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Possibly starting a small Bible study group


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My wife was talking to her best friend last night that she hasn't talked to in a couple of months and they got onto the subject of God and church.

She's looking to possibly start going to church with us on Sundays, but needs to get some time put into her new job (Legoland Florida) before she starts to ask for Sundays off which I can understand. She's at the stage where she knows God is up there, She loves Him, knows that He sent his only begotten son to die for our sins, but I don't know if she has given her life to Christ, nor does my wife. We're not going to push her as it seems that god is pulling her to Him.

She mentioned doing Bible study with us during the week though. She feels that we know quite a bit more then she does regarding God and Jesus and wants to learn with us and from us.

I have never led a small group before, so I have no clue what I'm doing. I also do not know where to get material for a small group setting of 3 or what to even discuss.

Is there a place where I can get free materials or extremely cheap for 3 people? We know that she doesn't have much in the way of money being a single mom and we're not all that much better.

If someone can point me into the right direction that would be grea
Something you could try if you don't find the type of material you're after is to just consider picking a book in the Bible, read through it, and study it, ergo, talk about what you're reading and answer questions. For questions you don't have an answer for, you can talk to your local pastor/priest or post them on this site and we'll try to help. As to which book to start with? That might be something you could discuss among yourselves. Maybe there's a particular area she needs to look at based on the areas she wants to learn about first. Don't be in too much hurry. You might even spend multiple sessions on each chapter. We've had some pretty good discussions with just a paragraph in some cases.


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