Many claim the Holy Spirit to be the impersonal force of God to accomplish what God decides to do. But the words of John 16:13 clearly show the Holy Spirit to be personal:
á½ÂÄαν δε á¼Âλθη á¼Âκεινο Äο ÀνεÅμα Äη ἀληθεια á½ÂδηγηÃει ὑμα εἰ Äην ἀληθειαν ÀαÃαν
Now when that one comes, the spirit of reality, he will guide you into all reality.
We cannot derive personality from “á½ÂδηγηÃει†(he will guide), for it can also be correctly translated “it will guideâ€Â.
The clincher is the word “á¼Âκεινο†(that one). It is in the MASCULINE gender, whereas the word “ÀνεÅμα†(spirit) is in the NEUTER gender. If John had considered the spirit to be non-personal, then he would have used the neuter form “á¼Âκεινοâ€Â.
I checked my book of transcripts of all existing New Testament Greek manuscripts before the year 300 A.D. andd that the text occurs in the ancient manuscript papyrus 66, and yes, the demonstrative pronoun was written as “á¼Âκεινο†(masculine) and not “á¼Âκεινο†(neuter).
The above does not prove that the Holy Spirit is a THIRD divine person (the Spirit may be the Person of the Father and/or the Son), but it definitely proves the personality of the Spirit.
á½ÂÄαν δε á¼Âλθη á¼Âκεινο Äο ÀνεÅμα Äη ἀληθεια á½ÂδηγηÃει ὑμα εἰ Äην ἀληθειαν ÀαÃαν
Now when that one comes, the spirit of reality, he will guide you into all reality.
We cannot derive personality from “á½ÂδηγηÃει†(he will guide), for it can also be correctly translated “it will guideâ€Â.
The clincher is the word “á¼Âκεινο†(that one). It is in the MASCULINE gender, whereas the word “ÀνεÅμα†(spirit) is in the NEUTER gender. If John had considered the spirit to be non-personal, then he would have used the neuter form “á¼Âκεινοâ€Â.
I checked my book of transcripts of all existing New Testament Greek manuscripts before the year 300 A.D. andd that the text occurs in the ancient manuscript papyrus 66, and yes, the demonstrative pronoun was written as “á¼Âκεινο†(masculine) and not “á¼Âκεινο†(neuter).
The above does not prove that the Holy Spirit is a THIRD divine person (the Spirit may be the Person of the Father and/or the Son), but it definitely proves the personality of the Spirit.