Get rid of the Java, quick!!! Never, ever, under any circumstances should you put more than one java applet on a single page. It bogs down any computer slower than 750mHz, and isn't really necessary.
Also, why make the visitor click to enter the site? Just let us go straight there.
The overall look is nice. Good layout, although you have way too much important stuff below the initial visible part of the main page. I'd suggest try to shorten that page, so the stuff at the bottom isn't over looked.
(14 kids, way to go Gail Stoker!!)
The overall effect of the first page was to made me like your church and want to visit. If that was your goal, then you succeeded.
I've been working on a script, initially for my church, but I thought it might be something other churches could use, for individual Sunday School class pages. The rough version can be found at ... group=ad31. My intentions were for the teacher and the director to have a section they could edit and update each week, but I can never get them to do it. It works this way: there are four elements on the page, three fully editable and the calendar. Registered users identified as admins for that group can edit any of those elements, as well as add, modify or delete calendar events. Right now I have to manually change someone to admin status, and there's only the one layout. My plan was to eventually make it so people could be given access to individual elements as the main group admin saw fit. The elements can be edited via an online WYSIWYG editor identical to the one found at the bottom of my message board at
Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of another big project, and can't finish this one right now. When it's done, I'd like to offer the script for free to churches who need it, but that may be a while.