what we think of on earth. One of the clearest thinks I ever seen to illustrate this point was a joke I once read. But to me, it really wasn’t funny, just facts. There was a millionaire that kept asking and begging to be able to bring one suitcase of stuff with him to Heaven. Finally, God gave in and allowed him his request. The guy spent a lot of time in anguish and research, should he take US dollars, Yen, the Euro? He checked all the conversion rates, history, stability of funds, etc… In the end, he decided the safest route was to take the age old standard, gold. So he filled his suitcase with gold bars, as full as he could get it. Once he reached the gates of heaven, St. Peter told him he would have to inspect the luggage before he would be allowed into Heaven. St. Peter opened the suitcase, and just shook his head in amazement. The millionaire asked him what was wrong. St. Peter looked at him and said, “Why would you bring pavement??!!†You see, not matter what you have, or have not here on earth, once we hit Heaven, we will all have mansions and streets of gold. What we consider wealth here is not wealth at all. Now don’t misunderstand me, I believe that we will have rewards in Heaven based upon our work on earth, but this will be in responsibilities, honor, etc… All of our works will be revealed when we are judged. And as believers, we will be judged by Christ, all of our works will be revealed. Not our wealth, not our social status, our works.

Doctrine is a touchy subject for many Christians. I will not get onto any one denomination (of which there should really be only one). The bible clearly lays out the rules, regulations, doctrine, etc… for all churches, and all churches should work together, under one banner, that is Jehovah Nissi, or the Lord our banner (Exodus 17:15 KJV). When we the Lord as our banner for the church instead of the innumerable other names floating around we will truly be able to impact our communities. We need to realize that there will be one “denomination†in Heaven. Whatever you call yourself on earth, be it Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, Wesleyan, Lutheran, Assemblies of God, Church of Christ, Church of God, starting to get the point? All of these, and certainly many more, will be caught up with Jesus at His return. It matters not what the sign over the door says, it matters what is in your heart. Have you truly accepted Jesus into your life. Have you put Him at the center? Have you repented of your sins, and confessed with your mouth that Jesus is the Lord of your life? Do you seek His infallible guidance for your life daily? Is so, then whether you are Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, etc… matters not, because you will enter into the gates of Heaven. You are a child of God, and so is your neighbor that goes to a different church if they follow that same path. The differences in the doctrine of churches on earth are ridiculous at best. It has come about because of nothing less than stubbornness, bigotry and hatred. All things that have no place in the Kingdom of God cause division on earth.

If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this mans religion is vain. James 1:26 (KJV)

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27 (KJV)

I think this sums up the feelings of God, and the original churches both. After giving your life to God and letting Him clean up the mess you made of things, the directions are pretty simple and straightforward. “Keep yourself unspotted from the worldâ€Â. Seems like a tall order, huh? It wouldn’t hurt to read the instructions. I can assure you, that if you ask for understanding, and pray that God reveal to you the meanings of His words, the Bible (the instructions), regardless of version, will come alive in your hands, and you will see how to make it to your end goal, Heaven. A church doctrine won’t do it, a preacher can’t get you there, and your favorite TV evangelist is miles away. Jesus is by your side, and He is the only way to the Father. If you love Him, if you have given your life to Him, if you have a zeal for God, then study Him, meditate upon Him, read about Him, read the instructions He so graciously has left for us, and you will make it. Now, don’t misunderstand me, some church doctrines are dead on, and criticize none. Churches are needed for our growth, and preachers are of the utmost importance to deliver to us encouragement, correction, and lead the church were it needs to go, but THEY, the church or preacher, cannot get you into Heaven without YOU. You have to put aside all your preconceived notions, what your grandma and grandpa did and said, and learn for yourself. You can’t make it on the shirttails of others, and you cannot make if you do not pursue Christ with all of your heart and all of your soul. You can only serve one master, and to make it to Heaven, that master CANNOT be a church, denomination, etc… The master has to be Jesus.

One Jesus, the same one that revealed Himself to Saul/Paul, the same God that revealed His full glory to Moses, the same Jesus that walked on the water and calmed the storms. This is the same Lord we serve today, and He is any denomination that will invite Him into their services. You see, they are all His churches, they are not ours. If they are our churches, we are failures, and surely will not see the millionaire with the suitcase of pavement.
Monothesim is called the Worship of One God.

If people were to read the Bible from cover to cover without any preconceived ideas of God being more than One. What comes through very clearly to an impartial reader is that God alone is the Alminghty, the Creator, separate and distinct from anyone else, and that Jesus is his only begotten Son.
The Bible teaches that God is One is called "Monotheism". Ecclesiastical hisstory, indicates that monothesim in its purest form does not allow for a belief in more than one God. The Old Testement is strictly monotheistic. God is a single personal being. The idea that is not One God is not to be found in the Bible, it is utterly without foundation.
Was there any chang from monotheism after Jesus came to the earth? On this point there is no break between the Old Testement and the New. The monotheistic tradition is continued. Jesus was a Jew trained by Jewish parents in the Old Testement scriptures. Jesus teaching was Jewish to the core, a new gospel indeed, but not a new theology. And He accepted as his own belief the Great Text of Jewish Monotheism, Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one God". In the grammar of that verse, the word "one" has no plural modifiers to suggest that it means anything but one individual.
The Christian apostle Paul did not indicate any change in the nature of God either, even after Jesus came to the earth. Galatians 3:20

In the story of Samaritan Woman, the place where persons ought to worship was answered. Yet, the place of worship is not the important thing, Jesus said; "The Hour is coming, he says, when the "true worshipers" will worship the Father with "spirit" and "Truth", for indeed, the Father is looking for such like ones to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.
No doubt everyone whom you know has a name. God also has a personal name to set him apart from all other Gods. Is not "God" his name? some may ask; No, for "God" is merely a title, just as "President, King, and Judge" are titles.
Some persons are surprised to see God's name in their Bibles. This often is because their Bible is one of the older Bibles that has the name of God not like the newer versions of the Bible that seldom uses the name of God. However, when the Bibletranslates God's name by the title "Lord" or "God", it always puts this titlein capital letters.
But, why, you may ask, is God's name not used in every place that it occurs in the original Bible text? In its preface the "American Standard Version" explains why it uses God's name and why for a long time that name was not used. "The American Revisers", after a careful consideration, were brought to the unanimous conviction that a "Jewish Superstition", which regarded the "Divine Name" as too sacred to be uttered. ought no longer to dominate in the English language Bibles or any other version...

In some Bibles God's name can be foung in Exodus 6:3; Psalms 83:18; Isaiah 12:2 26:4;


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