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I read his article on Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. But, all he could do is dump on it. I'm sure the atheists love people like him who seek to trash eveything Christian in this society. Of course, he doesn't see himself as a friend of atheists, only as someone seeking to get rid of corruption.
Sure, you say they don't apply to you.

Does God tell us to lie, EVER?

Then, why do you lie to children, and tell them Santa Claus is real?

Santa with a few letters changed spells satan.
Biblereader said:
I know a lot about Christmas, and I consider it a victory that these things once used for paganism now serve God. Attacking Christmas is evil and your hero needs to look at who is fellow teammates are in this war. They are the Atheists, and the Wiccans, the pagan blacks with Kawanzaa, the antichristian Jews with Hanukkah. These are the people attacking Christmas.

Christmas is great and does much to advance the Kingdom of God, as Christians come together and celebrate. There are people who would never step into a church if not for Christmas. And, nothing bad comes from it. What in your mind is bad that comes from putting up a Christmas tree and whatever else is traditionally part of Christmas.

If you want to find evil, look at those attacking Christmas. Look at the advances of same-sex marriage, wars, loss of religious freedom, zionism, on and on and on.

[quote:8854b]Then, why do you lie to children, and tell them Santa Claus is real?

Santa with a few letters changed spells satan.

Santa means Saint. And, Santa Clause was a real man, a bishop from Myra. Someone in God's service would be fighting to preserve Santa as a saint rather than helping to strip Santa of his religious origin.
Since Dec. 25th is a pagan holiday, and Jesus's birth was not on 12/25, that's another lie the political church of the day decided to use.
If you think Christmas is so great, why not celebrate it without Christmas trees, holly, yule logs, mistletoe, and without anything but a manger scene in your front yard or home?

I set a manger scene in my front yard during the Christmas season. That's it. I don't combine it with a tree in the window.
Biblereader said:
Since Dec. 25th is a pagan holiday, and Jesus's birth was not on 12/25, that's another lie the political church of the day decided to use.
If you think Christmas is so great, why not celebrate it without Christmas trees, holly, yule logs, mistletoe, and without anything but a manger scene in your front yard or home?

I set a manger scene in my front yard during the Christmas season. That's it. I don't combine it with a tree in the window.

When is His birthday? And aren't you afraid of being accused of idol worship by putting up a manager scene?

I know your intentions are well and good, but be careful and check the validity of whatever you can. We all know about Halloween (which I loathe also), Christmas and Easter (I prefer to call it resurrection Day). The problem lies not in using Christmas and "Easter" as days of rememberance; the problem is when the accociated pagan customs supercede the Christian intent of the holidays. (I will note though, that these days weren't God ordained holy days to begin with)

Yes, it is important that people be educated concerning these holidays. If they decide to forgo celebrating them or at the very least, refrain from all the extra "bells and whistles" I say, "hey, good for you". If they still insist on retaining the "extras", they, in good cnscience, should put them second to that which we deem inportant regarding these holidays.

There are some things written on that site about the Sabbath that I could refute, but it would be lenghty and this is not the thread for that.

He also bought into the lie that nothing good at all can be found in "the Passion of the Christ movie. Again, I won't go into it here, but would like to address one lie in that article that I've come across before. I will note that I am not sticking up for this particular actress; I am concerned that this lie has been bought hook, line and sinker without anyone even researching it. So, this is not about defense, it's about revealing a truth.

Another star of the movie, The Passion of the Christ, who was hand-picked by Mel Gibson, is Monica Belluci, who plays Mary Magdalene. Monica Belluci is well known in Hollywood as a hard-core pornography star! She has starred in such movies as “Irreversibleâ€Â, which reportedly included rape scenes so explicit and intense that at its premiere showing, 250 people walked out, and some needed medical attention. Twenty people had to be given oxygen. This is the woman chosen by Mel Gibson to be a star in his movie. When we consider that such ministries as Focus on the Family are promoting the Mel Gibson movie with its pornography star, we can see that Dr. James Dobson is out of focus and should have done his homework!
First of all, it is the person spreading this lie who didn't do their homework.

Monica Bellucci (with two c's, not one) is not a well know porn star in Hollywood. Most of her movies are foreign films (European) Actually, she is not even a porn star. Granted, the movie in question, “Irreversibleâ€Â, is not the kind of movie I would see, but it hardly makes her a porn actress. The scenes in question were actually filmed with her real life husband. Anyone with internet capabilities can look up her filmography.

There are also things said about Bush that are more heresay than anything else. You or I were not present to hear these alleged things, so I'd be careful about bearing false witness against another.
OK, vic, I see your point. I do see a lot of good coming from this man's ministry.
I challenge you to send him a prayer request, one of importance, and then tell me the results.

A person who speaks so passionately about Jesus, and who prays so diligently for others, is, to me, a good preacher and minister of the Gospel.
A lot of things being introduced into the churches today are NOT of God, and won't ever be found in the Bible as being approved by Jesus.
We, as Christians, should be comfortable with bringing some things to the Light, and asking people to examine the thing in question.
Examine it by comparing it to the Word of God, that's all I'm asking.
As for the porn reference, let's look at it another way:
Why would a husband want to show strangers he and his wife doing a sacred act, a private act, sanctified by God, (the marriage bed is honorable, but God will judge whoremongers), and feel unabashed?
Would YOU feel alright with a film crew in your bedroom? I'm serious!
IS that the way God told a husband and wife to treat the gift of sexual intimacy He gave them? Intimacy between a husband and wife, is private, and not to be cheapened.
Vic, By showing this sinful film to ANYONE, is it not causing others to commit adultery?
My point is, choosing a woman with a checkered past, to portray the mother of Jesus, is poor judgement.

When we look for someone to represent us, don't we look for the most honest, decent, man?

Is purity and high moral character despised? Not by all.
Good morals, and an exemplary life is still to be desired.

Choosing an actress with that kind of a past, to portray a woman
chosen by God to bear the child, Jesus, well......just think about that.
Poke said:
Santa means Saint. And, Santa Clause was a real man, a bishop from Myra. Someone in God's service would be fighting to preserve Santa as a saint rather than helping to strip Santa of his religious origin.

I usually get blasted without mercy when I state my opinion on Santa Claus. I state my opinion anyway. Most people claim that he is just so cute and cuddly and promotes generosity and family togetherness. Right?

2Cr 11:13-15 For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

True, there once was a bishop refered to as Saint Nicholas. A generous man. His story was spread far and wide, so that anytime someone did a generous act, they were called Saint Nicholas. Or if you pronounce the name with a Dutch accent ~ Santa Claus.

From a Biblical standpoint, what is an idol? Idols are supernatural beings with godlike qualities. They hand out rewards and punishments based on works. And they distract people from the one true God. Idols are created by man, and therefore their characteristics are added to, created, and altered to fit what man wants it to fit.

What does Santa do? With the help of his reindeer, he has the ability to fly.
Not just to fly, but to stop at every house in a single night. He knows if you are sleeping he knows if you're awake. A bit omniscient? He gives you toys if you have been good. (Rewards for good works) He gives you a lump of coal if you have been bad. (Punishment for not living up to his standards)

He steps into the spotlight when our focus should be on the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Take a drive around your neighborhood. Take a scorecard with you. Count the number of shrines set up to St. Nick compared to the number of nativity scenes you see. Take a walk through an average retail outlet. Count the number of displays that focus on Santa. The number of decorations. The number of Christmas cards that focus on anything other than the one who's birthday we claim to be honoring.

You can find more snowmen, more reindeer, more elves, more snowflakes, more horse drawn carriages, more covered bridges, more redbirds and more mistletoe than you can find anything about Jesus.

Biblereader said:
Since Dec. 25th is a pagan holiday, and Jesus's birth was not on 12/25, that's another lie the political church of the day decided to use.
Tis better than nothing.

Biblereader said:
If you think Christmas is so great, why not celebrate it without Christmas trees, holly, yule logs, mistletoe, and without anything but a manger scene in your front yard or home?
I set a manger scene in my front yard during the Christmas season. That's it. I don't combine it with a tree in the window.

I did a bit of praying over the Christmas holiday. Asking the Lord what blesses Him and what does not. Years ago, I destroyed all of my Santa Claus decorations. While the man was a saint, I believe it grieves him as he watches from heaven at what we have done to his legend over the years.

As for the Christmas tree, the Lord showed me something very beautiful, based on the shepherds. As the shepherds were tending their sheep, they often played with bits of wool and twigs. Sometimes they would string things together. When they came in at the end of their shift, they would take the things they made, and hang them on the tree next to the sheepfold.
This same tree is the one that the angel stood on top of when announcing the birth of the Messiah to the shepherds.
When I asked the Lord about the Christmas tree, He told me; "Enjoy it."
Biblereader said:
My point is, choosing a woman with a checkered past, to portray the mother of Jesus, is poor judgement.

When we look for someone to represent us, don't we look for the most honest, decent, man?

Is purity and high moral character despised? Not by all.
Good morals, and an exemplary life is still to be desired.

Choosing an actress with that kind of a past, to portray a woman
chosen by God to bear the child, Jesus, well......just think about that.
Was Pauls past too unclean for Jesus to use him? How about Moses, he committed murder?
The attitude of Jesus toward the tax collectors was in stark contrast to that of the Rabbis.
Jesus made himself a friend of men, even of the tax collectors and the worst of sinners. He ate with them, He offered salvation to them and He even chose a tax collector as one of His twelve disciples.
He meets people where they are at, He doesn't wait until a person is squeaky clean to come to them.
If that were the case who could qualify?
Christians like a lot of whitewash and facade, the thing is NOBODY is worthy. God always chooses the unlikely, the least qualified and raises them up.
It was a willing heart which brought forth 'that' movie, nothing more.
God is nortorious for using those who have major flaws to accomplish His purposes.
Thank God that He isn't like man!
Biblereader said:
My point is, choosing a woman with a checkered past, to portray the mother of Jesus, is poor judgement.

When we look for someone to represent us, don't we look for the most honest, decent, man?

Is purity and high moral character despised? Not by all.
Good morals, and an exemplary life is still to be desired.

Choosing an actress with that kind of a past, to portray a woman
chosen by God to bear the child, Jesus, well......just think about that.
I said I wasn't trying to defend her, but did you look at the list of movies she was in? A law student who decided to become a model, then an actress is hardly what I would call a checkered past. Geesh; this kind of legalism is becoming annoying.

Shall we list ALL of the Bible characters with pasts unbecoming for a follower of God?

You won't find a single person in the world worthy of portraying Biblical people like Mary and Jesus. Why?

Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
I tell my young children of the real Santa Clause and of what Jesus taught about love and helping those in need.

As for the tree, there is tree symbols in the NT. But, I think if it as just a pretty thing to hold up the star leading the men to were Jesus was born. Under the tree I have a nativity.

Those who are against Christmas are for a pagan celebration and increasing the paganism of society. That may not be intentional, but that's the practical result. And, again, I say look at who your anti-Christmas teammates are - it sure isn't the side of the saints.
I'm not against Christmas, I'm uneasy with what it is turning out to be.

Oh, about christmas trees:

Jer 10:
3 For the ordinances of the people are vanity. For one cuts a tree out of the forest with the axe, the work of the hands of the craftsman.
4 They adorn it with silver and with gold; they make them strong with nails and hammers, so that it will not wobble.
5 They are like a rounded post, and they cannot speak; carrying they must be carried, because they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil nor good; it is not with them.
vic said:
I'm not against Christmas, I'm uneasy with what it is turning out to be.

Exactly. And, the Christians who attempt to take Christ out of Christmas part of the cause of the transformation of Christmas.

Oh, about christmas trees:

The Christmas tree is not a symbol of paganism nor is it used for pagan reasons in Christmas. However, if anti-Christmas Christians get their way, the Christmas tree will be called a Holiday Tree and it will become a pagan symbol.
Poke said:
Exactly. And, the Christians who attempt to take Christ out of Christmas part of the cause of the transformation of Christmas.

However, if anti-Christmas Christians get their way, the Christmas tree will be called a Holiday Tree and it will become a pagan symbol.

Something is terribly twisted here. I believe it is Christians that are trying to keep Christ in Christmas, and secular humanist / antichrist type folks that are wanting change the word Christmas to the word holiday. Political correctness.

(Jay Leno once joked that we can no longer refer to Baby Jesus as the Christ. We must now call Him the Holiday Infant.)
For some time now, I have had an ironic thought......

Remember how an angry Jesus went into the Temple and started turning over the tables of the money changers, and other vendors, declaring that they had turned his Fathers house into a Den of Theives...

Look what men have done to his birthday festival ....

Thanks be to God that his Grace abounds in our current era......

Can anyone here remember when we were un/educated? (Matthew 4:4 & 2 Timothy 3:16) :wink:

You know, when many Baptist, Church of God, (+) did not wear jewelry, and paint their self up, and women wear pants, and dancing & drinking was very rare? And the entertaining 'movie theater' was not anyplace to be found in?? But, we are not like Eve, huh? We can sort out the good from the bad? (pluss our 'kiddies' & the Heb. 5 Milk fed ones!) :sad
