O my dear AngelsAmongUs. I'm soooo sorry that you have to endure such a heavy depression. I'm a Christian Psychologist, and have helped others escape that black cloud the envelopes you when you wake up in the morning. I suffered from a deep depression after my wonderful Wife Jennie died of cancer at the age of 50. She and I ministered together as I was the Pastor/Teacher of three Baptist Churches. Jennie ministered to the women, and she was great.
A year after she died, I had a bad stroke which left me with a post stroke depression on top of the depression I already had. Then a heart attack, and another post heart attack depression. Needless to say, I was a mess and had to retire from the full time ministry. With my psychology background, I was able, with Jesus' help, climb out of that deep black hole.
If you would like it, I'm willing to counsel you in "start a conversation". There is no charge for my help. I received freely from Jesus, freely I give out. There is help for you to be sure. Jesus can set you free, He's the only one who can. The Holy Spirit is really the Counselor, not me. As I study your background and present trials, the Holy Spirit will tell me how to treat you. Remember, nothing is impossible with the Lord, nothing!!
Let me know please what your decision is. A book that I recommend to my clients is "Finding Hope Again" by Neil Anderson & Hal Baumchen. Its very helpful.