I think you really ought to re-evaluate what you are saying. With all due respect, you seem to have this idea that Linux is a minority OS only used by a few on a handful of laptops and desktops by geeks.
Most of our mobile devices are based on Linux. Do you know that Android is a Linux kernel? How about Google chrome book? Guess what? Linux kernel. Even Apple uses linux-type platforms. This is why there's little or no viruses on all of these, as I have yet to hear of any malware on any of those platforms personally. Only Microsoft including their windows 8 phones.
Linux is sneaking into our device market, smart phones, androids, nexus pads and chrome books while some loser pawnshop characters and Microsoft say "don't get scroogled" wanting you to buy either Microsoft laptops which even with windows 8 gets viruses, slows up, and needs "tune-ups" (some things in life NEVER changes) or desktops instead of reliable computer devices that will actually work without the attitude.
So yeah, I will admit that Linux does not have a really big laptop and desktop market, that is to say, that which a user installs himself. However, like I mentioned, it's sneaking it's way into everything else. I can't understand why you would want to struggle with Microsoft's OS day in and day out when you can have something without the attitude, unless you love pain from a jack-shoot operating system?