Very interesting Ed, thank you for presenting this factual piece.
You're welcome brother. This was so exciting that I watched it twice, almost back to back. I have watched many of Rons videos and they are all good, but this one, being a compilation of many (all?) of His discoveries was just so excellent and complete that I had to share it with you all.
In another video, Ron explained that he was finishing up another job and wuitting for the day, walking back with some sort of Israeli official guy, and suddenly (not of his own accord or doing) pointed a direction and spoke "That's Jeremiah's grotto and the Ark of the Covenant is there". He said that it had to be of the Holy Spirit because he had never studied or thought about trying to find the A of C. It took about 3.5 years IIRC for him to get to it and a small Arab man was helping him. Ron would break through into a room in the dig, and diga small hole and the small guy would crawl through it and have a look see with a flashlight. This went on for a long time months/years (I disremember) but one time they broke through, the small guy went through and came back out real fast with a look of utter terror on his face. He said he didn't know what was in there, but he could not, would not go back in and that he was done. Then he left.
Ron figured it out pretty quick that the Ark must be in there and that God didn't want the small guy to be the one to see/touch/find it. So Ron dug through and went in and found it. It was in a big (stone?) box that had a big crack in the lid. It was right underneath the crucifixion site. There was a dark substance all over it. Ron scraped off a sample of it and put it in a film canister to later have it analyzed. It was blood. Live blood (no surprise there!). It turned out to only have 23 chromosomes instead of the 46 needed for normal man/woman blood to make a child.
As Jesus died there was a great earthquake, which rent the rocks (split them) from the cross, through the mountain down onto the mercy seat of the Ark. The Centurion which pierced Jesus side with the spear brought forth blood and water. It leaked down through the cracks onto the mercy seat! I had always wondered and never understood why the water came forth out of Jesus? I think I know now. It was a carrier, to carry the blood of jesus through the mountain and onto the mercy seat. !! WOW! Praise the Lord indeed !!
It all makes perfect sense. From what I understand, the Ark had been down there for 600 or so years before the crucifixion. The hid it so that the Romans (?) could not capture it or something? Something like that. Isn't that something?! Wow. This is so exciting!
The Holy Spirit pinged my spirit when I was watching Ron Wyatts videos to confirm to me that what I was watching was the truth. I believe it. I have watched a lot of his videos, but never one in which he testify's as he does in this one. Super cool. May Ron be blessed and Rest in Peace. He has passed on now. He has lots more videos on youboob if anyone is interested, but this is the best. But each one reveals a few details more than the others so they all fit and add to each other. There is one that is speciffically about finding the Ark, it is 2 hours and 9 minutes. If you see that one, watch it too.