- Dec 14, 2012
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- 1,488
So do we train them to only worship at youth group, which won't be an option [soon]...
But it is an option now. And the hope is that as they grow some will also put their hand to the plow as they are called and led by the Lord. The thing that is crucial is that this working, this fitting of one to another, is done by the Holy Spirit. God hears prayers.
Yes that is the hope, but recent history and statistics show this isn't working out that way very often at all. 80% of teenagers are leaving the church as soon as they become adults and only slightly more than half of those who left ever return. Of those that do eventually return, the vast majority only return when they have kids of their own because they see the church only as free help in raising their kids. (This is from scientific studies of American churches, not just my own observations or feelings, although I have also observed it myself.)
I don't mean to imply that the youth shouldn't have their own things that relate to them in particular, which it seems they do have in this congregation under a leader who obviously loves them and knows how to disciple them. I'm a very strong believer in this! But they shouldn't be excluded from the rest of the congregation, especially during the most important part of the week, the Sunday morning worship service. As part of their church experience as teens it is essential that they develop relationships with the rest of the congregation and develop a feeling of community and belonging now. Excluding them prevents this from happening.
When they have been excluded, there is very little hope they will "put their hand to the plow" once they are older. (Prov. 22:6 again.) The reality is they are perfectly capable of putting their hands to the plow in many ways right now, and doing that now will give a very good hope that they will continue to do it when they are older. It's not just about attending Sunday morning services with the whole congregation. It's about a lot of other ways they can also be part of the whole congregation and develop that sense of belonging. All in addition to a good youth program that builds their relationship with God. But this will never happen in a congregation that excludes them.
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