Brother Mike
Let me just do Job right now. Satan used the serpent to question God's word and tempt Eve. Satan used Job's friends to question God 's positive declaration about Job, and suggest things that were wrong with Job. Satan used people to try and stop Paul from going to Jerusalem. There are thorns, physical thorn type things, and people acting like thorns.
Job 42:5
I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.
6 Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.
Sounds like job repented and moved up to vision that uses 4(?) cranial nerves (instead of hearing that uses one cranial nerve).
Elihu criticized Job too. God does not acknowledge Elihu as truth, but recognizes Job as a person to pray for his mistaken friends. Notice the wrath of Elihu. (Chapter 32)
James 1:20
For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
Job depended on God for his Righteousness.
Job 9:15
Though I were innocent, I could not answer him; I could only plead with my Judge for mercy.
All the friends condem Job, but Job trusts God.
Jesus did not receive according to his ways. Job did not receive according to his ways (declared righteous by God). The accuser of the brothern was hard at work.
Elihu was right, the youngest, and the only one that spoke on God's behalf, and only one God did not get upset with. Job and the other guys, God was not real happy with.
I suppose I have to show you what Job did, and why Job got according to his ways. God was also actually defending Job, Not giving permission to the devil to get Job. God won't violate his word though and stop the devil before it's time for the devil to be thrown into the pit.
Looking at Job, comparing all the scriptures, not just the ones in Job.
Job 1:5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all:
for Job said,
It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.
Thus did Job continually
What is Job doing here? He has a fear that his Children might just be cursing God in their heart at their parties. He has no idea, but just in case he is dragging animals out of his barn to make sacrifices.
Who told Job that cursing God is bad, it's not a scripture, and if you curse God, you die?
Is Faith motivating Job? Or is Fear of Loss motivating Job?
Only fear would motivate someone to say something they are not sure of, and only fear would cause someone to continually do something out of fear of loss.
Who is Job listening to here? Who would make someone worry? Who would lie and tell you something that is not true? God never said if you curse him you die.
Satan comes in...............
Does God know what Satan has been up to concerning Job? He sure does, and why He asked Satan if he came for His servant Job.
Satan said, Job only serves you because you put a hedge around Job, and made Job rich. That is a lie, it was serving God before God made Job rich, that God blessed him.
Is Satan saying anything truthful here? According to Jesus Satan can not say anything truthful. (John 8:44)
Everything Satan is telling God is junk.
Satan says, You Hurt Job God, you put your hands on him, and Job will bless you (Barak Hebrew to bless or salute back translated curse in Job only) to your face.
Barak in Hebrew means to acknowledge back for what is done. Mostly translated to bless back. Job did exactly what Satan said, but without sin, or a wrong heart.
What God say?
I am not hurting Job, Job is in your power, don't kill him.
God's response was not giving permission. Look, Behold means to pay attention over here. Job had been listening to and following Satan through actions and fear. Not faith in God.
And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him,
to destroy him without cause.
(Job 2:3)
God is telling Satan Job is still holding fast, and stop trying to get me to hurt him. This is without cause.
Does God see a purpose in Job being hurt, loosing his children? NO.
Satan uses the same theme he put in Job with God........... curse God, die.
Job's wife says the same thing............ Curse God, die.
It's something Satan got Job to believe and fear his children might be doing it, and fear that He should never do it.
58 times to Fear Not
48 times to be not afraid
be of good courage.
be careful for nothing
take no thought.
How did Satan get Eve to eat that fruit? Fear, that God was in someway holding out on them. God knows if you eat this, You will be like Him.
Following the devil, and acting on what He says, gives him a rightful place to operate.
What did Job say?
For the thing
which I greatly feared is come upon me, and
that which I was afraid of is come unto me. I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came.
(Job 3:25-26)
Fear is actually faith that something bad is going to happen in the future. Job had more faith in the lies Satan kept telling him than His faith in God to keep and protect him.
Now, God warns us 58 times to fear not, 48 times to be not afraid, you tell me what happened to Job. We are warned of fear, far more than stealing or commuting adultery.
God said you choose, to be blessed or cursed. Israel choose fear and unbelief, and did not enter in because of unbelief.
Psa_78:41 Yea, they turned back and tempted God,
and limited the Holy One of Israel.
so don't think for a second God is just going to step in despite us believing the fear of the devil, and not him him to save us.
We are to resist the devil, and submit to God.
Job did not know any of this, and why God had so much mercy despite Job blaming God for what happened