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Please Help Me. I Am Fighting For The Soul Of My Grand-Niece. I Don't Know What To Do.


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Please help me, I don't know where else to go and I am getting so frustrated and anxious.

Before we get started, a little bit of context: I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago. However, the conversion has come to a very sour turn and is not working and I fear that Satan has a hard in all this.

I was converted 25 years ago and I can now say that I am right with God and that Jesus is the center of my life and purpose. I am very upset that the same cannot be said for my nieces daughter {who by the way is not Christian either, but she is not the priority right now}.

Ophelia {my grand-niece} is a blatant unbeliever. And she believes and does many things that do not honor or glorify God in any way. Here is a list:

1. She does not dress like a lady. She wears shorts and pants and refuses to wear makeup and make herself look presentable. Her hair is always up in a loose ponytail and will not allow it to be normal and femine as God intended. She also wears Button Shirts that were intended for men.
2. She made up a brand new term for her unbelief: 'Agnostic Deist', she's Agnostic, she's not Atheist, and I still do not understand nor care this belief.
3. She believes in ghosts {daemons}.
4. She is a hard-core Naturalist and Evolutionist. She believes that we came from Monkeys and that nature was supposed to be cruel, brutal, and uncaring. She practically worships animals and believes that they have 'minds and lives of their own' {her words, not mine}.
5. She is convinced that her so-called 'purpose' in life is to save animals, the environment, and help all the people so that they can live 'side-by-side' sustainably with nature. First off, everyone's purpose is to worship Jesus and Jesus alone, and no, humans cannot live with nature, but we can control it and have dominion over it as we please, for it is not equal nor worth protecting because the end is coming soon anyway.
6. She meditates. She claims that it is not for spiritual reasons and that by doing it 5 to 10 minutes once a day helps her 'relieve stress, focus on what's around her, and just 'exist''. She is a liar. I once caught her out in the backyard doing it and demanded that she stop as I could feel her opening up another dimension and letting daemons out that were directed towards me and she refused. She also does yoga, which, as many of you know, is the worship of ancient hindu gods.
7. She has plants and herbs. They are everywhere. Many of them she invests because she outs them in her food, but herbals are witchcraft so it does not matter what the purpose, they are evil.
8. She is a vegetarian. She refuses to eat animal flesh and only eats eggs and drinks milk. That's all. She blatantly rejects the fact that God gave us these animals to eat. Whenever I confront her on this, she explains that she does not think that it is 'wrong' that I or others eat meat {because why would it be?} because that is every human being's 'personal choice' {no, it is a command}, and that she simply does not eat meat because it goes against her 'own personal moral compass' {she means Satan's moral compass} and she would feel like a 'hypocrite' while calling herself an 'animal lover'. She also mentions that she abstains because of 'environmental reasons' {again with the nature worship!}.
9. She has tons, and I mean TONS, of Godless, meaningless, Satanic reading material. Four whole shelves full. I have used this to my advantage in the past and have snuck Bibles, tracts, notes, pamphlets and flyers in between the books, but she always discards them and pays no mind.
10. She is adamant about not ever getting married, having children, or having a spouse to satisfy. This is something that I have trouble with because she was born with the inability to reproduce. She has no menstrual cycle, she will never have children, and she will never be able to have 'comfortable' sex. However, this is not an excuse to refuse to be submissive and perform God's greatest role for women: Homemaker.
11. She has three jobs and is soon going to college. Her so-called 'research' and career is based around monkeys and how 'similar' they are to us, which pushes the Evolutionary agenda further into our society. She is also a militant environmentalist that puts nature before Father God Himself.
12. She goes out into woods almost every day to collect feathers, animal bones, plants, soil samples, rocks and God knows what else and she 'studies' them. This is paganism.

Talk after talk, after talk, after talk! She refuses to convert and heed the word of God. She is so set in her beliefs and is on natural path to Hell.

How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

Thank you for reading, as well as your time.
How old is she? If she's under 25, maybe this is just a phase. If she's older, well, I understand that you want the best for your family members, but Christianity isn't for everyone.

You've made your position clear, and she knows where to find you if she chooses to come back on the path.

With that said, your grand-niece sounds like she is quite strongly on the path of unrighteousness. You don't accumulate four whole shelves of Satanic reading material overnight. Even during the most godless valleys of my life I didn't openly worship Satan and study that stuff. That's a whole different level of lost.
She is also 19.
Why do you believe that herbs are evil? God created them for food. I'm not sure where you get that from. Also, being vegan or vegetarian isn't a sin.

She sounds like she has some serious wounding around her sexuality. Be approachable. She may need someone to talk to someday.

She allegedly suffers from something called 'M-R-K-H' {really long and complex name, please look it up for yourself if need be}, and according to her doctor, she will never get her period, have children, or have what he called 'a comfortable sex life'.

Long story short, her v****a is not fully formed and her uterus never developed in the womb.

And she also {I genuinely fo not believe her on this one} was apparently molested by her Mother's old boyfriend for the four years they were together, from age six to ten. There was no evidence of it, and she never told anyone for so long. The fact that he is not in prison is on her. But is probably lying anyway.

She uses these things as a crutch to refuse to sexually satisfy the opposite sex. She thinks that she does not need to marry and engage in proper sdxuwl activity during the length of the marriage. She also acts like adoption doesn't exist so that she can avoid caring for children.

She claims that she wants to celibate. She also had the gaulle to say 'I had sexual experiences once, I will not do it again, ever. There is no need for me to do so, and that is my choice.'

Just a little FYI, herbs are an intricate part of Wiccan and Pagan cultures. No one should have them in their house or garden.

And God clearly means that we are to eat meat just as he intended. Cows and pigs don't exist for nothing. Or else we are rejecting his wishes and are worshipping the animals.
And she also {I genuinely fo not believe her on this one} was apparently molested by her Mother's old boyfriend for the four years they were together, from age six to ten. There was no evidence of it, and she never told anyone for so long. The fact that he is not in prison is on her. But is probably lying anyway.
I believe her. I could see she was sexually abused from your description of her, without you mentioning it. Why disbelieve her? She could never approach you for help in any way because you have prejudged her as a liar and a satanist and constantly preach at her rather than show her the love of God.
I'm leery of your genuineness, to be honest. If you know ANYTHING about trauma, most victims don't speak out for years for various reasons ...fear of not being believed, fear (due to threats from the abuser), shame, etc. Dissociation and blocking out trauma also very common. You're not a safe person for her wonder she isn't converted. The Christians she sees are cold and loveless.
She uses these things as a crutch to refuse to sexually satisfy the opposite sex. She thinks that she does not need to marry and engage in proper sdxuwl activity during the length of the marriage. She also acts like adoption doesn't exist so that she can avoid caring for children.
Do you think her salvation depends on her having sex???? Why would anyone with the condition she has even want to have sex when it's painful?!! Where is your heart? This judgment isn't coming from God.
Just a little FYI, herbs are an intricate part of Wiccan and Pagan cultures. No one should have them in their house or garden.
You're wrong. Read the scriptures.

Genesis 1:29-31
[29]And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
[30]And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
[31]And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Genesis 9:3
[3]Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Proverbs 15:17
[17]Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.

Exodus 12:8
[8]And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.

Numbers 9:11
[11]The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

Psalm 51:7
[7]Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
She claims that she wants to celibate. She also had the gaulle to say 'I had sexual experiences once, I will not do it again, ever. There is no need for me to do so, and that is my choice.'
Good for her!! She is taking a stand against men abusing her body. Leave her alone and PRAY for her HEALING so that she may be able to actually enjoy a healthy marital relationship ....IF that be GOD'S WILL.
And God clearly means that we are to eat meat just as he intended. Cows and pigs don't exist for nothing. Or else we are rejecting his wishes and are worshipping the animals.
Give scripture to support what you say here. I've given you plenty of scripture. God gave us the green herbs as well as animals to eat.

Genesis 9:3
[3]Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
Hi again Margaret78910
She uses these things as a crutch to refuse to sexually satisfy the opposite sex. She thinks that she does not need to marry and engage in proper sdxuwl activity during the length of the marriage. She also acts like adoption doesn't exist so that she can avoid caring for children.
You know, I am troubled by your attitude here about her sexual issues. I mean here you have spent a bit of time telling us of the issues with her vagina and sexual abilities and how she won't have regular periods. So here's your relative of 19 who is considering that she'll likely never get married. A young woman of 19 that likely won't ever, according to your medical specialists 'enjoy' a normal sexual experience with her husband, and you don't see how messed up such a concern is bound to make her thinking.

Then you add to that that she's living with this 'bible thumping christian' that's just condemning her even more than she likely feels condemned already because of her sexual body issues. A relative who seems to pretty well show the attitude that a woman isn't of value unless she can sit home and have children for her husband. Have you no compassion for the girl?

You should be trying to comfort her and work out with her how she shouldn't let all this terrible life long trauma that will never allow her to be 'normal' sexually. I get it that the girl is on the wrong track, but it might help if you try to be a bit understanding of some of the issues that likely put her on this wrong track and work with those issues. You describe a woman who is 19 and is now getting to the ripe age where it is every girl's dream to get married and have children and live in the house with the nice picket fence, but she doesn't see that ever happening to her. Question: Has she ever had a boyfriend?

You see, I have a granddaughter who has PCOS, look it up if you don't know what it is, and I try to be compassionate and understanding because I know the anxiety and fears and friendlessness that comes from being different than most everyone else in some matter that isn't their fault. She has heavy hair all over her body and doesn't like to go swimming or do activities where she might wear shorts because she feels embarrassed by the heavy black hair that is fairly thick on her legs, arms and face. You're working with a similar issue and I'm telling you that whether you want it to be so or not, those issues scare and alienate young people.

So look, try my advice. Let up on the law. Show some Jesus compassion and you'll likely get her to at least consider Jesus. Not the law!!!! But Jesus.

You never did answer my question to you about Israel being able to prove the one true and living God. Are you aware of God's words to them about how they could know?

Yes, I'm in pretty lock step agreement with Abby-Joy.

God bless,
Something is amiss here in the heart of the OP. Where a professing Christian has zero compassion, only religious superstition, this is very concerning.

Matthew 24:12
[12]And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.


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