Praise Adonai!


Oct 19, 2005
This YouTube video really got me in a spirit of worship and gave me peace tonight. I was driving home from work and thought, "I really want a praise and worship CD that I can deeply praise God with" and I found a great CD by that man, Paul Wilbur, whose songs have a strong Messianic Jewish flavor (he believes in Jesus and exalts him with OT promises about Him). I love the songs on his CD that have a Hebrew choruses such as his songs "Baruch Adonai/El Shaddai", "Shema", and "El Elyon".

I bring this up because praises to God can be a weapon. And we often get too tied up in Apologetics which is merely the human side of the battle (although correct doctrine helps aid and bring about realization of spiritual truth). But what does the Bible say? "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12). So I wanted for a moment for us also to consider our "apologetics" battle with Satan and the rulers of darkness that we can vanquish by praising and glorifying God (resisting the devil that "he may flee from you"). Infact it is the purpose of the Church, as God has planned, to do this: "His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 3:10). And praise is one way we can do this, and fight off the rulers of darkness with triumph, by the grace in us overflowing into our praise.

Read what Psalm 149 says that our praise can do:

Praise the LORD.
Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the saints.

2 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
let the people of Zion be glad in their King.

3 Let them praise his name with dancing
and make music to him with tambourine and harp.

4 For the LORD takes delight in his people;
he crowns the humble with salvation.

5 Let the saints rejoice in this honor
and sing for joy on their beds.

6 May the praise of God be in their mouths
and a double-edged sword in their hands,

7 to inflict vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,

8 to bind their kings with fetters,
their nobles with shackles of iron,

9 to carry out the sentence written against them.
This is the glory of all his saints.
Praise the LORD.

Listen again, "To inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron." This may be ultimately be fulfilled in the Mellenial Reign of Christ, but it is also true of the Church binding the spiritual rulers of darkness in high places and that vile prince of the air who is contrary to everything God is.

I just wanted to share that with you and also to encourage you watch that video/song by Paul Wilbur and check out his other songs which are replete with Scriptual references, eschatological yearning for Christ's return, and praises to God. Also you can watch a Church that did a dance to his "Baruch Adonai/El Shaddai" song here. It's not the best song recording quality on that video but it's good enough. The Lyrics to the song are here, and he uses alot of Hebrew words (which I like alot - if you couldn't tell by my avatar :D).

Enjoy, God Bless, and Fight the Good Fight! And always Praise Adonai!

~Joshua (Proudly named after Yeshua my Savior)

Our Praise team recently learned this song and it quickly became a song the congregation really gets into. I like playing it. :-) We just learned Days of Elijah and will be playing it this Sunday.
Our Praise team recently learned this song and it quickly became a song the congregation really gets into. I like playing it. We just learned Days of Elijah and will be playing it this Sunday.

Which song are you refering to again Vic? The "Who is like the Lord?" song or one of the other ones I gave a link to above? Oh, and I love the Days of Elijah. It strikes be a more of a traditional song than contemporary, and I love it. It's great when you get into the chorus with "Behold He Comes...!" :)

God Bless,

Amen! All excellent! Praise Adonai was fantastic...thank you for introducing me to Paul Wilbur! I had never heard of him! Yes, worship is a mighty weapon!

I know Days of Elijah very well, done by Robin

Alabaster said:
Amen! All excellent! Praise Adonai was fantastic...thank you for introducing me to Paul Wilbur! I had never heard of him! Yes, worship is a mighty weapon!

I know Days of Elijah very well, done by Robin


Glad you like him. I noticed that video you gave was from Integrity Music. I have alot of Integrity Music's CDs (I have a series in which the lyrics are all Bible verses - very edifying). If you like Paul Wilbur you should buy the CD I got of his yesterday called "The Watchman" (which has a cool cover of a man wearing a hood with Hebrew writing on it - which I could read!) which is also produced by Integrity Music (that link also lets you sample the songs).

P.S. Welcome to the boards. Amusing avatar. :)

God Bless,

As an aside:

For those interested, I accomplished the most unlikely thing. From the only two readily visible Hebrew words on the hood of that man in the "Watchman" CD picture I pieced the whole phrase together (though you can't see the rest of it that well). Luckily for me I recognized "tzitzit" which means "tassels" which the Jews were commanded by God to wear on the edge of their robes (Deuteronomy 22:12), and they symbolized righteousness (and it is probably what the woman in the Gospels who had an "issue of blood" grabbed on Jesus' robe when she was immediately healed - strong symbolism there) . The only other entire word visible was "asher" and so I did a google search and found out what those two words were a part of. It is a Jewish benediction for a ceremony of placing the tassels (tzitzit) on your robe. It says: Baruch atah Adonai Elohainu Melech HaOlam, asher kiddishanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu la'asot tzitzit ("Blessed are you, Lord, our God, King of the universe who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to make [the] tzitzit). That struck me as a rather beautiful benediction, and also interesting that I was able to find that out only given two words to work with (learning Hebrew pays off).

The picture (it's what drew my eye to the CD in the first place):


God Bless,

cybershark5886 said:
Alabaster said:
Amen! All excellent! Praise Adonai was fantastic...thank you for introducing me to Paul Wilbur! I had never heard of him! Yes, worship is a mighty weapon!

I know Days of Elijah very well, done by Robin


Glad you like him. I noticed that video you gave was from Integrity Music. I have alot of Integrity Music's CDs (I have a series in which the lyrics are all Bible verses - very edifying). If you like Paul Wilbur you should buy the CD I got of his yesterday called "The Watchman" (which has a cool cover of a man wearing a hood with Hebrew writing on it - which I could read!) which is also produced by Integrity Music (that link also lets you sample the songs).

P.S. Welcome to the boards. Amusing avatar. :)

God Bless,


Thanks! I am going to look for Paul Wilbur's "The Watchman" this week.

this post moved to:

a 'study' in the 'reality' of MUSIC.

Is praise and worship in adoration of our God supposed to be unpleasurable?
Alabaster said:
Is praise and worship in adoration of our God supposed to be unpleasurable?
No- nor should credit be assigned to satan, who has nothing origial to offer. Whether a person is performing or truly worshipping is a heart issue.
Alabaster said:
Is praise and worship in adoration of our God supposed to be unpleasurable?

I WONDER? Is it suppose to be for OUR pleasure or HIS?

destiny said:
Alabaster said:
Is praise and worship in adoration of our God supposed to be unpleasurable?
No- nor should credit be assigned to satan, who has nothing origial to offer. Whether a person is performing or truly worshipping is a heart issue.

I don't know what 'original' is suppose to MEAN in reference to Satan????

And our HEARTS are 'what' we WILL be 'judged by'. And we ARE capable of 'worshiping OURSELVES' as well as ANY OTHER 'thing' that we LOVE. Though NOT 'in truth', but 'truly', no doubt.

destiny said:
Alabaster said:
Is praise and worship in adoration of our God supposed to be unpleasurable?
No- nor should credit be assigned to satan, who has nothing origial to offer. Whether a person is performing or truly worshipping is a heart issue.

Imagican said:
Alabaster said:
Is praise and worship in adoration of our God supposed to be unpleasurable?

I WONDER? Is it suppose to be for OUR pleasure or HIS?


When we do what we are created to do---worship God Almighty---it will be utterly pleasureable. No doubt.

In the past, previous to Christianity. When the 'believers' in Baal and the likes worshiped their god, do you doubt that these TOO were given PLEASURE in their ritual? When THEY sang praises and offered sacrifice and gifts to their 'gods', do you NOT believe that they TOO experienced a sense of 'oneness' with them?

Now the question that begs to be answered is this:

When we sing praises to God, do we sing them TO HIM or do we sing them for OUR OWN EDIFICATION?

And if your answer IS 'we sing them for HIS benefit', how is it that such is RECOGNIZED. How is it that we KNOW that the 'feelings' that so many are QUICK to point out IS that which SEEMS to 'matter most' ARE indeed offered BY God and NOT just some PHYSICAL appeasement that we BRING ON OURSELVES?

For IF you are a 'music LOVER', then you MUST admit that there are MANY types of 'music' that offer an almost EXACT 'sensation'. That we CAN listen to music that has NO OFFERING to God that IS able to offer the SAME sensation of 'JOY', or 'sorrow', or 'melencholy', PERSONAL EDIFICATION, etc.

The question is: HOW do you KNOW that what you sing IS appeasing to GOD HIMSEL and NOT just a 'way' of edifying the FLESH? A 'sense' of belonging or DOING that makes us FEEL a 'particular way' that we FIND desirable?

There are those that speak in 'tongues' that INSIST that this is bringing them CLOSER to God. There are those that INSIST that 'falling on the ground and flopping around' brings them CLOSER to God. There are those that INSIST that attending a church brings them CLOSER to God. Yet there is NO evidence that the FEELINGS are ANY MEANS whatsoever to DISCERN the truth. For SOME get the 'same type feelings' when they win a 'bet', or when the 'serial killer' performs his perversion, or when one WINS a 'game'. And NOT ONLY when WE actually win, but when we witness such an 'accomplishment' of another. Are these FEELINGS a definite WAY that we are able to discern that which IS Holy when it is utterly obvious that our FEELINGS are as deceptive as ANYTHING ELSE about the FLESH? Should we TRUST the 'feelings of the flesh' to be the determinate factor in our discernment?


Worship is due God alone. Music is His creation, created for Him, to glorify Him alone.

It brings us pleasure also, just as all His creations do. When we worship God with the right attitude, we will be edified and blessed! That is the byproduct of effective worship!

There is no sin in it. God seeks to bless us, as we seek to bless Him. It's our job.
Absolutely, Alabaster.

So the question should be; how do we know that worshiping with song is now pleasing to God?

Mec, I see a lot of words but Biblical support. We want Scripture. Give us something of scriptural substance to sink our teeth into. But since this is Josh's thread and wasn't his intention to turn this into yet another "theological" debate on whether or not song is appropriate, I think we should first ask for Josh's approval before we pursue this.
No intention of 'hijacking' this thread.


My reply is in the thread of mine concerning music.
