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Prophecy again John... But Why??


To discern what is actually ocurring in Revelation, We need to approach it with the following in Mind. First, we need to stop trying to discern it from a futurisatic point of view. That is to say, we are trying to understand it, from our own eyes, our own perspective. We need to view events through the eyes of the individuals When the events are occuring. What this does, is, at any given point in the order of events, gives us a proper perspective of What HAS already occured, what is currently occuring, and will yet occur. The people in the sixth seal is a good example of this.. Put yourself in their shoes.. Up until the Sixth seal, what has already Happened? what is still future from this point in time propheticlly? The second aspect we need to consider when we approach Revelation, is summed up in one word.... DUPLICATION! THINK DUPLICATION! If the false messiah will be accepted as God, what events will occur BEFORE his reign, that have projected Him to this point??? John is told to do Something very profound, and seems to be confusing.
Rev. 10:11 And he said unto me, "Thou must "prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and Kings."
  • HAve you ever asked the Lord Why? Why does John have to prophecy again?? If we view events through the eyes of John, at this point in prophetic time, We view what has already Happened (the seals and first six trumpets) and what has yet to occur.(the 42 month reign of the false messiah, the vials of the wrath of God, and the Return of Jesus. Consider this "halftime" in prophetic events!!![list:3mdu29aj]Everything John has witness up to this point in time, has been events that have prepared the world to face the 42 month reign of the false Messiah. These events, will be viewed, and accepted as full prophetic fulfillment, but actually occur BEFORE the reign of the False Messiah! [list:3mdu29aj]There WILL be a false messiah, because we have witnessed certian events that will be accepted as full prophetic fulfillment, but actually occurs prior to his reign. Thus the reason why John is told "you must "prophecy again"!
[/list:u:3mdu29aj] [/list:u:3mdu29aj]The Book of Revelation reveals the greatest deception mankind will ever go through!
What Has John Witnessed up to this event? 1/4 of humanity killed in the seals, 1/3 in the trumpets....Events are getting progessively worse. Jesus has a word to describe this. These are the "Birthpains", but Jesus also said, "but the end is not yet!" Dont accept them as the end, becuase it is after this do we witness the description of the 42 month reign of the false messiah.

In reference to your question pertaining to a second prophesying by John,

He prophesied again because he ate "the Book." It was sweet in his mouth and bitter
in his stomach.

Do you not understand the meaning of this "reconstitution?"
Capt. Kirk said:

In reference to your question pertaining to a second prophesying by John,

He prophesied again because he ate "the Book." It was sweet in his mouth and bitter
in his stomach.

Do you not understand the meaning of this "reconstitution?"
Correct!! But Why Did John Have to Prophecy again?? The Little book he ate was "sweet in the lips, but bitter in the belly". We really don't know what is in the little book, but this phrase alludes to one's understanding of what is actually occuring, as being first a vague understanding, after first eaten, but later, after one has "digested" what is in the book, and has a deep understanding of what is occuring, would make one's belly "bitter". This is exactly what we are witnessing in revelation. I believe even John, although he witnessed these events in the "spirit" didn't fully understand that what he was first witnessing, was a series of events that only appeared to be prophetic fulfillment. it is no accident that the next three Chapters of Rev. (11, 12, and 13) all describe the same 42 month period the false messiah will reign. All events that has occured up to the point in prophetic time where John was told to "prophesy again" are events that precede (occur before) the reign of the antichrist.
  • The Lord stated He would bring a "strong delusion" on those that "love not the truth" This is what we are witnessing in the events prior to the reign of the false messiah.
Joshleet......I think you didn't not answer my question.

Yes or no...Do you understand the sweet/bitter analogy? If you'd like, I would be more than
happy to explain it to you. Isn't that the purpose of this forum, to help one another?
(That's rhetorical, so don't answer!)
Capt. Kirk said:
Joshleet......I think you didn't not answer my question.

Yes or no...Do you understand the sweet/bitter analogy? If you'd like, I would be more than
happy to explain it to you. Isn't that the purpose of this forum, to help one another?
(That's rhetorical, so don't answer!)
  • I always have an open ear! What do you percieve the Sweet/bitter analogy to be?
To understand Revelation, it's necessary to understand Doubles and Parallels. In fact, that's the
method I've been using for over 40 years in my personal studies. It works. I'll explain it to you
and, if you accept it by proving it (via the Holy Spirit), then you will have been introduced to a
valuable tool for your own exegesis.

Cows and Corn/Genesis 41.14 - 32. The key is "...and for that the dream was doubled..."
and " is because the thing is established by God (by the doubling)..."

You probably are familiar with "by the mouths of two or three witnesses..." and "where two or
three are gathered in my name..."

When God says something that's important, he says it at least twice.

Now to Rev. 10.10 ff. "it was in my mouth sweet as honey." John is eating the Book/the Word
of God/the Bread of Life/Bread/etc.... There is an enzyme secreted by the salivary glands
called ptyalin. It turns the starch (of bread) into a simple monoglyceride/sugar. This here is an allegory.

" soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter." This is in reference to the weak solution of hydrochloric acid and bile in the stomach. It's used to break up/prepare the ingested bread for
assimilation into the body.

Here's the analogy: John took the first prophecy (the previous chapters), changed it (digested it) and assimilated it, and must now re-present it. "...Thou must prophecy again."

John is to repeat what he just said, only from a different perspective.

Proof: It's easy to put down a bunch of words, but one must prove Scripture with the appropiate "witnesses."

Compare Rev.8.7 with 16.2: 1st Angel/cast upon the earth 8.7
1st Vial/poured out his vial upon the earth 16.2

the trend continues: 8.8 2nd Angel/into the sea; sea became bloody
16.3 2nd Vial/upon the sea; sea became as blood of a dead man

8.9 3rd Angel/rivers, fountains of waters
16.4 3rd Vial/rivers, fountains of waters

And the trend continues. It's not difficult if you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and not a bunch
of malarky from Man.

I really hope you prove this and then accept it. The only way to God the Father is through God the Holy Spirit with the anointing of God the Christ Jesus.
Capt. Kirk said:
To understand Revelation, it's necessary to understand Doubles and Parallels. In fact, that's the
method I've been using for over 40 years in my personal studies. It works. I'll explain it to you
and, if you accept it by proving it (via the Holy Spirit), then you will have been introduced to a
valuable tool for your own exegesis.

Cows and Corn/Genesis 41.14 - 32. The key is "...and for that the dream was doubled..."
and " is because the thing is established by God (by the doubling)..."

You probably are familiar with "by the mouths of two or three witnesses..." and "where two or
three are gathered in my name..."

When God says something that's important, he says it at least twice.

Now to Rev. 10.10 ff. "it was in my mouth sweet as honey." John is eating the Book/the Word
of God/the Bread of Life/Bread/etc.... There is an enzyme secreted by the salivary glands
called ptyalin. It turns the starch (of bread) into a simple monoglyceride/sugar. This here is an allegory.

" soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter." This is in reference to the weak solution of hydrochloric acid and bile in the stomach. It's used to break up/prepare the ingested bread for
assimilation into the body.

Here's the analogy: John took the first prophecy (the previous chapters), changed it (digested it) and assimilated it, and must now re-present it. "...Thou must prophecy again."

John is to repeat what he just said, only from a different perspective.

Proof: It's easy to put down a bunch of words, but one must prove Scripture with the appropiate "witnesses."

Compare Rev.8.7 with 16.2: 1st Angel/cast upon the earth 8.7
1st Vial/poured out his vial upon the earth 16.2

the trend continues: 8.8 2nd Angel/into the sea; sea became bloody
16.3 2nd Vial/upon the sea; sea became as blood of a dead man

8.9 3rd Angel/rivers, fountains of waters
16.4 3rd Vial/rivers, fountains of waters

And the trend continues. It's not difficult if you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and not a bunch
of malarky from Man.

I really hope you prove this and then accept it. The only way to God the Father is through God the Holy Spirit with the anointing of God the Christ Jesus.
It is nice to find one who has done their homework. I do agree that there is a paralell between the trumpets, and the vials. There is two very big differences in the trumpets and vials, which disqualifies them as being concurrent, or paralell. The trumpets bring on the destruction of 1/3 of everything, while the vials are absolute and complete when God's wrath is poured out. The second big difference, is the FIRST SIX trumpets are all sounded BEFORE THE DESCRIPTION OF THE 42 MONTH REIGN OF THE FALSE MESSIAH, while the vials of the wrath of God are poured out after. We cannot "skip over" the 11th, 12th, and 13th Chapters, which decribe all the same 42 month period.
  • Many have accepted this concurrent perspective, because it can be perceived to be as such. However, What few have understood, is this is not concurrent, but a "percieved "duplication of events". The seals and first trumpets all occuring prior to the 42 month reign of the false messiah, and are being accepted as fulfilled prophecy prior to his reign "AS GOD". It is after His reign, we witness the vials of the wrath of God being poured out, on those who have mistakenly accepted Him as the Messiah. Its a duplication of events, not a paralell. [list:3ts1bvn3]This is the reason WHY the Word of God concerning end time events that John "eats" is first sweet in the lips.. (ie. up to this point in time, he has witnessed events percieved to be completed prophecy), but is later "bitter in the belly", after realizing that IT ISNT OVER And there is still a series of events from this prophetic point in time the world will endure! A duplication!