- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Organic Chemistry – God's Breath of Life
God created man in his image. This means that God created man, not only in his physical image, but God also placed his image in our chemical makeup - organic chemistry!
The science of Organic Chemistry is the study of biological chemistry. There are very few essential elements that make up all biological life; oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. When God created man he created him from the dust of the ground, which in organic chemistry is the carbon atom. Then God breathed the breath of life into man which in organic chemistry is the hydrogen atom and other gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, etc., which make up the chemistry of our atmosphere.
Notice that the essential makeup of man's being, as outlined in organic chemistry, has God's 'fingerprints' all over it. The breath of life are the hydrogen and oxygen atoms representing the two aspects of the Godhead as God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. Then you have the carbon atom (hint: dust of the ground) which represents God become man as God's son Jesus Christ. All of these essential elements are bonded together to form all organic life forms.
In fact, oxygen is made up of 8 atoms. This represents God's covenant since every male (hint: especially God's son Jesus Christ – God become man) is circumscribed on the 8th day.
God is no fool! Why would God create all of mankind, all that lives and breathes, without putting his stamp of origin on its design. Organic chemistry is the study of God's creation as depicted in the Book of Genesis where God made man out of the dust of the ground (hint: carbon) and God's breath of life (hint: oxygen, hydrogen, and other gases ). Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen make up all organic matter! (hint: The Godhead of Father, Son, Holy Spirit – The Holy Trinity!)
Again, why would God create this world without putting all the essential characteristics of his being into its design (hint: organic chemistry) as consisting of the breath of life of oxygen and hydrogen, and the dust of the ground as carbon.
It is essential to note that while man was given dominion over the earth, meaning the dust of the ground (hint: God giving man dominion over himself), God still retains dominion over his breath of life (hint: the air and water).
Since water is the combination of two of the elements of God's breath of life, hydrogen and oxygen, God retains dominion over all of the water, as well as the air, ice, snow, clouds – meaning all weather and climate! (hint: water, ice, and snow, are different physical states of God's breath of life). Which is why God used water to judge man in the Great Flood of Noah and rescued all of his faithful when he parted the Red Sea during the Exodus after the Passover.
God created man in his image. This means that God created man, not only in his physical image, but God also placed his image in our chemical makeup (hint: organic chemistry)! Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who is God become man and you'll have all of your sins forgiven with the ultimate gift of life eternal with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit!
God Bless
God created man in his image. This means that God created man, not only in his physical image, but God also placed his image in our chemical makeup - organic chemistry!
The science of Organic Chemistry is the study of biological chemistry. There are very few essential elements that make up all biological life; oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. When God created man he created him from the dust of the ground, which in organic chemistry is the carbon atom. Then God breathed the breath of life into man which in organic chemistry is the hydrogen atom and other gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, etc., which make up the chemistry of our atmosphere.
Notice that the essential makeup of man's being, as outlined in organic chemistry, has God's 'fingerprints' all over it. The breath of life are the hydrogen and oxygen atoms representing the two aspects of the Godhead as God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. Then you have the carbon atom (hint: dust of the ground) which represents God become man as God's son Jesus Christ. All of these essential elements are bonded together to form all organic life forms.
In fact, oxygen is made up of 8 atoms. This represents God's covenant since every male (hint: especially God's son Jesus Christ – God become man) is circumscribed on the 8th day.
God is no fool! Why would God create all of mankind, all that lives and breathes, without putting his stamp of origin on its design. Organic chemistry is the study of God's creation as depicted in the Book of Genesis where God made man out of the dust of the ground (hint: carbon) and God's breath of life (hint: oxygen, hydrogen, and other gases ). Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen make up all organic matter! (hint: The Godhead of Father, Son, Holy Spirit – The Holy Trinity!)
Again, why would God create this world without putting all the essential characteristics of his being into its design (hint: organic chemistry) as consisting of the breath of life of oxygen and hydrogen, and the dust of the ground as carbon.
It is essential to note that while man was given dominion over the earth, meaning the dust of the ground (hint: God giving man dominion over himself), God still retains dominion over his breath of life (hint: the air and water).
Since water is the combination of two of the elements of God's breath of life, hydrogen and oxygen, God retains dominion over all of the water, as well as the air, ice, snow, clouds – meaning all weather and climate! (hint: water, ice, and snow, are different physical states of God's breath of life). Which is why God used water to judge man in the Great Flood of Noah and rescued all of his faithful when he parted the Red Sea during the Exodus after the Passover.
God created man in his image. This means that God created man, not only in his physical image, but God also placed his image in our chemical makeup (hint: organic chemistry)! Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who is God become man and you'll have all of your sins forgiven with the ultimate gift of life eternal with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit!
God Bless