"Texas Town Has Healthy Turnaround Thanks To Plant-Based Diet"
((edit;insert: Israel had health once , and again - their 'turnaround' was away from health, as also happened in america between 1902 and 1935))
this town, marshall,tx , starting with the mayor, has improved health so much by a change in diet that it is now changing peoples lives worldwide - people who wouldn't 'change' on advice of their friends or 'health nuts' they knew, are starting to change because they can see more clearly how many people are helped - losing weight, getting off medicines while still under a doctor's supervision (because their disease goes away in as little as 28 days), and so on.
this is nothing new. the control of health via diet has been known since adam and eve ... ... ...
pastor josephson in kansas was diagnosed with terminal cancer. he changed his diet based on what is written in the Bible, and a year later wrote the book "God's Key to Health and Happiness", still available as far as I know from his wife in kansas.
admittedly, why the news stations are now openly publicizing 'good news' about being able to 'easily' cure cancer and high blood pressure and diabetes (admittedly, type one is very difficult and more rare to get free of; type two is practically 100% 'curable'), arthritis, shingles, chicken pox, flu, heart-burn(so easy, usually 15 minutes or less), migraines and so on ... .. .. ..
why the news stations are now openly publicizing all this (and dr.oz has been on the very popular tv show for a year or more)
is not only suspect, but subject to prayerful preparedness -- as the government continues to 'crack down' on small farmers, amish and mennonite healthy milk , meat and vegetable sales nationwide and canada,
and laws are already in place to .. .. well, plain and simple 'control' the entire populace just as it is written in Revelation and in the Old Testament clearly.
the Word of God has clear instructions for "who-so-ever" will call on the Name of the Lord, and a promise that "none of these diseases" that afflict other nations will afflict you , "even when 1000 fall on your right side, and 10000 fall on your left side" so the information is nothing new.
but publicizing it openly on television in america is new - my own parents and family grew up in missouri, and with the rest of the country were told to "do whatever the doctor tells you" , usually almost always in the favor and profit of the drug makers and not in favor of health and well-being.
"we will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord, even Jehovah is our strength and our song"
Isaiah 12:2-4
Amplified Bible (AMP)
2 Behold, God, my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord God is my strength and song; yes, He has become my salvation.
3 Therefore with joy will you draw water from the wells of salvation.
4 And in that day you will say, Give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name and by means of His name [in solemn entreaty]; declare and make known His deeds among the peoples of the earth, proclaim that His name is exalted!