Pope Benedict Calls For New World Order
In a recent encyclical Pope Benedict has called for a "global political authority and financial order." This sounds a lot like the Anti-Christ system described in Bible prophecies. All people must accept a "mark of the Beast" or the number 666 in their foreheads or hands or they won't be able to buy or sell anything. See Revelation chapter 13.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/ju ... cial-order
In a recent encyclical Pope Benedict has called for a "global political authority and financial order." This sounds a lot like the Anti-Christ system described in Bible prophecies. All people must accept a "mark of the Beast" or the number 666 in their foreheads or hands or they won't be able to buy or sell anything. See Revelation chapter 13.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/ju ... cial-order