Excuse me eveyone, I would like to chime in if you don't mind :D
Feel free.
I am teaching my kids not to have sex until they get married and they should not use birth control method.
I taught my kids the same thing but I am a realist. I also told them that there is absolutely no reason to ever become a pregnant teenager.Some of there friends did indeed become pregnant. Fortunately there was always open and unhindered discussion of touchy subjects and you would be shocked at how uninformed these girls were from the start regarding how one gets pregnant , when, how to prevent and where to go for help. I can't think of any mother (well off or poor) that would encourage their daughter or son to go have sex.The reality is that sex is all around and I might suspect you might not know how pervasive it really is in their world. Unless you are willing to chaparone your kids during waking hours, monitor all their time online, interrogate their friends ,monitor television, isolate them from friends during school have them wear a chastity belt go with them and hang out with them I think you are naive to think you can prevent them from having sex. It's a game of russian roulette . Do you really want to suffer the consequences if your child comes home pregnant because they didn't know how to prevent it?
All we need is more discipline; we can do it. We just have to lower our standard of living. We are way too spoiled and materialistic. Wives can stay home and take care of the family.
Perhaps more discipline would help but it's not there and not going to happen unless you want to adhere to the suggestions above. I am a realist. Why should we lower our standards of living? Our standards of living are already being lowered that is why both mother and father have to go to work. In the fifties a father could go to work and mother could stay home and still a house was possible, a car, eduction if one wanted etc. Unless you are a professional and established I don't know of any family able to do it on less unless your living in a trailer park and getting welfare. Sorry , no way no how.
Most of us Christians are too spoiled and secular. Where is the Christian spirit?
I don't think Christians are any more spoiled than anyone else. Why should anyone subsribe to the theory of poverty? The Christian spirit is about being prosperous. Jesus said so.
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health, even as thy soul prospers." 3 John 2
The Roman soldiers gambled for the clothes of Jesus. They didn't risk their hard earned salary on rags. The ministry of Jesus had enough money to have a treasurer and at if you read about the miracle of Jesus turning stone to bread they even considered going out to buy the bread. So having more and being prosperous is the Christian spirit.