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Please Help Me. I Am Fighting For The Soul Of My Grand-Niece. I Don't Know What To Do.

Please help me, I don't know where else to go and I am getting so frustrated and anxious.

Before we get started, a little bit of context: I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago. However, the conversion has come to a very sour turn and is not working and I fear that Satan has a hard in all this.

I was converted 25 years ago and I can now say that I am right with God and that Jesus is the center of my life and purpose. I am very upset that the same cannot be said for my nieces daughter {who by the way is not Christian either, but she is not the priority right now}.

Ophelia {my grand-niece} is a blatant unbeliever. And she believes and does many things that do not honor or glorify God in any way. Here is a list:

1. She does not dress like a lady. She wears shorts and pants and refuses to wear makeup and make herself look presentable. Her hair is always up in a loose ponytail and will not allow it to be normal and femine as God intended. She also wears Button Shirts that were intended for men.
2. She made up a brand new term for her unbelief: 'Agnostic Deist', she's Agnostic, she's not Atheist, and I still do not understand nor care this belief.
3. She believes in ghosts {daemons}.
4. She is a hard-core Naturalist and Evolutionist. She believes that we came from Monkeys and that nature was supposed to be cruel, brutal, and uncaring. She practically worships animals and believes that they have 'minds and lives of their own' {her words, not mine}.
5. She is convinced that her so-called 'purpose' in life is to save animals, the environment, and help all the people so that they can live 'side-by-side' sustainably with nature. First off, everyone's purpose is to worship Jesus and Jesus alone, and no, humans cannot live with nature, but we can control it and have dominion over it as we please, for it is not equal nor worth protecting because the end is coming soon anyway.
6. She meditates. She claims that it is not for spiritual reasons and that by doing it 5 to 10 minutes once a day helps her 'relieve stress, focus on what's around her, and just 'exist''. She is a liar. I once caught her out in the backyard doing it and demanded that she stop as I could feel her opening up another dimension and letting daemons out that were directed towards me and she refused. She also does yoga, which, as many of you know, is the worship of ancient hindu gods.
7. She has plants and herbs. They are everywhere. Many of them she invests because she outs them in her food, but herbals are witchcraft so it does not matter what the purpose, they are evil.
8. She is a vegetarian. She refuses to eat animal flesh and only eats eggs and drinks milk. That's all. She blatantly rejects the fact that God gave us these animals to eat. Whenever I confront her on this, she explains that she does not think that it is 'wrong' that I or others eat meat {because why would it be?} because that is every human being's 'personal choice' {no, it is a command}, and that she simply does not eat meat because it goes against her 'own personal moral compass' {she means Satan's moral compass} and she would feel like a 'hypocrite' while calling herself an 'animal lover'. She also mentions that she abstains because of 'environmental reasons' {again with the nature worship!}.
9. She has tons, and I mean TONS, of Godless, meaningless, Satanic reading material. Four whole shelves full. I have used this to my advantage in the past and have snuck Bibles, tracts, notes, pamphlets and flyers in between the books, but she always discards them and pays no mind.
10. She is adamant about not ever getting married, having children, or having a spouse to satisfy. This is something that I have trouble with because she was born with the inability to reproduce. She has no menstrual cycle, she will never have children, and she will never be able to have 'comfortable' sex. However, this is not an excuse to refuse to be submissive and perform God's greatest role for women: Homemaker.
11. She has three jobs and is soon going to college. Her so-called 'research' and career is based around monkeys and how 'similar' they are to us, which pushes the Evolutionary agenda further into our society. She is also a militant environmentalist that puts nature before Father God Himself.
12. She goes out into woods almost every day to collect feathers, animal bones, plants, soil samples, rocks and God knows what else and she 'studies' them. This is paganism.

Talk after talk, after talk, after talk! She refuses to convert and heed the word of God. She is so set in her beliefs and is on natural path to Hell.

How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

Thank you for reading, as well as your time.
Please help me, I don't know where else to go and I am getting so frustrated and anxious.

Before we get started, a little bit of context: I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago. However, the conversion has come to a very sour turn and is not working and I fear that Satan has a hard in all this.

I was converted 25 years ago and I can now say that I am right with God and that Jesus is the center of my life and purpose. I am very upset that the same cannot be said for my nieces daughter {who by the way is not Christian either, but she is not the priority right now}.

Ophelia {my grand-niece} is a blatant unbeliever. And she believes and does many things that do not honor or glorify God in any way. Here is a list:

1. She does not dress like a lady. She wears shorts and pants and refuses to wear makeup and make herself look presentable. Her hair is always up in a loose ponytail and will not allow it to be normal and femine as God intended. She also wears Button Shirts that were intended for men.
2. She made up a brand new term for her unbelief: 'Agnostic Deist', she's Agnostic, she's not Atheist, and I still do not understand nor care this belief.
3. She believes in ghosts {daemons}.
4. She is a hard-core Naturalist and Evolutionist. She believes that we came from Monkeys and that nature was supposed to be cruel, brutal, and uncaring. She practically worships animals and believes that they have 'minds and lives of their own' {her words, not mine}.
5. She is convinced that her so-called 'purpose' in life is to save animals, the environment, and help all the people so that they can live 'side-by-side' sustainably with nature. First off, everyone's purpose is to worship Jesus and Jesus alone, and no, humans cannot live with nature, but we can control it and have dominion over it as we please, for it is not equal nor worth protecting because the end is coming soon anyway.
6. She meditates. She claims that it is not for spiritual reasons and that by doing it 5 to 10 minutes once a day helps her 'relieve stress, focus on what's around her, and just 'exist''. She is a liar. I once caught her out in the backyard doing it and demanded that she stop as I could feel her opening up another dimension and letting daemons out that were directed towards me and she refused. She also does yoga, which, as many of you know, is the worship of ancient hindu gods.
7. She has plants and herbs. They are everywhere. Many of them she invests because she outs them in her food, but herbals are witchcraft so it does not matter what the purpose, they are evil.
8. She is a vegetarian. She refuses to eat animal flesh and only eats eggs and drinks milk. That's all. She blatantly rejects the fact that God gave us these animals to eat. Whenever I confront her on this, she explains that she does not think that it is 'wrong' that I or others eat meat {because why would it be?} because that is every human being's 'personal choice' {no, it is a command}, and that she simply does not eat meat because it goes against her 'own personal moral compass' {she means Satan's moral compass} and she would feel like a 'hypocrite' while calling herself an 'animal lover'. She also mentions that she abstains because of 'environmental reasons' {again with the nature worship!}.
9. She has tons, and I mean TONS, of Godless, meaningless, Satanic reading material. Four whole shelves full. I have used this to my advantage in the past and have snuck Bibles, tracts, notes, pamphlets and flyers in between the books, but she always discards them and pays no mind.
10. She is adamant about not ever getting married, having children, or having a spouse to satisfy. This is something that I have trouble with because she was born with the inability to reproduce. She has no menstrual cycle, she will never have children, and she will never be able to have 'comfortable' sex. However, this is not an excuse to refuse to be submissive and perform God's greatest role for women: Homemaker.
11. She has three jobs and is soon going to college. Her so-called 'research' and career is based around monkeys and how 'similar' they are to us, which pushes the Evolutionary agenda further into our society. She is also a militant environmentalist that puts nature before Father God Himself.
12. She goes out into woods almost every day to collect feathers, animal bones, plants, soil samples, rocks and God knows what else and she 'studies' them. This is paganism.

Talk after talk, after talk, after talk! She refuses to convert and heed the word of God. She is so set in her beliefs and is on natural path to Hell.

How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

Thank you for reading, as well as your time.
How on earth did you end up living with such unbelievers ?
How on earth did you end up living with such unbelievers ?
I personally believe that it was the will of God. It is a very long story, but my husband died five years ago, and I was a Homemaker all of our marriage. I was unable to make a sufficient amount of money for my bills and I was unable to pay our mortgage. I just decided to give up and sell, and my niece offered me a room in her home.

Now, I am preaching the word and doing my very best to convert both {especially Ophelia, who is very stubborn and had more troubling hebits than that of her mother}.
I personally believe that it was the will of God. It is a very long story, but my husband died five years ago, and I was a Homemaker all of our marriage. I was unable to make a sufficient amount of money for my bills and I was unable to pay our mortgage. I just decided to give up and sell, and my niece offered me a room in her home.

Now, I am preaching the word and doing my very best to convert both {especially Ophelia, who is very stubborn and had more troubling hebits than that of her mother}.
Don't give up.
And don't let them change you while you try to change them.
I feel lonely right now. And I have been searching for other's opinions on this. Be honest, what do you think?
What do you think if my niece Ophelia and her habits and beliefs? Any advice on how I can stop them?
Your daughter beat you long ago, and now her daughter is following in her footsteps.
Try to be the best example of a Christian that you can be, and keep praying for them.
But get out of there as soon as you can.
I am getting so frustrated and anxious

Because you cannot prioritise.

What is your objective?

To present the gospel to your niece, not to change how she dresses.

Two questions you need to learn.
What do you believe about...... ?

What evidence do you have for that belief?

She believes in a form of God, in discussion show her how different her God is when compared to the biblical God.
Be prepared for the arguments that God is evil etc.
She says her role is to save animals. Where does she get the idea that she should save them?
What idea explains that animals need to be saved, evolution teaches survival of the fittest.

Sites like coldcasechristianity, wintery knight, answersingenesis have article defending the bible, God, creation and philosophical ideas behind the idea of God.

Do ensure that you can give a reason for your belief in God as you show how rational Christianity is.

Two last points.
What is your church like? Any intelligent active young women involved who might befriend her?
Do they run apologetic evangelistic meetings, explaining the reasonableness of Christianity?
Start asking for these sort of outreach.
Lastly you and friends at church Pray for your talks with her and for her reception of them.
This is a long term campaign, so pray.
How do I get through to her? What is your advice?
Show her how much you love her by praying for her and I am not meaning right in front of her but pray for her when you are alone . Live a Christian life in front of her .

Don't try to change her lifestyle , if it offends God the Holy Spirit will convict her of it when she is born again .

Evangelization methods?
Interact with her as much as possible and be ready to show her that God is there in the details of life that she is involved with and studying .
PRAY for her and PRAY for God's guidance on what you should say to her .
Before we get started, a little bit of context: I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago. However, the conversion has come to a very sour turn and is not working and I fear that Satan has a hard in all this.
There are no magic words. You cannot convert anyone. The best you can hope for is to plant seeds and then let God take it from there.

Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.
1 Corinthians 3:5-7 NKJV

You will drive yourself nuts trying. Be the witness for Christ in your life; the way you think, the way you talk, the way you walk, and let your light shine and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16) and let the Holy Spirit do the convicting and converting.
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Please help me, I don't know where else to go and I am getting so frustrated and anxious.

Before we get started, a little bit of context: I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago. However, the conversion has come to a very sour turn and is not working and I fear that Satan has a hard in all this.

I was converted 25 years ago and I can now say that I am right with God and that Jesus is the center of my life and purpose. I am very upset that the same cannot be said for my nieces daughter {who by the way is not Christian either, but she is not the priority right now}.

Ophelia {my grand-niece} is a blatant unbeliever. And she believes and does many things that do not honor or glorify God in any way. Here is a list:

1. She does not dress like a lady. She wears shorts and pants and refuses to wear makeup and make herself look presentable. Her hair is always up in a loose ponytail and will not allow it to be normal and femine as God intended. She also wears Button Shirts that were intended for men.
2. She made up a brand new term for her unbelief: 'Agnostic Deist', she's Agnostic, she's not Atheist, and I still do not understand nor care this belief.
3. She believes in ghosts {daemons}.
4. She is a hard-core Naturalist and Evolutionist. She believes that we came from Monkeys and that nature was supposed to be cruel, brutal, and uncaring. She practically worships animals and believes that they have 'minds and lives of their own' {her words, not mine}.
5. She is convinced that her so-called 'purpose' in life is to save animals, the environment, and help all the people so that they can live 'side-by-side' sustainably with nature. First off, everyone's purpose is to worship Jesus and Jesus alone, and no, humans cannot live with nature, but we can control it and have dominion over it as we please, for it is not equal nor worth protecting because the end is coming soon anyway.
6. She meditates. She claims that it is not for spiritual reasons and that by doing it 5 to 10 minutes once a day helps her 'relieve stress, focus on what's around her, and just 'exist''. She is a liar. I once caught her out in the backyard doing it and demanded that she stop as I could feel her opening up another dimension and letting daemons out that were directed towards me and she refused. She also does yoga, which, as many of you know, is the worship of ancient hindu gods.
7. She has plants and herbs. They are everywhere. Many of them she invests because she outs them in her food, but herbals are witchcraft so it does not matter what the purpose, they are evil.
8. She is a vegetarian. She refuses to eat animal flesh and only eats eggs and drinks milk. That's all. She blatantly rejects the fact that God gave us these animals to eat. Whenever I confront her on this, she explains that she does not think that it is 'wrong' that I or others eat meat {because why would it be?} because that is every human being's 'personal choice' {no, it is a command}, and that she simply does not eat meat because it goes against her 'own personal moral compass' {she means Satan's moral compass} and she would feel like a 'hypocrite' while calling herself an 'animal lover'. She also mentions that she abstains because of 'environmental reasons' {again with the nature worship!}.
9. She has tons, and I mean TONS, of Godless, meaningless, Satanic reading material. Four whole shelves full. I have used this to my advantage in the past and have snuck Bibles, tracts, notes, pamphlets and flyers in between the books, but she always discards them and pays no mind.
10. She is adamant about not ever getting married, having children, or having a spouse to satisfy. This is something that I have trouble with because she was born with the inability to reproduce. She has no menstrual cycle, she will never have children, and she will never be able to have 'comfortable' sex. However, this is not an excuse to refuse to be submissive and perform God's greatest role for women: Homemaker.
11. She has three jobs and is soon going to college. Her so-called 'research' and career is based around monkeys and how 'similar' they are to us, which pushes the Evolutionary agenda further into our society. She is also a militant environmentalist that puts nature before Father God Himself.
12. She goes out into woods almost every day to collect feathers, animal bones, plants, soil samples, rocks and God knows what else and she 'studies' them. This is paganism.

Talk after talk, after talk, after talk! She refuses to convert and heed the word of God. She is so set in her beliefs and is on natural path to Hell.

How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

Thank you for reading, as well as your time.

In a different context (1 Cor.7), Paul made the point that while holiness can rub off onto others, it doesn’t guarantee conversion: hence children & spouse can be holy skin-deep, set-apart to God’s influence, but still might never become Christians. The light is on them but not in them. It’s neither yours nor God’s, to convert this lass; conversion is her call to allow or not.

Without going into details, I’d say that some of her positions are justified, and that some of yours aren’t. My suggestion is to live and let live, to hang loose. The weight of her soul is NOT upon your shoulders. You might not like, but perhaps you should lump, her lifestyle. If you are not at her throat trying to wring sense into her—and I don’t presume that you are—she might be open to what you have to say in small dollops. I think it was psychiatrist John White in Eros Defiled, who spoke of human lives as like balls of wool heavily knotted, and aiming to undo one knot at a time. It’s she who has that task for her life. Maybe words of peace, not shouts of anxiety, can help focus her on one knot at a time. At times, Yahweh’s voice can be in the gentle whisper (NIV: 1 Kg.19:12).

If she is a reader, you might smuggle Christian thinking through Christian fantasy, so she’ll hear some other good voices. Eg, taking vampire not as evil but as a language, good Christian message can be spoken in that language, that genre, and it’s the message that counts: why should the devil have all the good vampire books? She might be blessed by these free online books:

There are plenty of good Christian fantasy stories out there: eg the Ransom trilogy, and the Narnian chronicles (both by C S Lewis); The Lord of the Rings (J R R Tolkien)…. Maybe leave her to such books, and let them speak to her, even if they are not your cup of tea? If she is into biological evolutionism, perhaps get her a copy of Perry Marshall’s Evolution 2.0, which takes the Atheism out of Evolution. And to take out the Agnostic from the Deistic, you could get her There is a God (Anthony Flew). Both are steps in the right direction.

Books aside—and each can speak meaningfully to her—pray for her: I’d guess you do do this. A free online book on prayer which might help you, is
Talk after talk, after talk, after talk! She refuses to convert and heed the word of God. She is so set in her beliefs and is on natural path to Hell.

How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

Thank you for reading, as well as your time.

No one but God can save the lost, rebellious sinner.

2 Timothy 2:24-26
24 The Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged,
25 with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth,
26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.

Our "job" as God's children is simply to be Truth-tellers, messengers of God's Light and Love that we share with the lost in word and deed as we have opportunity to do so. Relax, then; it's not up to you to save anyone.

Your grand-niece is living just as a lost person will do. Without God, she can do nothing else. You don't have to agree with her sinful life-choices, but constantly nagging her about God and expecting her to act as one who knows and loves Him is a surefire way to repel her from the faith.

The best form of evangelism is to live a life in front of your niece in which she can clearly see Christ, the life and work of the Holy Spirit acting upon you concretely and daily (in convicting you, strengthening you, teaching you, comforting and changing you). Speak the Truth, yes, but live in it, too.

Galatians 5:22-26
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law
24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
26 Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.

2 Corinthians 4:7-11
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;
8 we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;
9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;
10 always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
11 For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

Romans 8:29
29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren
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Hi Margaret78910

I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago.

I actually doubt that's what God is trying to say to you. You do know that a lot of believers live with unbelievers, right? That's why Jesus said that one's enemies would be those of his own household. From reading your post, I would imagine that you're pushing your niece away more than drawing her to the truth.

God bless,
I feel lonely right now. And I have been searching for other's opinions on this. Be honest, what do you think?
What do you think if my niece Ophelia and her habits and beliefs? Any advice on how I can stop them?
It's not your job or calling to change anyone. Only God can do that. Model the life of a Christian before them without being pushy. You're not their savior or Holy Spirit. Pray for them, love them kind, be helpful ...stay in the Word and keep your own prayer life up. Play Christian music in your room (without blasting the whole house) to keep a peaceful atmosphere in your room. Place your loved ones in God's hands daily ...and walk in love.

Matthew 5:16
[16]Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Please take a listen to this song. It fits your situation.

PS ...apologize where appropriate and find the good qualities in your great-niece. Try to see her through God's eyes. He loves her and made her with some good qualities. Take interest in her (non-pagan) hobbies. When my oldest daughter rebelled (because of hurts) and went into paganism and wicca, I still loved and prayed for her ...and told her I was proud of her for rejecting the false Christianity she witnesses. No, I didn't condone wicca and paganism. But she already knew where I stood with God. I didn't need to be preachy .....just live my relationship out with Gid in front of her ... genuinely, not for show.

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Why do you believe that herbs are evil? God created them for food. I'm not sure where you get that from. Also, being vegan or vegetarian isn't a sin.

She sounds like she has some serious wounding around her sexuality. Be approachable. She may need someone to talk to someday.
Hi Margaret78910

So, you think you're wiser and more powerful than God?

Or have you not read that Israel lived the greatest part of its old covenant history in rebellion to God's law... just as your niece is doing? Surely as well versed in the Scriptures as you must be, you've read that by keeping the law shall no flesh be saved, yet you want to beat your niece over the head with the law. Why? That's not going to save her.

I appreciate your frustration that you can't 'make' your niece love God, but you've also apparently not read that before you knew Jesus you were just like her.

Have you even read the Scriptures? I mean God's ask of His children is that they be merciful and compassionate to the lost, just as His Son was. Try to emulate God's Son in this. Seeing and knowing their lostness, he had compassion on them.

But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.

That's your niece that the Scriptures are talking about here. Stop trying to beat her over the head with the law. Just teach her who Jesus is, pray, let the Holy Spirit do what his job is... to draw her to God. You see, if you understand what the new covenant is teaching you, we are just to tell them the gospel. Then, if they believe, we are to baptize them


You're putting the cart before the horse here and that never works. Have you ever been able to get a horse to push a cart with his nose across town?

If you will just let up on your whipping post law teaching, and rather teach of the mercy and compassion that Jesus has for us and that He died for our sin, then if she believes that, have her get baptized and then you can start beating her over the head with the law. But you shouldn't need to much. For then she will be like you are supposed to be now. Filled with the Holy Spirit who convicts those he indwells, of both sin and righteousness.

Yeah, it's not easy, but I'm fairly confident that you're going about this the wrong way. Try doing it the way Jesus asked you to do it:
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.

Do you see the order that Jesus gave us in this work? We aren't commanded to teach anything about observing the law until they have confessed and believed. And there's good reason for that. If you do it backwards you may not save anyone. I mean standing on a street corner and telling some woman that she's sinning to abort her child, even if you're able to get her to agree and change here mind, isn't going to save her. She's then just a lost person who didn't get an abortion.

God bless,
Please help me, I don't know where else to go and I am getting so frustrated and anxious.

Before we get started, a little bit of context: I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago. However, the conversion has come to a very sour turn and is not working and I fear that Satan has a hard in all this.

I was converted 25 years ago and I can now say that I am right with God and that Jesus is the center of my life and purpose. I am very upset that the same cannot be said for my nieces daughter {who by the way is not Christian either, but she is not the priority right now}.

Ophelia {my grand-niece} is a blatant unbeliever. And she believes and does many things that do not honor or glorify God in any way. Here is a list:

1. She does not dress like a lady. She wears shorts and pants and refuses to wear makeup and make herself look presentable. Her hair is always up in a loose ponytail and will not allow it to be normal and femine as God intended. She also wears Button Shirts that were intended for men.
2. She made up a brand new term for her unbelief: 'Agnostic Deist', she's Agnostic, she's not Atheist, and I still do not understand nor care this belief.
3. She believes in ghosts {daemons}.
4. She is a hard-core Naturalist and Evolutionist. She believes that we came from Monkeys and that nature was supposed to be cruel, brutal, and uncaring. She practically worships animals and believes that they have 'minds and lives of their own' {her words, not mine}.
5. She is convinced that her so-called 'purpose' in life is to save animals, the environment, and help all the people so that they can live 'side-by-side' sustainably with nature. First off, everyone's purpose is to worship Jesus and Jesus alone, and no, humans cannot live with nature, but we can control it and have dominion over it as we please, for it is not equal nor worth protecting because the end is coming soon anyway.
6. She meditates. She claims that it is not for spiritual reasons and that by doing it 5 to 10 minutes once a day helps her 'relieve stress, focus on what's around her, and just 'exist''. She is a liar. I once caught her out in the backyard doing it and demanded that she stop as I could feel her opening up another dimension and letting daemons out that were directed towards me and she refused. She also does yoga, which, as many of you know, is the worship of ancient hindu gods.
7. She has plants and herbs. They are everywhere. Many of them she invests because she outs them in her food, but herbals are witchcraft so it does not matter what the purpose, they are evil.
8. She is a vegetarian. She refuses to eat animal flesh and only eats eggs and drinks milk. That's all. She blatantly rejects the fact that God gave us these animals to eat. Whenever I confront her on this, she explains that she does not think that it is 'wrong' that I or others eat meat {because why would it be?} because that is every human being's 'personal choice' {no, it is a command}, and that she simply does not eat meat because it goes against her 'own personal moral compass' {she means Satan's moral compass} and she would feel like a 'hypocrite' while calling herself an 'animal lover'. She also mentions that she abstains because of 'environmental reasons' {again with the nature worship!}.
9. She has tons, and I mean TONS, of Godless, meaningless, Satanic reading material. Four whole shelves full. I have used this to my advantage in the past and have snuck Bibles, tracts, notes, pamphlets and flyers in between the books, but she always discards them and pays no mind.
10. She is adamant about not ever getting married, having children, or having a spouse to satisfy. This is something that I have trouble with because she was born with the inability to reproduce. She has no menstrual cycle, she will never have children, and she will never be able to have 'comfortable' sex. However, this is not an excuse to refuse to be submissive and perform God's greatest role for women: Homemaker.
11. She has three jobs and is soon going to college. Her so-called 'research' and career is based around monkeys and how 'similar' they are to us, which pushes the Evolutionary agenda further into our society. She is also a militant environmentalist that puts nature before Father God Himself.
12. She goes out into woods almost every day to collect feathers, animal bones, plants, soil samples, rocks and God knows what else and she 'studies' them. This is paganism.

Talk after talk, after talk, after talk! She refuses to convert and heed the word of God. She is so set in her beliefs and is on natural path to Hell.

How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

Thank you for reading, as well as your time.
How old is she? If she's under 25, maybe this is just a phase. If she's older, well, I understand that you want the best for your family members, but Christianity isn't for everyone.

You've made your position clear, and she knows where to find you if she chooses to come back on the path.

With that said, your grand-niece sounds like she is quite strongly on the path of unrighteousness. You don't accumulate four whole shelves of Satanic reading material overnight. Even during the most godless valleys of my life I didn't openly worship Satan and study that stuff. That's a whole different level of lost.
How old is she? If she's under 25, maybe this is just a phase. If she's older, well, I understand that you want the best for your family members, but Christianity isn't for everyone.

You've made your position clear, and she knows where to find you if she chooses to come back on the path.

With that said, your grand-niece sounds like she is quite strongly on the path of unrighteousness. You don't accumulate four whole shelves of Satanic reading material overnight. Even during the most godless valleys of my life I didn't openly worship Satan and study that stuff. That's a whole different level of lost.
Her reading material is awful.
Almost all of it preaches the Satanic religion of Evolution, the Big Bang, and animal 'psychology'. A lot is about monkeys and apes and how are 'similar to one another' and that animals are capable of personality and rational thought.

There is also a lot about rocks, plants, and Physics. She even has some about dinosaurs {they never existed, and it also pushes Evolutionary lies}.

She doesn't openly worship Satan, though. I have personally looked through all her things and have yet to find anything that OUTRIGHTLY proclaims Satan, but regardless, all that I have listed above is related to him, so she is indeed worshipping him in some way.